Note: this is a review of the printed maps, not the contents of the maps themselves.
For a base price of $48.92, you get eighteen map sectors across thirty six posters. the overarching map is absolutely enormous; taking up a massive 108" by 72"(9 feet by 6 feet) total size if you laid it all end to end, thats bigger than the largest tournament supported Warhammer 40k table! Each hex is a 5 mile area which means this map is a staggering 154,440 square mile area, that's larger than the entire state of Montana! (or a little over half the size of texas) Each part of the 18 sections of the map are represented by two posters that have a 4 hex overlap to help you keep track of where you are when you are moving poster to poster which is super handy if you don't have them in a binder.
A noteable feature of these maps is to me that these are hex-crawl ready, with numerated hexes that are just begging me to play a nation sized wargame across them. couple that with the vast array of different terrains to help guide your creative mind through and the descriptions of sweeping woods covering mighty mountains and deserts that vanish into the distant horizons will keep a dungeon master from ever going bored.
I love this collection of maps, If not for the amazing illustration of this classic D&D setting, then for its sheer size and weight, i find it to be well worth the price. although i will note that for the best effect please go and get the printed versions of the guide booklets also done by Bat In The Attic Games, paired together they are truly the essence of old school D&D.
I put the entire collection of posters into an architect binder ordered from north west to south east and presented that to my players who, like me, were absolutely astounded and now want our next campaign to take place in the wilderlands.
Now if you'll excuse me, i have to go explore the Holy Cities in search of ancient treasures beneath the desert lands