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DDAL00-11 Pipyap's Guide to All of the Nine Hells $22.99
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DDAL00-11 Pipyap\'s Guide to All of the Nine Hells
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DDAL00-11 Pipyap's Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Jonathan S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/19/2024 10:30:59

book was delivered two weeks after order and was flawless

[5 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL00-11 Pipyap's Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Peter L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/29/2024 10:38:47

The Hells are reduced to a light coat of paint for generic scenarios. I wish there was more ambition here (I'm lost on what the motivation to produce this was). Players who want to experience the tension and drama of the Hells won't get it (the stakes are laughable--often literally) nor will DMs interested in Hell-lore be satisfied. The only positive I can give it is the presentation, but it's from the Adventurer's League so that's a given, not an added benefit.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL00-11 Pipyap's Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Christopher M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/13/2023 13:06:49

This title is a wealth of information about the Nine Hells. Even if you are not an AL author, this can certainly help you if you plan to run a game in this setting. The adventures inside are fun and challenging. I played the Tier 4 one and it had me on my toes the entire time.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL00-11 Pipyap's Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Roger M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/23/2023 18:54:04

DDAL00-11 Review 3.5 stars out of 5 DDAL00-11A Reunited and If feels so good 5 stars My players have asked me to thank the authors and list the authors on my write up. It cost me an extra $8 for gummy worms and Oreo Cookies as props. I did a switch. The players signed in their first level PCs. I told them they had been having nightmares off falling off the ladder after helping Old Man Me. I then collected the character sheets and threw across the table. Then dropped the bag of gummy worms and bears on the table. And hand out the first Lemure PC sheets. I gave them a few minutes to understand and continue on. What helped is some people started acting out being a Lemure, this push other to play along. I switched the nonfood Hon with Halvin as the mage. The cookie gag when over well to. They also loved being turn to imps. I made one change since one person ate Halvin’s cookie. They could follow the scent of cookie breath on Halvin. Only minor change I could think of is reference page numbers to the handouts. DDAL00-11B Dis: When the Debt comes due. 4 out 5 stars. The gag was Slim Jim’s to be the steak Pipyap gives out. My players like this but there was some table conflict which did hamper the mood. Due to it being a very weak group I only did two city encounters. The Looking for protection I changed to allow the players pay in meat to be released. One suggestion was to add a story award of Promoted in Pipyap’s Army for those who had the last adventure’s Story Award. DDAL00-11C Phlegethos: I’ve Seen Fire and I’ve Seen Pain. 2 out 5 stars. This fell flat. It is another fetch quest. The times are off as we finished in under 90 minutes. The logic puzzle the group demanded to abandon after eight minutes. They did suggest you add DCs to figure out the puzzle or persuade someone to walk you to the door. This read better than it played. The group did like the lava worm. DDAL00-11D Malbolge The Love Triangle Contract. 3 out 5 stars. Two things bring this down to three stars. The cascading wisdom rolls for exhaustion. And author stomping on a new pet peeve. Please author don’t use NPCs with names starting with same latter if they are freaking important.
DDAL00-11E Cania: A fire Grows in Cania 4 out of 5 stars. Straight fetch quest with an interesting Dean and a nice trapped room. DDAL00-11F Nessus: Twice as Nice for Half the Price. 4 out of 5 stars. The map needs work and I change it during play. I did enjoy the two paths depending on how you treat people. The players did like the boss summoning powers.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL00-11 Pipyap's Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by RICHARD H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/14/2019 04:19:31
Last night I ran an adventure from this book: DAL00-11c I’ve Seen Fire and I’ve Seen Pain for a party of Tier 2 Adventurer's League characters. The run time went to 3.5 hours, but we did include three Liar's Night encounters merged into the existing adventure encounters. One player commented: "I thought from the title that it would be scary, but there was more comedy than horror" (Note: happy DM). The party gladly accepted the initial adventurer's hook, and leapt into their adventure with enthusiasm. This was not lessened by the first scene which brought about inventive solutions and angles to the challenge. The party of adventurers fitted in quite well with the scene in the local environment, and then took on the puzzle challenge. I found that it was necessary to clearly describe how the puzzle had to be solved because they were way off track, but then they came up with their own crazy method anyway. The scene with the NPC that follows is delightful, and the hilarity reached fever pitch. It was at this point that the party became the most enthusiastic and creative. So I would put this moment as the highlight of this adventure. Things turn slightly more grim as the players are lulled into a false sense of security, having felt like they had become accustomed to their new surroundings. A challenging fight ensued, with a strong ending and plenty of prizes to collect and nicely round off a fun evening of D&D.

Followup review: Since my initial review, I have run the above adventure again, and also both DAL00-11b When the Debt Comes Due and DAL00-11d The Love Triangle Contract (twice). Players reported excitement at the idea of visiting the planes of Hell, and they appreciated Pipyap being their travel agent for their adventures, particularly when they get paid when they reach home. They then experience the due amount of horror when they come face to face with the actual nightmare that is Hell! Finally, after all is said and done, they gladly seek out further opportunities to travel to Hell, particularly to discover a completely new plane to explore. The unique atmosphere of each planar setting is well described, and is brought to life by the challenges and encounters that the PCs face. It is particularly relevant to play these adventures during Season 9, where the theme fits in so well with the rest of the season content, and deeply expands on the player experience and engagement thereby building a more immersive aspect to the season.

Specifically, for DAL00-11b When the Debt Comes Due this is a fun Tier 1 adventure. The minions that the players received were welcomed, but somewhat overlooked during the adventure. Due to some of the open ended aspects, the adventure was difficult to run within 2 hours, but I think after running it the first time, I would be able to cut it down to two hours. The actual run time was 3 hours. I anticipated this and agreed with the players that we would take our time to enjoy this module rather than rushing through.

For DAL00-11d The Love Triangle Contract (Tier 2) the plane of Malbolge is almost fleshed out as though this were a sandbox adventure. This adventure could easily be stretched out for an extended period of time. During a fixed AL timeslot, multiple shortcuts will be required to complete the adventure in a satisfactory period. The players were very keen to get their PCs out of the prison as soon as possible, none of them expressed any desire to discover all the jail cells! They were curious about the terrain that they travelled on in this plane, but preferred not to ask too many questions! There is so much depth in this adventure, I found that I expanded my enjoyment of this experience on the second time around.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL00-11 Pipyap's Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by David H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/07/2019 13:08:03

I really, really, really enjoyed Pipyap's Guide to All of the Nine Hells. Kudos to AL team that put this amazing, robust document together. The information is helpful and easy to process. The adventures look like a ton of fun. (I'm planning to DM a few of them.) And the guidance on creating your own CCC adventures in the Nine Hells is HUGE for Adventurers League. This guide is one of the best things I've downloaded from DMsGuild. It's been a joy to read through.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL00-11 Pipyap's Guide to All of the Nine Hells
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Red P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/03/2019 18:57:25

I'm still in the process of preparing the adventrues out of this modules, but I wanted to get my initial review in and edit it as time progresses, otherwise I'll completely forget like the 300+ other modules I've yet to review.

I LOVE the value of this resource. It has MULTIPLE adventures, tips on how to run your game, a bunch of lore, very witty dialogue, a fun initial adventure, NICE maps that line up well when I import them into Roll20. This seems expensive compared to the typical fare on DMsGuild, but it's well worth it considering what you are getting. This is no typical purchase.

The following is me nitpicking as I comb through the document:

Potential Spoilers for DDAL00-11a

  • Page 37 (or 40 of the PDF) has the overview of the Adventuring in the Nine Hells adventure and in Episode1: Rank and File it states an adventuring cleric summoned the characters, yet when you go to Page 41 (44 of pdf) it states the conjurer is a mage.
  • Page 47 (50 of the PDF), last paragraph tells you the wrong location of the door. The description in Playing the Pillars on page 48 (51 of the PDF) under the Exploration heading matches up with what is shown on the map.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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