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Swords Below the Moonsea Trilogy (ZETH-B1) [BUNDLE] $14.97 $11.97
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Swords Below the Moonsea Trilogy (ZETH-B1) [BUNDLE]
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Swords Below the Moonsea Trilogy (ZETH-B1) [BUNDLE]
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Calvin B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/18/2021 14:43:31

Overall a fantastic series that introduces a completely different style of Drow settlement from the Monotheistic examples traditionally used in D&D. The Drow are still Drow, but these adventures allow players to involve themselves in an inter-house struggle and determine who wins and how they do it. The provided art assets are good and make beautiful handouts, whether printed or digital. These adventures are best played together (especially parts 2&3) so if you are looking to save a little money this bundle is extra-fantastic.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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