Template Troves is a collection of variant creature templates designed to enhance a high-fantasy d20 game. The detailed mechanics presented by Sean K. Reynolds, lives up to his reputation for high quality material. Now with his new label ?Sean K. Reynolds Games?, the gaming community finally has a way to collect all his great work in one place. Template troves has some truly unique character templates. Though some work by Sean K. Reynolds on character templates for Wizards of the Coast is not include here. Well we cannot have it all, can we?
Hence, since some of my favorite templates by Sean K. Reynolds were forced to remain absent from this book, I subract 1-star from an otherwise 5-star book. ;)<br><br><b>LIKED</b>: Some of the templates like the Arnarch, Gullinburstin and Sleipnirrin, make excellent mythical monsters. Though the title of this particular volume of Template Troves concentrates on Spiders, Serpents and Godlings, there is enough of a variety in monsters to satisfy any Game Master. Thus, I recommend this book for those Game Masters interested in expanding their array of variant monsters. <br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: This book is so great, there is not much to dislike, except maybe the inside artwork. It could have been better, but then again, very good artwork costs lots of money, and needs the kind of the artist who work for Wizards of the Coast. The cover artwork, is excellent though.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>