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Open Core Quick

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Open Core Quick
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Open Core Quick
Publisher: Seraphim Guard
by Timothy B. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 07/05/2012 17:31:47

Quick rule version of the Open Core game. Not bad for the price, but you are better off with the full version.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Open Core Quick
Publisher: Seraphim Guard
by Hamilton R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/24/2010 19:51:32

Open Core Quick is a "rules-light" system that seems to be based on Open Core. You get the bare-basics of the system, with an extensive list of skills, abilities, and traits for character creation.

Although it’s a complete game (with this edition), you won't feel that you have the complete game, unless you get the Open Core Rules also. This seems to be the “bare bones” of what Open Core has to offer, but it definitely works as it is. (I have yet to buy the Open Core rules so far - March 2010 - but, I have a feeling that OCQ is the "appetizer", while Open Core is the "main course".

It is a multi-genre, versatile, cinematic game system; it even has a scale function - something that seems to be lacking with most cinematic story RPGs. While most story RPGs imbed the scale with the skills and traits (ie: if you have Flame Power, you can fry the entire group of minions), OCQ scales the traits with a numerical function - and it seems to work well for what it is.

The text is easy to read and straight-forward, but there are some spelling errors and information inconsistencies. You may need to examine your copy closely and make some necessary, yet simple corrections to the information. (For example, there are 6 derived scores, not 5 derived scores.) I don’t mind a few errors here and there, but if you are fussy about perfection, then this game book may get on your nerves somewhat.

The art is simple and sketchy - and, for the price, that’s fine. Some of the art is pretty good, some seems a little rushed or sub-standard, but you get what you pay for. The cover is pretty good, especially the drawn figures.

Some things I would have liked to see is a little more “meat” in the text, some genre specific rules, or other information to help flesh out the game. Not a big problem, since I like to play “standard games with a twist” - for example, fantasy genre with a twist of cartoony action. OCG can handle that type of thing.

Since this is the “quick” version, everything in the book is needed to play. There is no waste of space. All things considered, it is a good system, solid and predictable. Actually, it copies some ideas I have been using for years, but that’s OK - I am glad to see good concepts in simple games.

All in all, worth the money you pay for it. If you like to build robust rules from framework systems, you will like this game. If you are looking for a heavy, crunchy game, then you may want to skip OCQ and get Open Core instead. (I liked the cover, so even if I have to get Open Core later, I think I made a good purchase.)

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Open Core Quick
Publisher: Seraphim Guard
by Alfredo S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/28/2007 05:27:10

Open Core can be defined as a point-based system with two basic attributes (body/mind) and six derived ones (life, movement, defense, initiative, toughness and perception) and the possibility of specializing your character in a specific application of the basic attributes by taking certain abilities. You also have a short list of standard which can also be further specialized by taking abilities. You must also choose one or more descriptors and both a virtue and a vice which describe your character's nature.

Abilities are effect-based (à la Hero system or BESM) and allow you to replicate any kind of special powers and perks (superpowers, magic, psionics, contacts, etc.). You can also buy disabilities to get a few more points to complete your design.

A 3d6 roll plus the applicable attribute and abilities is made against a target number for all tasks. Rules are included for combat, experience, exposure, etc.

The download also includes a supplemental file with detailed rules for guns and weapons and an abstract wealth system. A simplified mecha/vehicle construction system in the same vein would be an excellent addition.

What we have here is an streamlined mixture of Action! system rules and BESM/Open Core rules for powers and special abilities. It is not terribly innovative or groundbreaking, but it certainly is a lighter "traditional-style" alternative to other more heavy systems out there which many gamers might find interesting.

It is definitely worth a look and offers a lot of content for the price.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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