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Super Mission Force 2nd Ed. $5.99
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Super Mission Force 2nd Ed.
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Super Mission Force 2nd Ed.
Publisher: Four-Color Studios
by Joel B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/09/2019 20:55:41

I can sum up why this is the best in fast playing super hero table-top gaming.

Any Hero, Any Power, Any Scenario.

Structured enough to provide excellent relative differences in powers, enough depth to include a full campaign system (with RPG elements and character progression if you wish to use them) and flexible enough to emulate virtually anything you've seen in a comic book.

I have been a fan of Four Color's Super's games for some time. This 2nd edition of Super Mission Force is the latest version of an already excellent game. The goal-system method of game play is perfect for fast-paced, super powered, skirmishes. You can easily fit two full games in an afternoon. If you haven't tried this game before, don't wait. It's a bargain at $10 bucks.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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