While Im still reading the book, so far THIS IS WHAT IVE WANTED FOR 5E!
Mind you i've only read the core changes like with Doom and Luck points and the Martial Classes that were tocuhed up BUT JEEZ! Barbarian and Fighter got a solid face lift for their core and subclasses that I think Makes Barbarian more balanced AND Thematically interesting and fighter has so much it can do JUST on it's core abilities.
Monk and Rogue didn't get too much changes in their core builds BUT their subclasses make better use of their core abilities making them feel more like a branching path to a greater whole, vs DND's sort of thrown at the wall style. ALSO the feat now called Talents are fewer (much like the subclasses) BUT have way more universal appeal and usage vs having talents (feat) they..dont do anything. All of this PLUS with the way to make stats allowing for more control for the player even if your just rolling stats. 8-9/10 for me so far. Gonna deep dive the magic casters and half casters in my free time.
Def worth a look if Core DND isnt speaking to you (and if you dont waanna support WOTC and Hasbro)
while i still havent found the game or dm to allow me this, i am elated at the prospects this game has for me building a character with a loving family to reach out and take care of.
buying this as of 2022 i love what iot takes to make a ship, what it takes to get a crew, why youd want it and how the ship battles work. I can see myself using this for saltmarsh and expaning on the sea fairing adventures.
its everything i could want, clear consice rules, fun crazy archetypes for subclasses and just a sword weilder who cna use magic without feeling weak for it. A proper marraige of the martial and the magical.
Creator Reply: |
Thank you for your kind words Joshua! It is folks like you that take the time to let me know that the Weave Breaker brought them joy or inspiration that make all the love that went into it worth it. I wish you many memorable moments at your table!
- Sincerely, Ray |
i cant say everything is perfectly balanced only cause i havent seen it all, but...gd does this make me love playing monks, with so many cool mechanics that dont just fit the etetic i want but also are inherintly fun ontop of monks usual kit.
more of the first BUT i kinda like the options for this asteticly and balance wise.
my only colmpliant is that these encounters were organized by their cr. but otherwise. such a good reference point to either steal for your villains or to pull a last second fight for your team.
its so minor but so welcome to have this be a cool balanced option for the fighter samurai subclass. no need for armor and no need to kill asi or feats to get this feel.
i love all the themes for the subclasses and the entire core of what this class entails. It gives players the punchy boy they want where the monk was never made to cater to. so now i can have a monk and a pugulist be the best of freinds.
My players imediatly asked me to get the second book. The feats for the classes ad alot to thier choices and character without breaking them. its just as good if not better then any other feat choice.
I had this be used with my current monk and oh man are they having a blast. It doesnt make them overpowered it just gives them more options with less ki needed as this class should have been.
Cant Stress that any time i have the team go to a city for wet work or random stories not realted to a campaign? i pull out this book giving me just enough to start and fill the gaps as i need.
fun and useful tool that helps you find what your looking for in crazy monsters but some online tools are easier
As a whole i love the feel and design and concepts for this class, however i feel like with no kind of limiter like fighters samurai fighting spirit or monks ki, this whole system is too powerful.
Simply just needs more draw backs for every technique. It's very easy to instill those rules however on your own, and it makes the majority of the class work once done.
Id love to see this revised and looked further into by the masses.
both books are just beyond useful enough said it makes things way more interesting to give players something if they remember to carve.