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21 Freaky Forest Encounters $2.49
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21 Freaky Forest Encounters
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21 Freaky Forest Encounters
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by David H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/11/2020 21:00:36

It amazes me that D&D game designers don't spend more time exploring the forest as a strange, magical setting. The forest looms large in the imaginations of children and the plotlines of fairy tales. It's a place to get lost, a place to hide, and a place to find yourself. Obviously, I was thrilled when I discovered "21 Freaky Forest Encounters," and it did not disappoint. Writers Dimitri Lambermont and Remko van der Heul created an amazingly dense collection of creative encounters (clearly organized and ranging from CR 1 to CR 12). DMs will find this resource easy (and fun) to use. More than just a list of random encounters and monsters, the scenarios are story driven and can be adapted to your own campaigns. Plus, a few new monters are introduced. (I like the Forest Devil.) Finally, Wouter Florusse does an amazing job with the artwork and graphics to create a high-quality, high-value product for your D&D game night.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
21 Freaky Forest Encounters
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Cameron D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/22/2019 17:35:23

This supplement is both visually and mechanically stunning. When Dimitri posted about it I immediatly felt a draw to it - from the cover to the encounters within to the art and layout: everything about 21 Freaky Forest Encounters is wonderful. My top encounters are The Forgotten and The Guardian, both standing out in so many ways, but the addition of the Forest Devil is fantastic.

The Forest Devil stands out to me the most because of the powerful connection to old folklore and old religious traditions from across medieval Europe: the woods were evil, and evil things lurked within them - things that were Satanic and would carry unwary or unpious children off. 21FFE is a perfect mesh of horror, adventure, and lore - making it a perfect supplement to plop into any game if a DM needs a quick encounter.

With the CR range, excellent professional style, and new monsters - what Dimitri and his team have done is create something that truly comes off as a big-market piece made by folks who truly appreciate roleplay and the game. If you are getting ready to dive into the Feywild or a big forested area, snag a copy of 21 Freaky Forest Encounters - you won't regret it.

Comics, Clerics, & Controllers d20 Roll: Nat 20

[5 of 5 Stars!]
21 Freaky Forest Encounters
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Beth B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/21/2019 09:28:04

First, as I'm sure is obvious by the cover and the preview pages, this supplement is positively GORGEOUS! The art and graphics throughout are lovely and really add to the mood of the encounters. Second, I love the amount of direction for DMs, very Goldilocks-y. There's guidance for when to use a particular encounter with suggested read-aloud text and ideas about scaling and adaptation, but it still feels very flexible, which I really appreciate as a DM. Some of the more complicated encounters have suggestions for things to remind your PCs of as the encounter escalates.

One of the things I found most interesting and unique in this supplement was the flexibility with the creatures in the encounter. The creators have provided a number of creatures that could be subbed in and out with one another, so if you don't have a particular supplement, for example, you could pull from something you do have. This is great as it really increases the use-value of the product since you could use even the same encounters multiple times with the same party provided a couple tweaks were made to keep things fresh. There are a few encounters that use creatures from books I'm not sure everyone would have, like Tales from the Yawning Portal and Tomb of Annihilation, but I think there's only one or two encounters that call for stat blocks that would be rarer without a more standard option also provided.

The two new monsters are amazing, both in terms of the art and the funtionality, and I can't wait to throw them into a game! There are also some really neat magical items throughout, including a flashlight-y one but adapted for a fantasy setting that is probably my favorite. The NPCs set up in the encounters are vibrant and interesting as well! Anytime you get to incorporate a bard named Lark Giggleheart, you're having a great day as a DM :)

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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