Really could have been better laid out, and better thought out. For instance, it costs so much to raise an Attribute, but it costs much less for a Feat that rasies that very same Attribute. Why, then, bother paying the greater cost? Other aspects of the way the skill and feat system work together bother me, but overall the fixes seem simple; I only wonder why I have to fix something I paid for.
However, the system itself is great!! It's a copy of the system Talislanta has used from the mid-eighties (since Morrigan Press is now producing Talislanta, I guess that makes sense). The game allows for nearly infinite variation of stunts, nearly anything can be attempted (within reason, you will probably not kill a dragon with your dagger, but maybe...)
I liked it overall, finding the problems to be only minor and the ease of play the same as I remembered from Talislanta. I have purchased other products for this system, and do not regret any of them. If only I had the time to play everything.