Mercenaries, Spies, & Private Eyes rpg's supplement Stormhaven. Allard Technologies has its fingers into every science fiction & old school Call of Cthlhu rpg game that we've run since the Eighties. They've been the upstart corporation going back decades. There are some solid legs that Stormhaven has that lends itself to everything from straight up Call of Cthulhu Pulp to Eighties inspired action film material. As a campaign setting set piece the booklet packet is invaluable. And now doing a retro sci fi styled campaign Stormhaven once again is making its shadow felt. This is a slice of Eighties awesomeness done by Michael A. Stackpole with art and maps by Barbara Armata, Liz Danforth, Jennell Jaquays, and Steven S. Crompton. This is a classic & classic for a reason. Five stars & I've been using Stormhaven for decades now.
Eric Fabiaschi
Swords & Stitchery
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