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HAWK & MOOR - Book 1 - Deluxe Edition - The Dragon Rises
Publisher: Kent David Kelly
by Andrew J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/31/2017 17:06:21

Being born after the founding of D&D, I have never thought of myself as someone who is interested in the story of the game's creation. (I started playing 2nd Edition AD&D in the early 90s.) Having said that, I really enjoyed how the author was able to transport me back to a time that I had never lived through, and make me feel like I was a fly-on-the-wall seeing the story play out before me. Though he probably takes more than a bit of artistic freedom to narrate the details of game nights that happened 40+ years ago, I totally loved how it felt like I was there. He also does an awesome job of describing the personalities of the founders of D&D and then illustrating how their quirks had an effect on defining how the game came to be what was when I started playing.

I'm not a historian on the subject, or even a faux historian, blogger, forum commentator, etc. so I can't comment on how accurate the picture is that the author creates. He does take the time to reference all of his info, though, and comes out and admits it when he is filling in the gaps (with the game-night details, for example). The end result is a well-crafted story that smoothly scuttles its way across the pages from factual bits to descriptive narratives.

The book is also an interesting read from a game designer perspective as it shows how play-testing results in changes to rules and codification of recurring themes. The creators of D&D went from a loose framework of large-scale mass battle rules and filled in just enough details to be able to describe a dungeon-delving adventure through tables, rolls and sloppy penmanship on scratch-paper character records... Literally, from mom and dad's basement to the world's best-selling fantasy RPG.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
HAWK & MOOR - Book 1 - Deluxe Edition - The Dragon Rises
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A Field Guide to Fantastic Flora
Publisher: Pink Dice Bag Publishing
by Andrew J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/16/2017 06:38:59

I was disappointed that this book didn't have any artwork whatsoever. It contains 40 different types of plants, each of which gets a block of descriptive text and info on its in-game use/fantastical property. The book is also not very printer-friendly; the cover is what you see in the product image - a greyish leather-like texture - while the pages are all have a heavy-color tea-stained appearance. A lighter colored page would have been nicer, and would help the print stand out better, since it is fairly pale. Don't get me wrong, though, it is not difficult to read or to see the print, just lacking in the contrast department.

The positives for the book, though, are that there aren't many - if any - other botanist-style books like this out there. In my games (I GM pathfinder), I like to incorporate a wide range of different plants, materials, and potential alchemical ingredients, so I am greatful for a new spread of 40 plants. I also like that when I say "plants", I don't just mean herbs and scrubs. The 40 plants are divided between fruits, herbs, trees, vegetables, flowers and mushrooms, so it is a nice mix. The plants are also climate-specific so you don't have to think about environmental continuity. (To make things easy, I actually use climate and terrain-based tables that I roll on when one of my players decides to pay attention to the local flora during their travels.)

[3 of 5 Stars!]
A Field Guide to Fantastic Flora
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Creator Reply:
Thank you so much for your purchase and feedback. Regarding the issues printing, first, I'd like apologize for the difficulty and thank you bring it to my attention. Printing contrast is definitely something I'll be considering more heavily in future publications. Second, I'd be happy to provide you with an alternate copy with more contrast or even with the background removed. If you're interested please send an email to with "Field Guide" in the header and we'll get things situated. Sincerely, Rowan Pink Dice Bag Publishing
The Dread Codex: Goblin Chronicles
Publisher: Fat Goblin Games
by Andrew J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/14/2015 15:54:42

This book is awesome and well worth the money. It has a lot of creative information on the different goblin subtypes, complete with profiles for using them in your games as both monsters and characters. Some of the goblin types are kind of boring, but most of them are really cool. The book also has a bunch of feats for goblin characters, and though they are mostly focused on sneak, intimidation and bluff checks, these are goblins, after all, and not warriors. It also contains info on some cool goblin gear, including fireworks and magical fireworks, and goblin-specific magic weapons.

This book is exactly what I would want to see from a book about a single type of monster. Though it is kind of pricey for a book with such a narrow focus, it has a lot of info and is around 70-something pages, so its price is fair. The artwork is good, with pictures of each of the goblin subtypes described in the book.

My only complaint would be that it is not well edited. It is totally readable, just has a bunch of grammatical mistakes. (If you are the publisher, I would be happy to proofread your stuff for a free copy of the product, by the way!)

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Dread Codex: Goblin Chronicles
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Heroic Maps: Monastery
Publisher: Heroic Maps
by Andrew J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/03/2015 10:50:41

What can I say? I just love Heroic Maps!

But here's what you need to know:

(1) Heroic maps were intended for use in games that make use of modular dungeon terrain... think mapsheet with miniature furniture, scenery, and figures. Therefore the maps almost never include any decorations. (This is an awesome way to play, by the way, and you can get papercraft furniture and scenery fairly cheaply if you dont have any yet).

(2) That being said, the lack of furniture means the designers could focus on the map itself, and that's exactly what they did. They are beautiful. These aren't some JPEG-with-a-grid maps (grids are optional by the way) that dont line up, leaving you guessing about whether your figures are balanced on the ledge of a roof or falling to a smashing death, or whether they are inside that room, outside in the hallway, or using their Pass Through Rock spell to become part of the wall.

(3) Most, if not all, of the Heroic Maps are totally modular - meaning you can link them together and make bigger and bigger maps. The modular dungeon tiles are handy when maps don't line up exactly.

My only complaint about the maps is how they are cut for printing. The maps come as PDFs that are ready to print, but they are somewhat inefficient. The biggest pages print a 5x10 block of map, so if you are using standard letter paper, you are wasting some space. And let's be honest, 110lb cardstock paper isn't cheap.

Overall, some of the best battlemaps I have ever seen.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Heroic Maps: Monastery
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Heroic Maps: South Gate
Publisher: Heroic Maps
by Andrew J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/03/2015 10:50:14

What can I say? I just love Heroic Maps!

But here's what you need to know:

(1) Heroic maps were intended for use in games that make use of modular dungeon terrain... think mapsheet with miniature furniture, scenery, and figures. Therefore the maps almost never include any decorations. (This is an awesome way to play, by the way, and you can get papercraft furniture and scenery fairly cheaply if you dont have any yet).

(2) That being said, the lack of furniture means the designers could focus on the map itself, and that's exactly what they did. They are beautiful. These aren't some JPEG-with-a-grid maps (grids are optional by the way) that dont line up, leaving you guessing about whether your figures are balanced on the ledge of a roof or falling to a smashing death, or whether they are inside that room, outside in the hallway, or using their Pass Through Rock spell to become part of the wall.

(3) Most, if not all, of the Heroic Maps are totally modular - meaning you can link them together and make bigger and bigger maps. The modular dungeon tiles are handy when maps don't line up exactly.

My only complaint about the maps is how they are cut for printing. The maps come as PDFs that are ready to print, but they are somewhat inefficient. The biggest pages print a 5x10 block of map, so if you are using standard letter paper, you are wasting some space. And let's be honest, 110lb cardstock paper isn't cheap.

Overall, some of the best battlemaps I have ever seen.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Heroic Maps: South Gate
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Heroic Maps: Forest Waterfall
Publisher: Heroic Maps
by Andrew J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/03/2015 10:49:42

What can I say? I just love Heroic Maps!

But here's what you need to know:

(1) Heroic maps were intended for use in games that make use of modular dungeon terrain... think mapsheet with miniature furniture, scenery, and figures. Therefore the maps almost never include any decorations. (This is an awesome way to play, by the way, and you can get papercraft furniture and scenery fairly cheaply if you dont have any yet).

(2) That being said, the lack of furniture means the designers could focus on the map itself, and that's exactly what they did. They are beautiful. These aren't some JPEG-with-a-grid maps (grids are optional by the way) that dont line up, leaving you guessing about whether your figures are balanced on the ledge of a roof or falling to a smashing death, or whether they are inside that room, outside in the hallway, or using their Pass Through Rock spell to become part of the wall.

(3) Most, if not all, of the Heroic Maps are totally modular - meaning you can link them together and make bigger and bigger maps. The modular dungeon tiles are handy when maps don't line up exactly.

My only complaint about the maps is how they are cut for printing. The maps come as PDFs that are ready to print, but they are somewhat inefficient. The biggest pages print a 5x10 block of map, so if you are using standard letter paper, you are wasting some space. And let's be honest, 110lb cardstock paper isn't cheap.

Overall, some of the best battlemaps I have ever seen.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Heroic Maps: Forest Waterfall
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Heroic Maps: Forest Village
Publisher: Heroic Maps
by Andrew J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/03/2015 10:48:57

What can I say? I just love Heroic Maps!

But here's what you need to know:

(1) Heroic maps were intended for use in games that make use of modular dungeon terrain... think mapsheet with miniature furniture, scenery, and figures. Therefore the maps almost never include any decorations. (This is an awesome way to play, by the way, and you can get papercraft furniture and scenery fairly cheaply if you dont have any yet).

(2) That being said, the lack of furniture means the designers could focus on the map itself, and that's exactly what they did. They are beautiful. These aren't some JPEG-with-a-grid maps (grids are optional by the way) that dont line up, leaving you guessing about whether your figures are balanced on the ledge of a roof or falling to a smashing death, or whether they are inside that room, outside in the hallway, or using their Pass Through Rock spell to become part of the wall.

(3) Most, if not all, of the Heroic Maps are totally modular - meaning you can link them together and make bigger and bigger maps. The modular dungeon tiles are handy when maps don't line up exactly.

My only complaint about the maps is how they are cut for printing. The maps come as PDFs that are ready to print, but they are somewhat inefficient. The biggest pages print a 5x10 block of map, so if you are using standard letter paper, you are wasting some space. And let's be honest, 110lb cardstock paper isn't cheap.

Overall, some of the best battlemaps I have ever seen.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Heroic Maps: Forest Village
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Heroic Maps: Forest Paths
Publisher: Heroic Maps
by Andrew J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/03/2015 10:48:09

What can I say? I just love Heroic Maps!

But here's what you need to know:

(1) Heroic maps were intended for use in games that make use of modular dungeon terrain... think mapsheet with miniature furniture, scenery, and figures. Therefore the maps almost never include any decorations. (This is an awesome way to play, by the way, and you can get papercraft furniture and scenery fairly cheaply if you dont have any yet).

(2) That being said, the lack of furniture means the designers could focus on the map itself, and that's exactly what they did. They are beautiful. These aren't some JPEG-with-a-grid maps (grids are optional by the way) that dont line up, leaving you guessing about whether your figures are balanced on the ledge of a roof or falling to a smashing death, or whether they are inside that room, outside in the hallway, or using their Pass Through Rock spell to become part of the wall.

(3) Most, if not all, of the Heroic Maps are totally modular - meaning you can link them together and make bigger and bigger maps. The modular dungeon tiles are handy when maps don't line up exactly.

My only complaint about the maps is how they are cut for printing. The maps come as PDFs that are ready to print, but they are somewhat inefficient. The biggest pages print a 5x10 block of map, so if you are using standard letter paper, you are wasting some space. And let's be honest, 110lb cardstock paper isn't cheap.

Overall, some of the best battlemaps I have ever seen.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Heroic Maps: Forest Paths
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Heroic Maps: Sewer Tunnels
Publisher: Heroic Maps
by Andrew J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/03/2015 10:47:42

What can I say? I just love Heroic Maps!

But here's what you need to know:

(1) Heroic maps were intended for use in games that make use of modular dungeon terrain... think mapsheet with miniature furniture, scenery, and figures. Therefore the maps almost never include any decorations. (This is an awesome way to play, by the way, and you can get papercraft furniture and scenery fairly cheaply if you dont have any yet).

(2) That being said, the lack of furniture means the designers could focus on the map itself, and that's exactly what they did. They are beautiful. These aren't some JPEG-with-a-grid maps (grids are optional by the way) that dont line up, leaving you guessing about whether your figures are balanced on the ledge of a roof or falling to a smashing death, or whether they are inside that room, outside in the hallway, or using their Pass Through Rock spell to become part of the wall.

(3) Most, if not all, of the Heroic Maps are totally modular - meaning you can link them together and make bigger and bigger maps. The modular dungeon tiles are handy when maps don't line up exactly.

My only complaint about the maps is how they are cut for printing. The maps come as PDFs that are ready to print, but they are somewhat inefficient. The biggest pages print a 5x10 block of map, so if you are using standard letter paper, you are wasting some space. And let's be honest, 110lb cardstock paper isn't cheap.

Overall, some of the best battlemaps I have ever seen.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Heroic Maps: Sewer Tunnels
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Heroic Maps: Medieval City 2
Publisher: Heroic Maps
by Andrew J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/03/2015 10:47:15

What can I say? I just love Heroic Maps!

But here's what you need to know:

(1) Heroic maps were intended for use in games that make use of modular dungeon terrain... think mapsheet with miniature furniture, scenery, and figures. Therefore the maps almost never include any decorations. (This is an awesome way to play, by the way, and you can get papercraft furniture and scenery fairly cheaply if you dont have any yet).

(2) That being said, the lack of furniture means the designers could focus on the map itself, and that's exactly what they did. They are beautiful. These aren't some JPEG-with-a-grid maps (grids are optional by the way) that dont line up, leaving you guessing about whether your figures are balanced on the ledge of a roof or falling to a smashing death, or whether they are inside that room, outside in the hallway, or using their Pass Through Rock spell to become part of the wall.

(3) Most, if not all, of the Heroic Maps are totally modular - meaning you can link them together and make bigger and bigger maps. The modular dungeon tiles are handy when maps don't line up exactly.

My only complaint about the maps is how they are cut for printing. The maps come as PDFs that are ready to print, but they are somewhat inefficient. The biggest pages print a 5x10 block of map, so if you are using standard letter paper, you are wasting some space. And let's be honest, 110lb cardstock paper isn't cheap.

Overall, some of the best battlemaps I have ever seen.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Heroic Maps: Medieval City 2
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Heroic Maps: Torchlit Dungeon 2
Publisher: Heroic Maps
by Andrew J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/03/2015 10:46:43

What can I say? I just love Heroic Maps!

But here's what you need to know:

(1) Heroic maps were intended for use in games that make use of modular dungeon terrain... think mapsheet with miniature furniture, scenery, and figures. Therefore the maps almost never include any decorations. (This is an awesome way to play, by the way, and you can get papercraft furniture and scenery fairly cheaply if you dont have any yet).

(2) That being said, the lack of furniture means the designers could focus on the map itself, and that's exactly what they did. They are beautiful. These aren't some JPEG-with-a-grid maps (grids are optional by the way) that dont line up, leaving you guessing about whether your figures are balanced on the ledge of a roof or falling to a smashing death, or whether they are inside that room, outside in the hallway, or using their Pass Through Rock spell to become part of the wall.

(3) Most, if not all, of the Heroic Maps are totally modular - meaning you can link them together and make bigger and bigger maps. The modular dungeon tiles are handy when maps don't line up exactly.

My only complaint about the maps is how they are cut for printing. The maps come as PDFs that are ready to print, but they are somewhat inefficient. The biggest pages print a 5x10 block of map, so if you are using standard letter paper, you are wasting some space. And let's be honest, 110lb cardstock paper isn't cheap.

Overall, some of the best battlemaps I have ever seen.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Heroic Maps: Torchlit Dungeon 2
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Heroic Maps: Graveyard & Catacombs
Publisher: Heroic Maps
by Andrew J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/03/2015 10:38:32

What can I say? I just love Heroic Maps!

But here's what you need to know:

(1) Heroic maps were intended for use in games that make use of modular dungeon terrain... think mapsheet with miniature furniture, scenery, and figures. Therefore the maps almost never include any decorations. (This is an awesome way to play, by the way, and you can get papercraft furniture and scenery fairly cheaply if you dont have any yet).

(2) That being said, the lack of furniture means the designers could focus on the map itself, and that's exactly what they did. They are beautiful. These aren't some JPEG-with-a-grid maps (grids are optional by the way) that dont line up, leaving you guessing about whether your figures are balanced on the ledge of a roof or falling to a smashing death, or whether they are inside that room, outside in the hallway, or using their Pass Through Rock spell to become part of the wall.

(3) Most, if not all, of the Heroic Maps are totally modular - meaning you can link them together and make bigger and bigger maps. The modular dungeon tiles are handy when maps don't line up exactly.

My only complaint about the maps is how they are cut for printing. The maps come as PDFs that are ready to print, but they are somewhat inefficient. The biggest pages print a 5x10 block of map, so if you are using standard letter paper, you are wasting some space. And let's be honest, 110lb cardstock paper isn't cheap.

Overall, some of the best battlemaps I have ever seen.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Heroic Maps: Graveyard & Catacombs
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Heroic Maps: Dark Mines
Publisher: Heroic Maps
by Andrew J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/03/2015 10:38:07

What can I say? I just love Heroic Maps!

But here's what you need to know:

(1) Heroic maps were intended for use in games that make use of modular dungeon terrain... think mapsheet with miniature furniture, scenery, and figures. Therefore the maps almost never include any decorations. (This is an awesome way to play, by the way, and you can get papercraft furniture and scenery fairly cheaply if you dont have any yet).

(2) That being said, the lack of furniture means the designers could focus on the map itself, and that's exactly what they did. They are beautiful. These aren't some JPEG-with-a-grid maps (grids are optional by the way) that dont line up, leaving you guessing about whether your figures are balanced on the ledge of a roof or falling to a smashing death, or whether they are inside that room, outside in the hallway, or using their Pass Through Rock spell to become part of the wall.

(3) Most, if not all, of the Heroic Maps are totally modular - meaning you can link them together and make bigger and bigger maps. The modular dungeon tiles are handy when maps don't line up exactly.

My only complaint about the maps is how they are cut for printing. The maps come as PDFs that are ready to print, but they are somewhat inefficient. The biggest pages print a 5x10 block of map, so if you are using standard letter paper, you are wasting some space. And let's be honest, 110lb cardstock paper isn't cheap.

Overall, some of the best battlemaps I have ever seen.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Heroic Maps: Dark Mines
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Heroic Maps: Overgrown Ruins
Publisher: Heroic Maps
by Andrew J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/03/2015 07:52:53

What can I say? I just love Heroic Maps!

But here's what you need to know:

(1) Heroic maps were intended for use in games that make use of modular dungeon terrain... think mapsheet with miniature furniture, scenery, and figures. Therefore the maps almost never include any decorations. (This is an awesome way to play, by the way, and you can get papercraft furniture and scenery fairly cheaply if you dont have any yet).

(2) That being said, the lack of furniture means the designers could focus on the map itself, and that's exactly what they did. They are beautiful. These aren't some JPEG-with-a-grid maps (grids are optional by the way) that dont line up, leaving you guessing about whether your figures are balanced on the ledge of a roof or falling to a smashing death, or whether they are inside that room, outside in the hallway, or using their Pass Through Rock spell to become part of the wall.

(3) Most, if not all, of the Heroic Maps are totally modular - meaning you can link them together and make bigger and bigger maps. The modular dungeon tiles are handy when maps don't line up exactly.

My only complaint about the maps is how they are cut for printing. The maps come as PDFs that are ready to print, but they are somewhat inefficient. The biggest pages print a 5x10 block of map, so if you are using standard letter paper, you are wasting some space. And let's be honest, 110lb cardstock paper isn't cheap.

Overall, some of the best battlemaps I have ever seen.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Heroic Maps: Overgrown Ruins
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Heroic Maps: Medieval City 1
Publisher: Heroic Maps
by Andrew J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/03/2015 07:52:00

What can I say? I just love Heroic Maps!

But here's what you need to know:

(1) Heroic maps were intended for use in games that make use of modular dungeon terrain... think mapsheet with miniature furniture, scenery, and figures. Therefore the maps almost never include any decorations. (This is an awesome way to play, by the way, and you can get papercraft furniture and scenery fairly cheaply if you dont have any yet).

(2) That being said, the lack of furniture means the designers could focus on the map itself, and that's exactly what they did. They are beautiful. These aren't some JPEG-with-a-grid maps (grids are optional by the way) that dont line up, leaving you guessing about whether your figures are balanced on the ledge of a roof or falling to a smashing death, or whether they are inside that room, outside in the hallway, or using their Pass Through Rock spell to become part of the wall.

(3) Most, if not all, of the Heroic Maps are totally modular - meaning you can link them together and make bigger and bigger maps. The modular dungeon tiles are handy when maps don't line up exactly.

My only complaint about the maps is how they are cut for printing. The maps come as PDFs that are ready to print, but they are somewhat inefficient. The biggest pages print a 5x10 block of map, so if you are using standard letter paper, you are wasting some space. And let's be honest, 110lb cardstock paper isn't cheap.

Overall, some of the best battlemaps I have ever seen.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Heroic Maps: Medieval City 1
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