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Online Gaming Tokens Pack #1: Animals & Aberrations
Publisher: SmiteWorks
by rod d. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/24/2008 04:34:53

Good: diverse selection of critters, including many that are common in the Ad&D / d20 rules. Extraction and use is easy, art is high-quality and fairly simple, which allows for some scaling. The tokens come in different sizes depending on the size of critter: large, huge, etc. Saved me a lot of time browsing for token art on the 'net.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Online Gaming Tokens Pack #1: Animals & Aberrations
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Shaman (2e)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by rod d. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/24/2008 03:48:18

Product: Good. Presents a completely different magic/priest class for the AD&D 2nd Edition rules. Some of the writing is inconsistent and needs some GM work, but a good book nonetheless. Be warned that the rules are somewhat incompatible with priests: talking with "ancestral spirits" does not mean talking with souls residing in a Plane of Power.

Scan: Good. Bit faded but legible.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Shaman (2e)
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DLR2 Taladas: The Minotaurs (2e)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by rod d. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/24/2008 03:45:24

Product: Good. An alternate society of honor-bound, intelligent minotaurs. Written for 2nd ed. but the material is suitable for any high-fantasy rpg.

Scan: Reasonable. Faded/washed out, but legible.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
DLR2 Taladas: The Minotaurs (2e)
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Fractal Mapper v8.0
Publisher: NBOS Software
by rod d. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/17/2008 02:06:01

Mediocre. The interface is reasonably simple but the tools are limited. Walls don't have textures--only black lines. And the "snap to grid" feature only works for rooms, not objects or icons; they snap to the Center of a grid, so you can never align them with your rooms except free-hand. The Fractal drawing is directly connected to the speed at which you draw the line or object -- a quickly-drawn straight line will be highly altered, but a carefully drawn line will hardly change at all. Also, some features are a little Too easy to use--like scaling. When trying to rapidly place a mountain range, most of the mountain icons will be distorted when you drag the mouse. This product is generally okay, but a bit finicky.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Fractal Mapper v8.0
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Dungeon Designer 3
Publisher: ProFantasy Software
by rod d.
Date Added: 02/17/2008 01:59:56

Trash. The UI is impossible, cluttered, and completely departs from industry standards. The tutorials are so different from actual program use that it's likely the writers didn't use the program at all, and merely wrote from a bulleted list provided by programmers. I spent six hours trying to reduce the scale of an icon but never once succeeded. Hopefully their "money back guarantee" is better than the program.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Dungeon Designer 3
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Campaign Cartographer 3 Fractal Mapper Crossgrade
Publisher: ProFantasy Software
by rod d.
Date Added: 02/17/2008 01:58:26

Trash. The UI is impossible, cluttered, and completely departs from industry standards. The tutorials are so different from actual program use that it's likely the writers didn't use the program at all, and merely wrote from a bulleted list provided by programmers. I spent six hours trying to reduce the scale of an icon but never once succeeded. Hopefully their "money back guarantee" is better than the program.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Campaign Cartographer 3 Fractal Mapper Crossgrade
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