I thoroughly enjoyed the adventure... the concept fit very well into my campaign and character concept!!!
My characters had previously been slighted by an NPC and took no precautions to protect that NPC when a critical combat situation occurred... because of that slight, the death of the NPC resulted due to our overzealous use of area of effect spells... I knew that there would be consequences for that act, but it was in character concept... this adventure was the perfect fit for those consequences.
However, some adjustments needed to be made...
The front page states the adventure is for a 15th-20th level character... I'm thinking maybe a 10th-15th level adventure for a power player.
I ran a 2 player party consisting of a 4/5 Wererat Sorlock and a 10th level Mystic and doubled every encounter... I easily overcame every obstacle and defeated every opponent, including doubling the BBEG.
I'm a power player from AD&D so my PCs already had Weapons of Warning and Periapts of Proof Against Poison making them less susceptable to sneak attacks or poison, the bread and butter of Assassins.
In addition, Speak with Dead spell (the Sorlock dabbles in Necromancy), plus a tavern owner was a Wererat, made acquiring important information about the assassins relatively easy.
I highly recommend this adventure, especially if you're running an anti-hero(s)