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Gamescapes: Story Maps, Sci-fi Set 3

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Gamescapes: Story Maps, Sci-fi Set 3
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Gamescapes: Story Maps, Sci-fi Set 3
Publisher: Savage Mojo
by Jacob W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/04/2010 23:16:02

This map looks great. Kind of like the level design from a top down sci-fi computer rpg game with lush 2D graphics. There is plenty of detail, and objects like computer consoles, space suits, and power...thingys (which will surely serve a purpose in your game). One room kinda looks like it could have a portal/teleporter in it. The only problem for me is that I wish there were more doors on the rooms so that you could put hallways on either side, but most of them have just one door. I also had some questions about the apparent elevators like another reviewer, but it's not really an issue.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Gamescapes: Story Maps, Sci-fi Set 3
Publisher: Savage Mojo
by Nathan R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/24/2009 08:37:56

Third in a set of terrain tiles for a sci-fi setting The Good: Wonderful details and beautiful setting. Great for 20-28mm (not for use with Clix and their 1.5" scale) Combining this set with set #1 you can create a wide variety of bases (or Vaults).

The bad: Just a short page of printing tips would have been helpful. I wasted a lot of ink and paper the first time printing this to get it all on the wrong scale (instead of 1" squares I got 3/4" squares). Still that was user error vs. the quality of the product and its great price.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Gamescapes: Story Maps, Sci-fi Set 3
Publisher: Savage Mojo
by Anthony S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/22/2008 09:01:38

My favorite of the 3 available sets. The colors are gorgeous and there are many different rooms and corridors to link together in different ways. Easy to cut out due to most rooms being a variation of square, but the colors and items in the maps, along with the many different corridors you can use make you think it all looks real.

My only.. request.. would be to have a one page explanation of what all the different icons mean. For example, it appears that there are a number of elevators but no idea where they go. There is also one room set off from the rest that appears to be accessible only by 2 elevators and some other elevators that are just... there but don't know where they would go. Of course, they are only supplying a beautiful map, so BYOI (bring your own imagination :) )

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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