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Heaven & Hell: Aasimar & Tiefling Ancestries
Publisher: Rising Phoenix Games
by Jack D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/12/2019 22:43:38

Well written but imbalanced.

I really enjoyed reading the in depth ancestries descriptions that hit all the hallmarks of Paizos new standards (how people might percieve you and how you might feel as a member of this race). However, while it gets the formatting spot on, several ancestry feats are flat broken, including giving aasimar a level 2 champion feat at level 1 which is doubly broken and likely a poor inference based on the bestiary.

All in all, its a good guide line to fill in the gaps until aasimar and teiflings get a first part conversion but it needs some strong arm home brew errata.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Heaven & Hell: Aasimar & Tiefling Ancestries
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Creator Reply:
Thanks for the feedback. We'll be putting up an errata file soon.
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