NPCS are something I struggle with to put together on the spot if need be, like big time. I am the kind of DM who likes to plan everything out and build everything so that way I have it ready and prepared. But very often, it goes anything but that way. This collection is absolutely stellar, with NPCs ranging the whole gambit from thugs to ruffians to wizards and more. Or, as the title says: Brawler, Bandit, Brigand, Bard. Plus the NPC creation tools make it super easy for you as a first time, or veteran, DM to whip together some sweet and easy NPCs for any game any time. I highly recommend this book!
Comics, Clerics, & Controllers d20 Roll: Nat 20
This book absolutely blew me out of the park, I am not going to lie in the slightest. The minute I saw Marcel's art on the cover I knew that this was going to be a banger of a title, and with a team like Bryan, E.R.F, and Steve: it's an amazing collection of talent. With this book you get fabulous mythic versions of iconic beasties and baddies from across the D&D multiverse and hardcover line, all of them with some spicy new stat blocks and kickass new abilities and lore. But what I love most about this bok is that - a, I want it in muddahtruckin' hardcover; and b, it just feels so cool! Like, it feels like a real companion to go alongside Theros. And if you don't want to buy Theros but want that Fantasy Greece feel - then look at Mythic Encounters. I am pleased to present this book with the Comics, Clerics, & Controllers Golden d20 Badge!
This is one of the best books I have ever had the pleasure to review on the Guild. Jackson has done a stellar job making seven horrific and magnificent kaiju for you to battle in D&D, so if you aren't a bitch-ass DM who only uses the Tarrasque, whip this bad bug off the bookshelf and through the amazing CRABGOAT at them (he's my favorite). Then that will really leave your players trembling in their sabatons as they face the 1/2 crab, 1/2 goat, all bastard beast that is CRABGOAT. Honestly though, this is the kind of creativity is what I live for at the Guild, and 90% the reason I love doing these reviews. If you have a chance, please please PLEASE grab this book - you will not regret it one bit. I am pleased to present the Comics, Clerics, & Controllers Golden d20 Badge to Titans of the Ancient World.
As always - folks know I am not usually a fan of big adventure books, I like doing stuff off-the-cuff. However, what Christian and his team have created here is something that is truly interesting and unique. 37 pages of variatal goodness - part dungeon-crawl, part pulpy adventure flick, and all D&D - fill this adventure, with three specific levels all built and created by the high elf Aenor Gleenwith who wants his piece of the 5e BBEG action. There is a little bit of something for everyone in this adventure, and it is really fairly priced for what you get! Looking for a new something-something for your table?
Comics, Clerics, & Controllers d20 Roll: Nat 20
This is an excellent little book that anyone who wants to do more polearm fighting should pick up. Polearms really don't have a lot of love in 5e, with their feat even not offering much in the way of mechanical excitement. But here in this book - which I hope is expanded on - you get the taste of being a polearm wielding badass. Definitely worth the purchase, and I think that any fighter who cares about versatility should snag it!
Comics, Clerics, & Controllers d20 Roll: 18
While I am not a huge fan of elves, and my only major complaint would be that the cover art leans a little too close to a WoW night elf for my liking, I think that the story and lore within this supplement is a great addition to the Celmae lore and world. With this book you get a whole lot crammed into 15 pages, and I like how these elves really seem to pull a lot from Celtic and Gaelic tales in their abilities and various different factions. Overall, if you are looking to add some elven excitement to your Pathfinder game, feel free to snag this book.
Comics, Clerics, & Controllers d20 Roll: 16
I snagged this book as a tool in helping me to create my own wrestling themed supplement, and while it is going to be more rules-light, this book is absolutely fantastic! The Mays always blow me away with the sheer amount of time and work they put into their projects, and Battles, Brawls & Belts is no exception. It brims with that over-the-top energy that anything to do with wrestling does, and plus, it adds actual roleplay value to it rather than making the book entirely mechanical. This is definitely going to be a constant companion at my table whenever I run games, and I highly recommend that if you want something both mechanically sound and comedically amazing, you should get Battles, Brawls & Belts.
Comics, Clerics, & Controllers d20 Roll: Nat 20
I will be upfront - I hate playing magic users, because I always feel left out of the fun stuff roleplay wise. And I don't like spell slots - they are stupid and I will always hate them. However, this book - holy smokes does it make me want to delve into being like 90 different types of arcane awesome. Blackstaff's Tome of Wizardry takes everything epic and awesome about being insanely powerful magic users and finally puts that back into 5e. Runecaster is definitely my favorite out of all of it - but I want this book in POD so I can slap it on my shelf next to all my other D&D books. Plus, it has an incredibly skilled team of creators working on it, and it just oozes professionalism. 90 pages of sheer magical coolness. If you don't have this book than you are missing out!
Comics, Clerics, & Controllers d20 Roll: Nat 20
This book is a whole lot of fun on many different levels - from the monsters, to the class options, to the micro setting offered across its body. Born From The Preternatural was a super cool title that I got to review and take a look at - I think Comet Juggernaut is probably my favorite thing from this work - and honestly, I would love to see my players use this at my table for some more astral options. I really dig this book, and the layout is also very professionally done. My only complaint would be that I wish there were some more background or class options, but overall, excellent excellent work.
Comics, Clerics, & Controllers d20 Roll: 18
I cannot tout this book enough - I have followed the work of the women who made up this team for quite some time, and oh my FREAKING gawd, they have knocked it out of the park once again with The Adventurer's Domestic Handbook. This is a book that in today's increasingly virulent (I know I spelt that wrong but oh well) and violent society - both in the real world and unfortunately in our own TTRPG community - could not have come at a better time. I want to share a quote from the introduction of this 153-page beauty:
"For all our caution, romance and familial relationships are an aspect enjoyed by a growing population of players, and for good reason. They can be emotionally cathartic, a breath of fresh air in a story of turmoil, or a route to peace, healing, and growth. If your loneliest player’s character finds a family through the course of a year’s campaign—through every boss battle, every mishap, every triumph, every mistake—then you have almost assuredly improved the life of that player both at and away from the table, and your group may feel much closer by the end."
That. That is what I LOVE about this book - I am a storyteller at my table, I am not a mechanics guy as many folks know, and this book is the entire core of what I want to see happen in a game when adventurers decide to hang up the swords and staffs for a while. I greatly admire and champion the team who made this book, and I cannot stress how much I want this to get a POD option so I can put it on my shelf next to all my other RPG books. At the Day game table, this product will become a mainstay for years to come. I am honored to award The Adventurer's Domestic Handbook the Comics, Clerics, & Controllers Golden d20 Badge.
Laura is an amazing person for putting togeher something so awesome and amazing for us to use, especially for those creators like myself who run on really tight budgets and have been working with old templates from 2016. This template is amazingly helpful, and brings the level of professionalism in my projects up from like a 7 to a solid 10. It is easy to follow, criminally underpriced - honestly, this should be worth a lot more for what you get - and a very welcome addition to my cart during this #PlayItForward event. For the godsend that Laura was in making this template, I am pleased to present her the Comics, Clerics, & Controllers Golden d20 Badge.
Soooooooooooooo.....trying to be calm here.......but fekk it I can't. Eberron and Star Wars, come ON PEOPLE - can you think of a better combo? This book is absolutely amazing, and brings so much of what is good about Star Wars into the world of Eberron. With all new subclasses, sunsabers, pod racing, building your own construct buddies, the layout, the fantastic art, UGH! This book is SOOOOO worth the price, and was one of my first snags during #PlayItForward. If you do not get this book, you would be missing out immensely. That is why I am super happy to award Shar Wars the Comics, Clerics, & Controllers Golden d20 Badge for sheer fandom awesomeness.
With this primer, you immediatly get a taste for what the Cities of Myth line is going to be like - and immediatly it is different than almost anything out in the market for 5e. Right from the get-go, you see that what the Realmwarp team and contributing creators are going is aiming to give you an experience like no other: players become explorers, the DM becomes a World Runner, the different settings are connected by ley lines that crisscross the world, and the differentiation of denizens from travellers and explorers. What I love most about this book is that it is based almost entirely on a sandbox model - you are explorers discovering the lost cities of ancient tales (which they have got a metric brick-ton of other books coming along), and this primer gives you all you need to wet your whistle before wanting more. I highly recommend snagging this primer and subscribing to the newsletter to keep in the loop for more info on Cities of Myth. Without a doubt I can already give this a Comics, Clerics, & Controllers Golden d20 Badge.
I will be up front in saying that I am still working through the system, however I will say a couple points that I have already found raise this new version above the original Ulisses Spiele version of W&G - the main thing being size. This new Cubicle 7 version is almost eighty pages smaller than the original, already making it slimmer and less intimidating. Additionally, I prefer the layout to this version as it is easier to follow and manage as a reader. However, I think the biggest boost is that for me, this altogether makes Warhammer 40k more open to beginning players of both RPGs and the Imperium of Man; it is a lighter and easier-to-digest version of the original. Now, this is where my main critique of this newer version comes in, and that is where it feels like it skimps out on a lot of the art, lore, and 40k feel to make it more friendly. While I can see from a marketing standpoint how that would help, visually this new book just screams 40k Lite, while the original W&G exploded with FOR THE EMPORER! Overall, a mix of decent and meh; this new version gets props for ease of introduction and slimmed down form, but drops in that it seems to have pulled more of the Warhammer out.
SO MUCH YAAAAAAAS! This is an amazing little adventure to pull your players into, full of intrigue, suspense, action, MAAAGIC, and roooohmannnz. Steve has done a stellar job building this book, from the narrative flow to the layout and design - it is wonderful. Coupled with Cam's and Rose's art, this is both a beautiful and practical book. The adventure pulls you right in, the characters are diverse and interesting - ugh, just so much good. If you are looking to get together some friends for a game, consider picking up The Wizard's Assistant.
Comics, Clerics, & Controllers d20 Roll: Nat 20