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Mythic Encounters
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Curse o. S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/03/2020 07:39:06

Mythic Encounters by Bryan Holmes (@FallenWyvern), Steve Fiddler (@VorpalDicePress) and E. R. F. Jordan (@erfjordan)

“Mythic traits are the fuel that creates a mythic encounter. The mixture is: one part storyline-focused event, one part two-phase battle, and a dash of introducing a whole new way of battling your foe. When a creature with a mythic trait is reduced to 0 hit points, it is instead reduced to 1 hit point. Then, it typically either regains all its hit points or gains temporary hit points equal to its maximum number of hit points. In some cases, a new goal for the fight appears, such as an exposed heart or other objective that must be cleared before the battle is truly over. After activating its mythic trait, the creature gains access to mythic actions, and might also gain temporary passive benefits...”

36 Chambers of Mythic Foes from Acererak (and his incredibly slimming Demilich form) to one serious Terrasque Mother (and her adorable babies!), with something for every setting, mood, plane and campaign, including old favourites, deep cuts and the highest quality dragon butts. All CR 21+ foes from a variety of official published materials including the Monster Manual, Volo’s Guide to Monsters and Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes and other published materials (including novels such as Darkwalker on Moonshae by Douglas Niles and the DMs Guild) to let you make your adventures of truly mythic proportions.” These Mythic monsters include so many named creatures who step out of the mould of and/ or truly exemplify their nature, as Acererak is to a common tomb or dungeon Lich, Eco is the apotheosis of a solar and Adamastor ain’t your typical Astral Dreadnought!

Liches, Dragons and Fiends, oh my! Mountains of marvellous, monstrous, momentous, miraculous, merciless, malevolent... MYTHIC MONSTERS and Encounters that showcase their mega machinations and match mighty mortals with magnificent mutations and morphed manipulations of these monolithic monikered masters!

The supplement provides a comprehensive breakdown of what makes a Mythic encounter, creature and trait, as well as getting into the mythic boons, items and spells granted to those vaunted heroes who manage to survive these ordeals. Followed by concise guidelines for creating your own mythic creatures and encounters.

A Mythic Boon is provided to really get your adventurers in the Mythic mood with Boon of the Mythic Hero, truly cementing a hero’s legend with otherworldly prowess and a true affinity with the new Mythic rewards.

The Mythic Ascendant background is a fun and flavourful beginning for those destined for greatness with prophetic ties to the titans in this supplement they may one day grow up to face.

Every creature is laid out splendidly with background, lore and personality (if the creature has more of a consciousness than the sole compulsion to destroy) with references to books and articles where DMs can learn more about these colossal creatures and their first sightings. This is followed by the monster’s lair and inspired and expanded lair actions (such as a mighty Celestial champion listing legendary feats so impressive as to quell their mortal foes), the effect these abominations on the region around their lair, the eloquent and captivating description of their transformation/ escalation to their Mythic aspect (such as Baphomet’s fractal nightmare and the spine-chilling assertion of his renewed stalking!), spectacular rewards including adjusted XP, Mythic items and spells. Some even have their own mighty minions (such as Ileuthra’s deadly books becoming CR 10 Word Archons and suggested loadouts for Orcus’ Undead Horde) with unique statblocks,

And of course, the transmogrification to their final Mythic form, including attributes, abilities and other changes (such as Brassheart’s new ability to attempt burn up all the oxygen around in the introducing a new mechanic in heat sickness!).

We finally answer to the question would you rather, fight the CR 30 Terrasque progenitor of their kind, or “hundreds, if not thousands” spawning Terrasque babies? The answer: No! Pleas gods, why?! They are both terrifying!!!

If CR 30 seems too mean, how about two CR 21 twinsies dragons, double dragons if you will, whose Mythic metamorphoses doubles themselves and their Legendary that’s technically quadruple CR 21 dragons...

Double the flavour. Double the danger. Double the reward.

This all comes together to inspire truly awesome adventures, encounters and campaigns with the narrative elements provided. There’s an imprisoned former god wrestling for control of the form of the angel that keeps him bound within for goodness sake! The stories leap from the page!

On top of the 36 creatures, this supplement contains 16 Mythic Spells that can be learned by mashing specific monsters, including fabled 9th level spells, ranging from becoming as swol as one as Baphomet’s badbois to turning dead bodies into Yeenoghu’s dastardly demon doggos or even rocking the dead to life with you vocals like a Mythical Twiztid (Jamie Madrox and the Mon-Orcus-ide Child).

If that’s not enough, how about 65 Mythic Items with Ancient Dragon Hearts in every colour of the rainbow (which come together to create 2 Mythic Artifacts: Platinum Dragon’s Crown and Tiamat’s Choker), foul Fiendish finery, armour, blades and flails, and magical reigns that allow you to ride an Illusory Dragon, among the treasure trove!

From the layout to the writing and beautiful artwork (many of which bring some fresh takes and styles to known creatures and characters), this is a true work of art and a fully functional tome of foreboding foes! This is a simply gorgeous and professionally presented supplement in every regard, it just happens to contain things that will give level 20 characters nightmares.


Designers: Steve Fiddler, Bryan Holmes Editor: E. R. F. Jordan Art Direction and Graphic Design: Steve Fidler Layout: Steve Fidler (based on the InDesign template by Nathanaël Roux) Layout Consultant: Nathanaël Roux Cover Art: Dante Ezio Cifaldi Interior Art: Lluis Abadias, Marcel Budde, GeunBrush, Nikki Dawes, Steve Fidler, Felipe Gaona, Bryan Holmes, Leonardo Lambrecht, Aleksandra Włodarczyk, Jacob Blackmon, Daniel Comerci, Bob Greyvenstein, Rick Hershey, Jack Holliday, Eric Lofgren, Lars Rune, Dean Spencer, Matt Morrow, Adobe Stock (Destina, yanushkov, warmtail, jenteva, IgorZh, James Thew, Fernando Batista, denzorr, grandfailure, weirdmedia, Pavlo, Mopic), Various Pixabay, Vecteezy.

Special Thanks: Ed Greenwood, Israel Moreira

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Mythic Encounters
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The Gray Merchant of Asphodel: 100+ Theros Magic Items
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Curse o. S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/03/2020 06:33:50

The Gray Merchant of Asphodel from The Gallant Goblin (@GallantGoblin)

I cannot accurately describe the excitement I felt when I discovered these Fabled Heroes were putting out a supplement based around one of my favourite Magic: The Gathering cards of all time, the lovingly monikered Gary! Not to mention my joy seeing my old friend, the Sigiled Starfish realised with such fabulous portents!

I am completely A-SH(i)OOK and my expectations were Demolished by this Peak Eruption and Godsend of a supplement of OVER 100 NEW ITEMS!

This supplement introduces the Gray Merchant of Asphodel with spectacular flavour text and statblock ready to drop into your games, their unique bartering system of sentimentality, along with more traditional pricing and unique effects depending on the balance of the trade, as well as a monumental collection of Gary’s items from their bottomless Bag of Holding with all manner of wares from terrific trinkets to Artefacts with the power of Archons. Each item is brimming with flavour and phenomenal inspiration for your games from worthy rewards to Plane-shaking campaign elements, as well as a whole new story class of item, such as an Iroan Pledge, possibly from torn from the hands of a captured hoplite or a scrap of epic poetry, which comes with ideas and tables to craft countless different tales and adventures. Plus, where applicable, direct links are provided to the cards that inspired each item!

The knowledge, understanding and love of the plane, its stories, characters and mythos, as well as the mechanics in Magic: The Gathering and the Theros blocks and sets, radiate from the pages with brightness of Heliod’s radiance reflecting off a mythic judge’s foil. There is true care and reverence in abundance, alongside a knowing joyful tongue in cheek silliness that has some fun and wordplay with the legendary Greco-Roman inspired setting, encapsulated perfectly in the Bidet of Thassa. To love is to take the Pyxis...

Feel the blessings of the Gods and wield their strength, arms and Artifacts, perform rituals with anathema, gambling high stakes on the omens the entrails speak with thematic, epic results, pool your health to become a mighty phalanx fighting in unison, wear glamorous pearls able to detect love or grief, get judged by a golden apple, drink a distilled potion of the Tortoise and Achilles paradox and wear magical headgear made of victory and lightning!

Did I mention there’s a Deer Icon that covers you in “soft downy fur” and a “bushy white tail” as well as making you more runny and jumpy? How about a Lamprey Icon that grants a huge mouthful of paralysing teeth that suck features out of creatures?! The Icon cycle is vast, varied and spectacular!

Finally, there are tables upon tables to aid randomising Gary’s offerings, with separate sections broken down by level, rarity and the letter labelled style as in the DMG, all with helpful explanations, notes and percentages!

From the breathtaking cover from Victor Tan (@VictorTanDesign) to the phenomenal writing, incredibly vast treasure trove of wonders and professional layout, this is a monumental achievement and a truly phenomenal supplement, which will inspire and give the heroes the tools needed to accomplish deeds of mythic proportions, bringing joy and magic to DMs and players alike!

Lead Writer: Grady Wang Writer & Editor: Theo Thourson Cover Artist: Victor Tan Interior Artist & Layout Designer: Grady Wang Magic: The Gathering Consultant: Cassie Rose Footer Graphic Designer: (Billie Cordova) Gallant Goblin Logo Artist: (mascot by Kenny Samson, typography by Luigi Nablo) is a subscription graphic design service that has served us well when we need a middle ground between free art resources and a commissioned artist. You can try one month with 15% off by entering our promo code 27HIIFRTA1261503 or clicking the links above. We receive a referral bonus if you sign up with our code. Special thanks to Ashley Warren for her mentorship and advice on productivity, creativity, and the wild world of writing for TTRPGs. Satine Phoenix for providing developmental consulting. You can join both on Patreon and benefit from the wisdom they share to their backers as well. Royalty-free art resources used from the following sites:,,,, “Watercolor Splashers” brushes from licensed under Creative Commons BY-ND Party vector created by macrovector from ABOUT THEAUTHORS GRADYWANG and THEO THOURSON are co-founders of THEGALLANTGOBLIN, which began as a YouTube review channel for TTRPG miniatures. We currently live in Bakersfield, California with our family of rescue cats and are hard at work creating content to help you make the most of your TTRPG gaming experience. We’d love to hear from you about this supplement, how you used it in your game, or anything else that comes to mind! Join us on: YouTube Twitter @gallantgoblin Facebook Instagram @thegallantgoblin Our website

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Gray Merchant of Asphodel: 100+ Theros Magic Items
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Shelter In Play
Publisher: Go Nerdy
by Curse o. S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/27/2020 11:53:53

This is an incredible bundle of joy from so many fabulous and talented folx coming together for a fantastic cause organised by a pillar of the TTRPG community.Get it before it's gone and do your part to help!

Makes a wonderful gift and lots of fun for all ages!

Share the joy and be part of something good in the TTRPG community!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Shelter In Play
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Fresh Press: Magic Misspell
Publisher: CoffeeSnake Studios
by Curse o. S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/24/2020 07:55:57

Fresh Press: Magical Misspell by CoffeeSnake Studios (@CoffeeSnakeGame)

“Now serving 69 hot fresh new spells, all based on existing OGL spells. Crafted by the Grand Diviner Cabbage, kobold wizard extraordinaire, enjoy new takes on classics such as: Arcane Dye, Firebelt, Cloudkrill, Sunbear, Maize, Fish”

This supplement opens with the quaint story of the reader wandering in the “Bizarre Bazaar” (market not the Insane Clown Posse double album), and coming upon the tent of the kobold wizard, Cabbage, with a strange and unique “lexicographical talent” she developed from studying “wizardly arts (her term) from her Gold Dragon-mom (also her term), she started scribing spell scrolls as practice but had a slight… mishap in spelling.” This adorable kobold tells the tale of how their “variants” came to be and what they have on offer.

These spells are fun, wild and all over the place. Advice provided suggests, “GMs are welcome to sell a spell scroll for any of the following spells at prices fair to their game or include them as treasure. A GM could permit a character of any class to learn one of these spells or for a wizard to add it to their spellbook”

New Spells by Level

This list contains all the spells in level order, each with the original spell that inspired it in parentheses.

With there being 69 spells (nice) I won’t be able to go through them all so I shall pick out some of my favourites to share with you. Let’s take a look to see how absolutely ridiculous and spectacularly awesome these beauties are.

“Animate Bread (Animate Dead) V, S, M (flour, water, yeast, and a pinch of salt) ...Choose a bowl of bread dough within range. Your spell imbues the target with life, activating the yeast and flash-baking it into a special construct. The target becomes a medium sized Animated Bread...”

I’m a big fan of the flavourful material components in spells and how ridiculously specific and/ or apropos they are, and this is a glorious addition. I love the fact the spell activates the yeast and flash-bakes the bread, and I would hugely appreciate instantaneous flash-baking in real life!

There’s a full statblock for the Animated Bread in the back of the supplement, but right now I’m just focused on this ability: “Delicious Aroma (1/Day). A 10-food radius of the delicious smell of fresh baked bread extends out from the Animated Bread. The smell spreads around corners.” We all know how good the aroma of freshly baked bread is, but this crusted construct smells so good a failed save leaves you with disadvantage on attacks and checks, and only able to use an action or bonus action until the end of your next turn because the smell has you salivating and hankering for a hunk of that hunky bread.

Now I really want bread and can’t stop thinking about how much better Animated Bread smells than undead. Necromancers should become bakers! Grave Bony Bake Off, anyone?

“Cone of Cone (Cone of Cold) V, S, M (a small crystal or glass cone containing a small crystal or glass cone containing a small crystal or glass cone) You project a dizzying fractal cone of cones outward from your hands...Each creature affected by the 60-foot cone projects another cone in a direction of the caster’s choosing. All creatures in these 30-ft cones (not counting the creature of origin) ...Each creature affected by a 30-foot cone projects another [15-foot] cone in a direction of the caster’s choosing...”

This is a glorious fractal nightmare of cones all the way down! With this a spellcaster can cover an entire battalion with these cascading cavalcades of cones! There’s just something so entertaining about such a long, complicated and effective spell coming from such a simple name.

“Control Waiter (Control Water) V, S, M (a rainbow patterned bowtie) This spell creates a construct of magical force that is nearly invisible, save for an opaque, rainbow patterned bow tie...It cannot be harmed, but also cannot attack...The waiter can perform any task that a non-magical servant could...It is capable of making independent decisions to execute your desires, and the waiter retains the memories of prior casts of this spell. The waiter can cast Unseen servant at will to assist it in its duties. If you cast this spell each day for a year in the same home, it becomes permanent.”

This is an awesome step up from and the logical evolution of Unseen Servant. The rainbow patterned bow tie is an amusing touch, but other than that and the name this is a serious spell that is seriously useful for maintaining strongholds, clearing out the detritus from ruins or even as first response emergency services! The possibilities are almost endless, especially with them retaining memories from proper castings. In many ways they are the mundane analogue to Janet from The Good Place.

This is also one of those spells that can be great for inspiration and flavour. Imagine a ruined keep or a castle buried in the Underdark from a sinkhole. How and why are these seemingly abandoned and lost sites kept so clean and repaired? Why are there so many Unseen Servants fighting an endless war against encroaching plant life and animals in this forest-reclaimed manor? How would centuries alone affect a magical construct created from a permanent casting of this spell and what if some arcane or eldritch power warped them in that time? So much potential for ghost town antics!

“Dimension Deer (Dimension Door) ...You summon a single dimension deer that appears in an unoccupied space that you can see within range. The dimension deer disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or when the spell ends...”

The name alone conjures all manner of images, and the spell itself doesn’t disappoint. Unlike their terrestrial siblings, the dimension deer has the ability to teleport. Teleportation can be combined with their Ram attack, allowing for some very surprising banging butts! Higher levels summon more, which would be so much fun, whizzing and bamfing around!

“Fish (Wish) You summon the mightiest of fish, a true leviathan: a kraken...It respects any verbal commands that you issue to it (no action required by you), though it may take a different course of action if it deems necessary. If you don’t issue any commands to the kraken, it will act of its own accord and according to its nature.”

I know you could always Wish for one, but the specificity of this spell brings such a smile to my face! I really enjoy that, while it will follow the summoner’s commands, it might know best way to do it instead, and has more agency if left on its own than other summoned creatures due to its greater intelligence and legendary status.

Just imagine having this in your back pocket when staring down the barrel of a TPK!

“Forcerage (Forcecage) V, S, M (a bucket of pig’s blood, that you pour over yourself while casting) ...You enter a telekinetic fugue state, your mind lashing out at all threats. You gain the benefits of the spell telekinesis, but become incapable of concentrating on any spell and cannot cast another. For the duration, you may use one of the following in place of one of telekinesis’s features... Choke. As an action, you may attempt to choke a creature with mental force... Telekinetic Slam. You lift a creature or object that you can see within 60 feet of you into the air and slam it to the ground with great force... Telekinetic Smash. You strike a creature with great mental force...You may also use this feature as a reaction upon suffering damage from an attack...”

First of all, one of the components is “a bucket of blood that you pour over yourself while casting”, which along with the abilities is a clear reference to Stephen King’s 1974 novel Carrie and Brian De Palma’s 1976 film of the book. They may all laugh at you, then look very confused and disturbed while you start pouring blood on yourself, but they will be terrified and obliterated when you unleash these powers! I’m also getting some serious Sith and the Darkside of the Force from Star Wars vibes from all but named, Force Choke.

I love new spells that build upon and evolve existing ones, as this does with Telekinesis. The variety, epicness and ability to keep the effects going are awesome, especially if you are able to have the rest of the party keeping the caster covered, allowing Sith Carrie to wreak havoc to their heart’s content!

“Massage (Message) ...Your hands are infused with healing and protective energy. A touched creature other than yourself gains...temporary hit points and is freed from paralysis...”

What can I say? I’m very partial to a massage and who needs a good massage more than an adventurer before a big combat? Could lead to some interesting inter-party dynamics

“Sunbear (Sunbeam) ...You summon a single sunbear that appears in an unoccupied space that you can see within range. A sunbear is a powerful celestial creature imbued with the power of daylight...”

These celestial bears have these awesome unique abilities: “Solar Flare. Ranged spell attack...The light of these attacks is considered sunlight. Supernova. The sunbear grows in size and fury; for one minute it becomes Huge, it doubles in size and its weight is multiplied by 8...”

As a Werebear, I do have an appreciation for my bear sibling, especially ones that shoot weaponised sunlight and have the ability to greatly increase their mass at will! I just love summoning and new creatures so much!

“Wyrd (Weird) ...You instantly learn the full designs of fate for a creature of your choice that you can see within range. You can choose to shatter the creature’s destiny. If the creature is unwilling, it must make a Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, or if the creature is willing, it is severed from fate. Prophecies must find a new chosen one, nobles lose their houses and monarchs their crowns, and all contracts and pacts to which the creature was bound are voided and of no effect. All curses, diseases, poisons, and magical effects affecting the creature end. All items to which the creature is attuned are unattuned. A creature may gain the benefit from this spell only once in their existence.”

They most definitely saved the best for last! This is an absolutely phenomenal spell full of flavour and serious metaphysical weight! Wyrd is just a bloody brilliant spell in its own right, worthy of being taken seriously, far more than simply an amusing alternate spelling.

There is so much potential for entire campaigns based around this spell. Perhaps a particularly powerful and awful Lich has ruled the lands for aeons and there are whispers that there is a spell so potent, the Unseelie Court keep it guarded in the depths of a frozen tomb that reaches into the dank depths of the Feydark that could topple their empire...or a powerful royal discovers a terrible prophecy about their unborn child and hires heroes to scour the planes for a way of free them... It could even be that a powerful hag coven, demon or even an evil god damns one or all of the party with a curse so foul no known spell can counter it, but a wild prophecy is delivered to a druid sage that could save the day... My mind is absolutely buzzing with inspiration from the fantastic spell!

Good D&D elements are really useful and helpful, but truly great ones are awesomely inspiring!

There were just so many I loved, but couldn’t cover, so here’s a few honourable mentions:

Arcane Band has “an iridescent glass disc” aka a CD component, Cloudkrill summons cloud of voracious flying shrimp, Detect Poisson and disease help you find fish, among other things, Detest Magic makes someone become appalled and unwilling to have anything to do with magic, Frog Cloud summons a cloud of frogs, Perverse Gravity is a nightmare of physics and torture, Tiny Hat forces a piece of “manufactured headwear” to shrink on the wearer’s head causing damage and making them look adorable!

This is a phenomenally well thought out and professionally executed supplement based on a silly idea worth so very much more than its $4.50 price tag. In the wrong hands and not taken as seriously, this could have been something to cast your eyes over, have a chuckle and never think of again, but CoffeeSnake have produced a hilarious, ridiculous and inspiring selection of spells and these new creatures! Of course, some of these are just plain nonsense fun, but there is clear talent and heart here. CoffeeSnake most definitely have my attention and I cannot wait to check out more of their wares!

If my word isn’t enough for you, there is a free sample: Wall of Horse on their itch product page.

If you are on a low or precarious income, CoffeeSnake generously offer a large number of Community Copies, with an email address to contact if they run out. This kind of openness and understanding is truly wonderful to see.


CoffeeSnake Studios (@CoffeeSnakeGame) Writing and Design: Andrew Rasmussen Character of Cabbage: Rachel ‘Pi’ Gibson (@PiDraws) Burning Hinds and editing by: Paul Burd

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Fresh Press: Magic Misspell
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Titans of the Ancient World
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Curse o. S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/21/2020 05:15:10

Kaiju Fight by Jackson Lewis (@HoneyBadger3495)

I’m sure you felt the tremors when this collection of colossal creatures was first conceived. We all watched our dice rattle and spill on the floor with the rumblings of this being penned. And now may the gods have mercy on our souls as these behemoths are unleashed, erupting from the firmament, falling from the sky, and lumbering forth, the earth quaking with their every fetid step.

Lewis has unleashed something truly awful and magnificent, and by the atomic breath of so-called King of Monsters players, DMs and even the mighty Terrasque should quiver with excitement and utter terror!

Seven new CR 30 Kaiju with enough lore, history, personality, tactics, seeds and ways to work these monumental monsters into your games. These range from a dinosaur, a desperately sad goblin who got real swoll in undeath to unholy amalgamations of creatures, a diabolical double act and a monstrous hungry worm queen and all their hive attendants.


Author: Jackson Lewis (@HoneyBadger3495) Editor: Isaac May (@ Layout: Chris Hopper (@chrishopper2) Art by Coriona Matthews with cc0-licensed photos from

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Titans of the Ancient World
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Color Mana Spell Points [BUNDLE]
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Curse o. S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/20/2020 10:14:06

This is a fantastic bundle at an incredulous price for the blood, sweat and islands that have been poured into this system and mechanics.

This is Kearney's Mana-gnum Opus and a truly inspired set of works that bring something old, something new, something borrowed and something U to D&D5e.

In the right hands this opens up a whole new plane of possibilities!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Color Mana Spell Points [BUNDLE]
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Tap Untap Burn 5 Color Mana Spell Point Variant Rules Core Mechanics
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Curse o. S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/20/2020 10:07:53

Tap Untap Burn 5 Color Mana Spell Point Variant Rules Core Mechanics by Fil Kearney (@FilKearney)

"This book is a collection of modular variant rules that change magic and spellcasting in DUNGEONS & DRAGONS to a 5 color magic paradigm that is inspired by Magic: The Gathering. These variant rules can be used in any campaign and are ideal for use in Ravnica and other upcoming settings inspired by Magic: The Gathering. Each group of variant rules is presented as a separate chapter that can be added or omitted from your campaign"

Hold onto your butts because the magic is being gathered as the coastal wizards come together to share their knowledge of spellcasting, which is more explosive than stuffing a Bag of Holding with Mordenkainen’s Elminster/ Volo slash, the Power Nine and Yu-Gi-Oh!'s Dark Hole!

Burning with the success of the previous Tap Untap Burn supplements that impressively converted the DMG's variant spell point rules to Magic: the Gathering's Mana-based magic and begun exploring the colour paradigm, Master of the Etherium Kearney is back with the definitive manual devoted to bringing the magic of the Aether and splicing it into the Weave!

Contained within are a full rundown of the mana-based magic, an exploration and discussion of the 5 Color Mana Paradigm, including a full breakdown of all spells from the PHB into their respective colors by level, understanding the Aspects of the Color Pie and how it can be applied to and enrich your games.

There is so much packed into this tome of legends and it's all so good! So many variant rules and alternative perspectives on various aspects of magic and spellcasting in a whole spectrum of complexity with something for everyone, filled with Kearney's evocative illustrations and fevered imaginings somehow rendered into their base comprehensible parts.

Gain madcap skills with the ultimate options for flexibility, optimisation, specificity, synergy and many other exciting words.

This is the embodiment of awesome!


Author: Fil Kearney Design and Illustrations: Fil Kearney Editing: Hiten Dave, Justyn Johnston, Ken Carcas Layout Artist: B Simon Smith, Fil Kearney, Stephan Rubner Special

Thanks to: Lysa Penrose at OBS, Ken Carcas, Justyn Johnston and Luke Monroe for their work: Advanced Arcana, Hiten Dave for excellent guidance, and the DMsGuild Creators’ Circle for raising the bar.

Magic: The Gathering Concepts used with permission from Wizards of the Coast

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Tap Untap Burn 5 Color Mana Spell Point Variant Rules Core Mechanics
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WARFORGED!: The Feyforged - A New Warforged Variant
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Curse o. S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/14/2020 20:58:56

WARFORGED! The Feyforged by Daylight Publishing (@daylightpub1066)

From the moment I saw Budde’s art in the previews I knew this was going to be something special. Then there was the preview for the Windforged and my world changed forever...

There’s no other way to say it, but I never realised I could find Warforged hawt!

I was absolutely thrilled to play my Windforged Ranger, Amber W4V3, the moment they were released and I had wonderful experience flying around and living my thirsty fey biomechanical fantasy.

In all seriousness, this is an absolutely smashing supplement of eight excellent elemental Warforged variants with a wonderful flavour and alluring mystique that is something completely original and singular on Eberron and with the Warforged.

Each have their distinctive abilities tied to the fey (or Daelkyr or SPAAAAAACE!) and their element, making each unique and awesome in their own right with the thought and care put into them so clear on the page.

The Masks of the Quorforged are a great variety of magic items of varying rarities paying especial homage to the Bionicles that were the original inspiration for the whole supplement.

It never ceases to amaze me how Day can create so many wonders and take inspiration from so many different places to create things so new and unique. The way he works with other creators and artists like Budde, managing to have them create the perfect accompaniment and visualisation, astounds me. The artwork for this supplement truly ranks amongst the greatest on the Guild!

This is truly an awesome Warforged variant with eight invigorating and flavourful subraces that are a whole lot of fun!


Writing, Editing, and Layout: Cameron Day Mask Development: Griffin Fredette Creative Consultants: Luke Robinson and FlyCheeseDM Warforged Logo: LordSinclair Interior Art: Marcel Budde Cover Art: Eden Sanders Internal Arbiter Icon: Cameron Day Page Backgrounds and Title Page Divider: DMs Guild Stock Art Landscapes: Wikimedia Commons

[5 of 5 Stars!]
WARFORGED!: The Feyforged - A New Warforged Variant
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Creator Reply:
Thanks so much Sebs! Thank you thank you thank you! I am so glad you liked the book!
Tome of Nine Swords
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Curse o. S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/12/2020 19:09:28

The Tome of Nine Swords by Stratos Fotakis (@StratosF8) and George Mpaklatzis

The introduction gives a stimulating description of the lore of the Nine styles and their history, absolutely bursting with the flavour

Each of the nine new subclasses brings something new, takes a greater focus or gains access to elements to create something new. The flavour text for each subclass is rich and paints a vivid picture.

A holy warrior Fighter whose faith guides their martial prowess and bolsters their resolve.

A pantheran Barbarian becoming one with the tiger within, rending and tearing with terrifying claws.

A Fighter who is a cyclone of blades and hammers, mastering ricochets and juggling thrown weapons; all becoming boomerangs in their studied hands.

A Dwarven Fighter who can warp the foundation of the battlefield, rising above danger and smashing down with rock-bending might.

An Elven Fighter working in tandem with an ancient Elven spirit whose knowledge and acumen guide their blade with unwavering accuracy.

A Sorcerer, one of only thirteen at one time, who inherits the knowledge of those who came before, granting them fiery arcane martial arts.

A Paladin who serves and shuts enemies down, reminiscent of the Templars from Dragon Age and the Sisters of Silence from the Horus Heresy.

A Grey Jedi Monk who walks the paths of the light and the dark, striving for balance, yet gaining so much for surrendering to the darkness.

A Fighter who is master of the Nine; an expert of the eclectic paths with honed control of their body.

They all sound like awesome, but I desperately need to play a Boomerang Bro (Bloodstorm Blade), Grandmother Knows Best (Eternal Blade) and Samurai Jack Vs Shinobi Ninja (Way of the Shadowsun Ninja)!

These Fighters, Barbarian, Monk and Paladin all have access to Martial Paths, specific lists of awesome new exploits. These exploits work much like a Battle Master’s Manoeuvres, with the majority of the able to be used in conjunction with an attack.

These Martial Paths and their Manoeuvres range from the blinding and burning of Desert Wind, the preternatural poise and power of Devoted Spirit, the stalwart and reflexive Diamond Mind, the heavy, hale and...hearty of the Iron Heart, the blazing battling of the Setting Sun, the brutish blows of Stone Dragon, the insidious and sneaky Shadow Hand, the leaping and dealing of Tiger Claw, and the tactical precision of White Raven.

Expanded Martial Feats are a collection of twelve new feats designed around and with prerequisites for characters with access to the specific Martial Path.

These are a fantastic addition and seem to line up with the traditional feats, as much as the can while being designed around the Martial Paths. As with all feats they offer wider variety and specialisation, which is always what you want as a player.

The Nine Swords are the legendary blades themselves. Each come with invigorating lore and history, an Omen – a minor unique ability/ element, weapon properties, as well as the Legacy Rituals and Legacy Abilities – these legendary legacy blades have a Dormant, Awakened and Exalted, as they evolve/ unlock greater abilities. I have been a fan of Legacy Blades since Darren Kenny (@DeleniaCreation) and Conor Higgins (@Higgindazs) released Awakened Blades [—A-5th-Edition-Magic-Item-Collection], and the Nine are awesome examples of bloody brilliant blades!

This is an inspired supplement building on the 3.5 supplement Tome of Battle: The Book of Nine Swords (2006) and Fotakis’ own great Warblade Fighter Archetype (2019). Despite not being so familiar with the 3.5 and the original myself, it appears faithful to the original with adaptation, extension and innovation for 5e.

All in all, this is a gorgeous supplement with a beautiful layout, spectacular use of art and both style and substance coming out of everywhere!


Design: Stratos Fotakis, George Mpaklatzis Layout Designer: Stratos Fotakis Art Director: Stratos Fotakis, Alexandros Balatsouras Cover Art: Alexandros Balatsouras Interior Art: Alexandros Balatsouras, Wizards of the Coast

The following sources inspired this material: Tome of Battle: The Book of Nine Swords (2006) Warblade Fighter Archetype (2019)

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Tome of Nine Swords
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The Impossible Peacock
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Curse o. S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/11/2020 17:59:08

The Impossible Peacock by Michelle Churchill (@Michelle

This encounter is broken down in three episodes and works as a standalone adventure or as an encounter worked into Baldur’s Gate: Descent into Avernus.

The first episode gives the adventurers time meet a variety of colourful characters, try to compare the size of a (very naughty) peacock and mastiff, and marvel at the wonders that can be acquired while queuing (the most British element of fantasy), from baked goods to commemorative Baldur’s Gate spoons and forged documents with prices included!

The second episode sees the party tracking down the naughty peacock for one or other employers with a magical menagerie and a bizarre chase ending in revelation, both with fun mishap tables.

The third episodes sees deals struck, rewards and the possible addition of an adorable little friend for the party.

This is a wonderful little introduction to Baldur’s Gate, ether for Descent into Avernus or not, though it could easily be adapted for any city. The tie-ins and references to BG:DIA are get and this really is a seamless introduction or encounter, while not utterly excluding those without the book.

For a relatively brief adventure the details and inclusion of tables are incredible! It’s so great to have options, randomness and inspiration ready to go whether it’s events or items available in the queue, menagerie complication or chase mishaps.

The inclusion of an Infernal contract in Infernal script and translation are brilliant, as well as the adorable adhesive awesomeness of a unique statblock for baby mimics and Dave the Imp with his fabulous and cute shapechanger abilities.

There’s something so charming and wonderful about this adventure with so much silliness and fun. This is a real good time!


Designer: Michelle Churchill Editor: A.J. Ryan Art: Nimgyu, Wizards of the Coast – DMs Guild Creator Resource, William Robinson, Maurice, Verneuil.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Impossible Peacock
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A Lantern in the Dark | Ashley Warren Collected Works [BUNDLE]
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Curse o. S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/10/2020 05:57:31

A Lantern in the Dark | Ashley Warren Collected Works (@ashleynhwarren)

Warren is a pillar of our community from her beautiful and thoughtful writing, lending her literary prowess to adventure crafting, leading such awesome and influential projects as the Uncaged Anthology and the RPG Writer Workshop to a star turn as Constantina Avshalomov, the Vistana Barovian Bard, in the Tales from the Mist (@MistTalesDnD) live actual play and play and podcast that takes a modern approach to exploring the older Mists of Ravenloft to which the title of this collection alludes.

Six sensational adventures and one portentous supplement with a wide variety of setting, situation and tone, but all crafted with Warren’s deft hand and vibrant imagination.

Previously posted review links below.

The Executioner’s Daughter.

My previously posted review of this awesome solo adventure:

The Ring of the Battle Maiden

My full review of one of my favourite adventures of all time and my go to introductory adventure:

Opuscule of Omens

My review of this spellbinding and inspiring supplement:

These are true wonders that can be yours for a song.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
A Lantern in the Dark | Ashley Warren Collected Works [BUNDLE]
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Opuscule of Omens
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Curse o. S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/10/2020 05:31:51

Opuscule of Omens by Ashley Warren (@ashleynhwarren)

Opuscule you omen everything!

Opulence of Omens is a special supplement written in the voice of Warren’s character from the Curse of Strahd campaign, Amira Metanova. It contains all manner of omens with a thoughtful and evocative air.

This is the kind of supplement that is a pleasure to read, filled with inspiration and flavour for your games, whether in creating characters, NPCs or light the spark for your own adventures.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Opuscule of Omens
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Sacrifice Domain
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Curse o. S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/09/2020 07:46:25

Sacrifice Domain by JVCParry (@JVCParry) & Mr. Terrasque (@Mr_Terrasque)

This is Mr Terrasque’s first foray into the other side of the DMs Guild is one hell of a classy splash with a subclass absolutely dripping in flavour!

The spells granted by the Sacrifice Domain reflect its dangerous, explosive and stalwart nature.

From sacrificing health for extra damage or healing to a Channel Divinity that lays total wasted to your enemies at the ultimate price through expending hit dice for spell slots, this is a wholly original and epic-feeling Cleric Domain.

The cover is an unbelievably incredible, eye-meltingly awesome artwork by Dean Spencer (@DeanSpencerArt) of Mr Terrasque looking ridiculously bad arse!

This collaboration has created something spectacular! I am often so excited to build new characters based upon new supplements, but as long time Cleric-lover I can barely hold on to my hype and my DESPERATE NEED TO PLAY A SACRIFICE CLERIC RIGHT STAT NOW OR I’M GOING TO EXPLODE!

Credits Authors: JVCParry & Mr Terrasque Editor: Julia King Cover Art: Dean Spencer Interior Art: Daniel Comerci, Dean Spencer, DMs Guild Resources Layout: JVCParry

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Sacrifice Domain
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Exit Pursued by Owlbear (5e Adventure Anthology)
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Curse o. S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/08/2020 21:57:26

Exit pursued by Owlbear from @erfjordan et al

This is a truly astounding and varied collection of adventures worn worth their salt on their own merit, but as adventures inspired of the works of Shakespeare, they are truly magnificent reimaginings, explorations and reworkings!

I have to be honest about not being the biggest fan. I didn’t have great teachers and was taught things very soberly, lacking the nuance of the ridiculous parody, melodrama and message within the Bard’s plays. I truly recognise him as an incredible dramatist and his effect on literature and language is undeniable, but I think there can be a bit of a fetishism of Shakespeare at the expense of other and newer creators. So, the way this project is set up ticks all my boxes, acknowledging the Bard, while making room for new creators.

The five adventures are as varied as they are spectacular, each offering very different experiences either side of the screen with quality writing and approaches to the text. Each adventure comes with at least a couple of hooks which greatly affect the way the adventures play out and key NPCs’ characterisation. There’s truly something special about being able to be a part of these well-known stories and have the opportunity to affect their outcome.

From pirate hijinks on the high seas to be given a taste of your own psychological medicine, a bizarre, fun dreamland diversion, the world being a stage to entertain friendly hags on a strange journey and aquatic political intrigue, there is a many varied wealth of entertaining adventures.

I would love to see this project and those like to expand into other literary areas with works alongside Shakespeare such as The Duchess of Malfi, which seems ripe for a deconstruction featuring a wolfwere. It’s certainly refreshing that, while traditional media so often recycle works with little creativity, the TTRPG community engage with subject matter and inspiration that truly creates something new and spectacular.

Much (ado) like Uncaged, Unbreakable and The Princess Project before it EPBO reclaims and empowers marginalised characters such as Ophelia having “political acumen far beyond her description in Shakespeare’s Hamlet” and Katherine’s revenge on her abusive husband in the aptly named, ‘A Shrew’s Vengeance’.


Production and Layout by E. R. F. Jordan (@erfjordan) Written by Ashton Duncan (@ashtonnduncan), Noah Grand (@NoahGrand), Jessica Marcrum (@Miss_Jess03), Tessa Simpson (@MiscKlaire), and R. Morgan Slade (@rmorganslade) Edited by Adam Hancock (@AdamDMsGuild) and Lauren Campbell (@GrammarForHire) Art by E. R. F. Jordan Template by Nathanaël Roux (@freeners)

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Exit Pursued by Owlbear (5e Adventure Anthology)
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Eldritch Masters [BUNDLE]
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Curse o. S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/08/2020 18:57:16

Eldritch Masters [BUNDLE] by E. R. F. Jordan (@erfjordan)

This is a colossal amount of eldritch ingenuity that collects so much awesome arcane wonders on one place! Maybe too much! This could be dangerous, but it’s worth the risk!

Book of Patrons

This is a supplement of six sensational Warlock Patrons ranging from the darkness of Apocalypse Incarnate through an ancient, mysterious Grimoire to the fleeting fancy of poetry and inspiration.

A truly inspired and original view of Warlock Patrons.

Eldritch Workshop (5e)

An incredible collection of 30 Eldritch Machines, building on those introduced in Eberron: Rising from the War.

These wild, practical and ridiculous inventions and experiments implement magic and magical mechanical effects in the most creative and inspiring ways.

Forbidden Spells

These 26 exciting eldritch deviancies allow casters to take a walk on the wild side!

Summon Shadows to do your bidding, use Hands of the Grave to have zombified hands claw at your foes, extend your machinations by creating a Lesser Phylactery!

These spells are warped, weird and perfect for evil NPCs to hurl at your players!

Hoard of Symbiotes

This is a creepy cool collection of 24 sentient magic items created by the warping of materials and flesh with the insidious intention to empower and corrupt.

Take the chance on a Belt of Skittering and gain the benefits of a spider’s manoeuvring...with the caveat that of you die while wearing them a giant wolf spider loyal to the Daelkyr will burst from your corpse. Chitinious Wings allow you to fly, but if you die... GIANT WASP! Become all-knowing with the Third Eye of Belashyrra....BEHOLDER!

Have devilish fun tempting your players with these wicked wonders or use them as inspiration for BBEGs and evolving boss fights!

Madness of Xoriat

My full review and short interview with E. R. F. Jordan

Vault of the Warlock

This is 22 weird, warped and wonderful magic items for the Eldritchly inclined.

Harness the power of the dead to reclaim Warlock slots with the Amulet of Trapped Souls, get a direct to your patron on the Tome Phone™ with the Book of Patronage or simply look bad arse with a Sword of Eldritch Flames.

A perfect treat for the Warlocks and those tempted by eldritch power in your life!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Eldritch Masters [BUNDLE]
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