The expanded Gebb intro is great! It does a great job introducing the basic premise and characers; the concept and setting sketches of the base are a really fun addition. I always love to see the full, pulled back view of settings we normally only get glimpses of during the story.
Oh, poor Steve! As usual KMO has made him the most endearing character with his misguided cheer.
The punchline on this one really got me. Even if you see where it's going, it's so well done!
And now we have color! The addition of a single color to the strip makes for a nice design element. I’m curious to see if its use has some narrative significance as well.
It’s a little lizard Joyce! The flashback to her adorable original state is a lot of fun. I also really enjoy any time we learn a little more of what Mama Shug is capable of; it’s interesting world-building.
The buildup of this joke is great! It looks like the Nietzsche clone is going to be an entertaining character (even if you don't really go in for Nietzsche!)
The dark humor in this one is great. Joyce's antics are always good for a sick or grim laugh!
I love when Ed gets a chance to shine! This strip is great for her character.
Joyce is a great character as always! KMO handles the tonal shift between an actually sad, reflective moment to a very in-character joke at the end really well.
The story's taking a really interesting turn here! This strip definitely has me curious for what comes next. (The last line is pretty hilarious, too!)
I like that we're teasing a little more backstory for Steve. KMO does a good job revealing information in natural exchanges, rather than awkward exposition chunks. This strip has an easy-flowing conversation but still delivers new info to enrich the world of Gebb.
This one is a good turning point in the story! The reveal is well set up as both a dramatic turn and a fun punchilne for the strip. Well done!
This is another great strip that will give anyone who's dealt with corporate nonsense a good laugh. The dynamic between Joyce and Derek really shines here. KMO does a great job letting them riff off each other and build the joke up through their interaction.
This one will definitely get a chuckle out of anyone who has had to deal with a terrible boss. As always, Joyce says the things we wish we could!
The punchline on this one literally made me burst out laughing. The dynamic between Ed and Vz is just perfect.