I backed the Kickstarter for this and it delivered exactly what I hoped for: a reasonably detailed and flexible RPG which can be employed to model the LitRPG genre. If you aren't aware of the LitRPG genre, than I'd suggest reading LitRPG novels before checking this out. The basic concept of the genre is that each player is actually playing two characters, one in a 'real world' and one in a 'virtual reality game' like Elder Scrolls or Secret World Legends or Sword Art Online or World of Warcraft. Infinity's Edge does not concern itself with the 'real world' side of things but only with the 'virtual reality game' side.
The game mechanics are simple and easily understood, it is definitely not as profoundly bloated in terms of 'rules for everything' as games like D&D or Pathfinder are, which is a good thing on the whole. The virtual game itself is fleshed out well enough that an experienced/skilled GM can run with it. For example, the crafting of Runestones is described, but the GM decides what Runestones are actually capable of.
I currently feel the best approach to this game would be to pair it with another modern game and run both at the same time, flipping between 'real world' shenanigans and 'virtual world' shenanigans. Perhaps having events blend together as often occurs in LitRPG novels. There would be an extra layer of work involved for both GM and players in running two overlapping worlds like that, but the resultant campaign would be unusual and distinctive. YMMV as always but again, if you and your players are fans of the LitRPG genre, in my humble opinion this game would be of interest to you!