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Infinity's Edge
Publisher: Kyoudai Games
by A customer [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/09/2021 05:25:13

It's a quite short book, and while there's some vaguely interesting stuff in here, it feels like a lot of the rules and content are just lacking and/or completely missing

It claims that it gives you all the rules you need.. but this is untrue. Be aware that you will absolutely need to buy at minimum the next level book presumably, and possibly even some of the others, to actually get the full rules you'd need to actually run this as a campaign

Given that the book itself is actually quite small in size, and a chunk of the page count is packed with full page advert spreads for LitRPG novels, it feels a little annoying that it's lacking in the actual core rules

If you're someone who prefers physical copy rpgs like me, I wouldn't bother with this one, it'd just get far too expensive for what you get, a whole bunch of the extra stuff is clearly intended as little pdf addons and such, except they are probably kinda necessary

I think it would have actually been a better idea to maybe release them initially as PDFs and just collate them all into one full print rulebook or something perhaps

As far as the rules you do get, they don't seem too bad, it's just as a few other people have discussed, feels like you'd end up having to fill in a lot of gaps

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Infinity's Edge
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