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Adventures Great and Glorious
Publisher: BRW Games
by Justin S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/12/2019 15:44:29

Adventures Great and Glorious is an impressive volume of work. It is designed for use in a higher level campaign, with some mechanisms that transcent level. I see opportunities to use this resource for any campaign that involves settlement, governance, or estates. It is targeted at OSR games, but I would use large portions of it for my GURPS or Rolemaster campaigns.

I have never purchased anything by BRW games, but I like what I see. The tables are orderly, with effective and topical illustrations. The economics seem balanced, but I have not performed an in-depth analysis. All in all, based on this product, I would buy more of the author's work.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Adventures Great and Glorious
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