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Publisher: Graycastle Press
by JOHN C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/14/2021 06:54:50

Journey is an excellent tool allowing GM's to walk in the worlds and build out all the small details that make their worlds feel lived in.The game seems targeted at solo players, but you could have an easy going shared story telling experience with it. I feel like the information could be condensed into a GM screen to avoid page flipping at the table and I would want more depth from encounters at times. Generally what the title contains is both novel and approachable and built with enough openness that it would work in any setting.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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Creator Reply:
Thank you for those kind words, John! I'm beyond thrilled that it has worked so well for you. Loving the feedback on enabling collaborative experiences, as well as a more easily reference-able GM screen, both of which are actually in the works! Planning a free collaborative supplement release in the coming weeks, and I've been bopping around a reference document layout. And, for encounters and more of an adventuring feel... well, stay tuned ;) Thanks for being part of this wonderful community!
GeneFunk 2090 Core Rulebook
Publisher: CRISPR Monkey Studios
by JOHN C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/09/2019 12:57:27

Genefunk 2090 is brimming with creativity. The production values are gorgeous. The setting is a brilliant madhouse.

This game takes the familiar rules of 5e and smoothly adapt them in the dystopian world where you may battle corporate assassins, syndicate grunts or genetic monstrosities. The player options are powerful and interesting without being tedious or overwhelming.

The game’s influences are many and weaved together until the lines between them disappear.

The GM support is effective at giving you tools to construct your own adventures, without being a slog or involving mini-games. Plot hooks, guidance, details about how to handle and grow the campaign.

I appreciate the level of detail the world lore that is given. The history of how we got here fits in two pages. There’s a more well developed cast of corporations to work for and sabotage. It’s the right size of world lore. Too many books pad the first 100 pages with setting and histories. This book delivers its setting where you can easily take what you need from it and move on.

The power curve seems very high, but it’s balanced that the options are all generous. It sets up an ecosystem where characters are less generalists which blends well into the setting of high powered cyborgs and genetic mutts.

Overall, Genefunk 2090 is a very fun, very accessible bio/cyberpunk setting with functional design and huge amounts of creativity. Highly recommended.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
GeneFunk 2090 Core Rulebook
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Adventures Great and Glorious
Publisher: BRW Games
by JOHN C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/07/2019 02:05:21

I will commend that the book is thorough and covers a broad range of topics that will significantly help take your game beyond dungeon dives, I just wish it was useful without spending the cost of this book multiple times.

This is a great reference for Adventures Dark and Deep. For other OSR systems it is only useful if you have or plan on buying other entries in the ADAD line. The concept of more rooted, less murder-hobo campaigns is great and the execution in this book is very solid, but it is advertised as being compatible with other osr games, which I believe is misleading, because this is not a stand alone product. There are 36 references to other books for information, making this book a supplement more than a stand-alone product. This kind of cross referencing is bad in any event even if I owned the whole line.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Adventures Great and Glorious
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Mythic Game Master Emulator Deck
Publisher: Word Mill Games
by JOHN C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/10/2019 13:23:33

These cards are a great tool for running a solo game. It increases both the speed and utility of the original emulator. Also the card quality is pretty standard for playing cards, the print quality exceeded my expectations. Overall very happy with this purchase.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Mythic Game Master Emulator Deck
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Legacy: Life Among the Ruins 2nd Edition
Publisher: UFO Press
by JOHN C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/21/2018 11:52:15

This game changes the usual scope from playing an individual to playing a group throughout generations. The tools it makes available to players does a great job of being a springboard to new ideas instead of a channel of self-enforcing genre. It's hard to pin down where the alchemy that makes this game so good. Quality parts, a firm understanding of the gameplay it wants to facilitate, creative prompts that asks far more questions than it answers are all key parts to it. My experience with this game in groups has been remarkably good. Giving these tools to players has been transformative in how well and how much they enjoy play. 7/5.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Legacy: Life Among the Ruins 2nd Edition
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Shadows of Esteren - Of Men and Obscurities OST
Publisher: Studio Agate
by JOHN C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/26/2016 19:09:01

I really enjoy this sound track. It's a great thing to chill out to at work. Trying to speed metal your way through life can be exhausting at times. I may have derailed, lets get this back on track.

This track is an excellent pairing with the setting. A constant stream of classically based music, the contemporary and ambient sounds keep this from being a slog despite it's down tone. The soundtrack remains surprisingly fresh. I listen to this sound track in between studies of the main rule books just because it seems to exemplify and even amplify the mood of the setting so well.

I'd enjoy thick album on it's own, the fact that it is expertly honed to a wonderfully moody world makes this a rare gem. I'm not a huge user of background music in games, so I don't really have strong feeling of it's use as a background track while running the game. I don't find this obtrusive in anyway so I think it would still work great.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Shadows of Esteren - Of Men and Obscurities OST
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