Genefunk 2090 is brimming with creativity. The production values are gorgeous. The setting is a brilliant madhouse.
This game takes the familiar rules of 5e and smoothly adapt them in the dystopian world where you may battle corporate assassins, syndicate grunts or genetic monstrosities. The player options are powerful and interesting without being tedious or overwhelming.
The game’s influences are many and weaved together until the lines between them disappear.
The GM support is effective at giving you tools to construct your own adventures, without being a slog or involving mini-games. Plot hooks, guidance, details about how to handle and grow the campaign.
I appreciate the level of detail the world lore that is given. The history of how we got here fits in two pages. There’s a more well developed cast of corporations to work for and sabotage. It’s the right size of world lore. Too many books pad the first 100 pages with setting and histories. This book delivers its setting where you can easily take what you need from it and move on.
The power curve seems very high, but it’s balanced that the options are all generous. It sets up an ecosystem where characters are less generalists which blends well into the setting of high powered cyborgs and genetic mutts.
Overall, Genefunk 2090 is a very fun, very accessible bio/cyberpunk setting with functional design and huge amounts of creativity. Highly recommended.