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Psychopomp Class $3.50
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Psychopomp Class
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Psychopomp Class
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Cameron D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/09/2019 19:10:36

Custom classes are very often hit or miss for me - but when Massimo put out news about Psychopomp, I wanted to take a look. The concept already is an alluring one: you as a character helping guide lost spirits and souls to their final resting place through the energies of the ethereal plane. On top of a new class, you get several NPCs, some new spells, and a new background in the Exorcist - which is pretty kickass.

The Psychopomp works kind of as a hybrid of a paladin, cleric, mystic, druid, and shaman; pulling in little pieces from each to form something completely new. The layout is clean, the organization is well thought-out, and overall it is very balanced. I have to say that Tormented Soul is probably my favorite Spirit Guardian (essentially your archetype/subclass) cause you literally can be Ghost Rider, and who the hell wouldn't want to be Ghost Rider?

This is a great new class, and if anyone is looking to really delve into some hefty roleplaying and a whole new landscape of gaming, then Psychopomp is the gateway for you.

Comics, Clerics, & Controllers d20 Roll: Nat 20

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Psychopomp Class
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Daniele S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/05/2019 08:16:26

A beautiful and original class, with a mystical flavor very distinct from all the others. There are 4 subclasses, each of which is able to deepen the theme of the character,l thanks to the very thematic abilities and powers. I particularly liked the new spells. Good job!

Una bella classe decisamente originale, con un flavour mistico ben distinto da tutte le altre. Sono presenti 4 sottoclassi, ognuna delle quali riesce ad approfondire il tema del personaggio, soprattutto grazie alle capacità e poteri molto tematici. Mi sono particolarmente piaciuti i nuovi incantesimi. Ottimo lavoro!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Psychopomp Class
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Christopher C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/04/2019 13:14:53

The Psychopomp an incredibly compelling concept for a new class, and I would stress that it does indeed feel like a decidedly unique new class, fully distinct from existing classes, which is no small feat, as the existing classes pretty much cover all the bases. Interesting lore, a new thematically linked background (exorcist), three fun new spells, a new tool/skill (chandling), and a scythe weapon make this a very comprehensive supplement. For versatility, there are also four subclass options (two in the main guide, two included with the purchase as add-ons), and I like that the subclasses are linked to the type of otherworldly spirit guide you choose, which adds the possibility of roleplaying much like with a warlock patron. Kudos too, for including an NPC stat block representing a typical psychopomp.

The only real criticism I have about the guide is that its English translation is a bit rough (translated from the original Italian), making a lot of the text feel clunky, but this never prevented me from understanding what was intended, and I commend the author for attempting a release in two languages. A table of contents would also have been helpful.

Lastly, I'll also mention that the artwork and layout are excellent, making this supplement well worth the low asking price.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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