This is a supplement that is intended as a full globetrotting Chronicle that follows the events presented in Lucita’s Six so one might want to check that book. The plot revolves around matters dealing with Infernalism, the Baali, Kupala and Fallen so it might not be for everyone. Also, the storyteller might need to be familiar with Demon the Fallen, the Transylvania Chronicles and Montreal by Night to get the most of this book. That being said the story seems like one that would be fun to run with a group that likes exploring the most outlandish style of play.
This book was written with the purpose of bringing back the Lupines as the ultimate danger that lies on the outskirts of the city presented in the first edition of Vampire. In order to do that the author distances the Lupines from the more familiar view of the Lycanthrope as presented in Werewolf the Apocalypse, the creatures in this book are no Garou.
The book does a good job presenting the Lupines as a credible supernatural threat to vampires, one that is a mixture of bestial savagery with human malevolence. The systems presented for the Lupines make them a credible threat to Kindred but don’t go overboard in making them unstoppable killing machines.
The different beings presented in this sourcebook are written in a way that makes them feel as a natural part of Creation, each one with several possible parts to play in an Exalted Chronicle. We like that the author gives us a reference for the books where abilities and setting references can be found.
A sourcebook dedicated to the Ventrue for the Second Edition of Vampire the Requiem. The first chapter updates four bloodlines to 2E and gives us four new ones with associated merits and disciplines. The new bloodlines are interesting enough and the old ones retain their core despite the changes brought by the second edition of the game.
The second chapter deals with Malkavia (the supernatural disease that brings madness to the Lords) and how to use it in a chronicle. The book does this by giving us several possible explanations for the disease, systems for it, tips for storytelling, examples of kindred afflicted by Malkavia and updates the Malkavian bloodline from the first edition rulebook.
The third chapter gives us new archetypes, devotions, merits and a very interesting discussion about the Clan Bane of the Ventrue and how it affects a player’s character.
The fourth chapter features allies, covenants, and horrors. It details three ghoul families associated with the Ventrue with great potential for storytelling. The Covenants are a reimagining of an old bloodline and an idea that connects the Clan's legacy with Rome. Finally, the horrors: one born of an unholy mixture of animal instinct and Kindred bloodthirsty nature; and the other a predator hungry for memories.
A very good sourcebook for players and storytellers alike.
This book shares one big problem with the other book from the Classical Age line: It’s riddled with translation mistakes from Portuguese to English that make reading take some work.
That said this book gives players and storytellers a primer on Carthage. Divided in Chapters that cover the history of the city (both mortal and undead), it’s locations, the rules that govern the Kindred of the city, the clans and bloodlines represented, their powers and finally a chapter on how to run chronicles set in Carthage.
The books does a great job giving us profiles for the most well-known Kindred that made Carthage their Lair: Trole, Moloch, Menele, Helena, Critias, et al. It also does a good job integrating four Laibon Legacies (Akunanse, Guruhi, Mla Watu and Nkulu Zao) into the groups that make the Kindred society of Carthage.
This book provides several examples of sources a Winter Court can draw to form the local Mourning Cant and is a great in that regard, but the specifics must be worked by the players and their storyteller.
Despite being marketed as a Changeling The Lost supplement this book can be used to draw ideas for any of the game lines in the Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness, especially when the need for secrecy is needed.
A book with Kinfolk for the Fera of the Savage Age organized by tribe, but each one can be used for other tribes as needed. Each one of the Kinfolk is unique and serves a base to generate player characters, story hooks and to reinforce the unique feeling of the Savage Age setting. A great book for Storytellers and players alike.
Besides obligatory references to them in the books that deal with ghouls, clans with animalism (Gangrel, Nosferatu, Ravnos and Tzimisce) or a few mentions where necessary (horse ghouls in The Ashen Knight or snake ghouls in books dealing with the Followers of Set) Ghouled Animals have been a minor concern for VtM. This book tries to change that and, in our opinion, succeeds.
The ideas presented in this book expand Animal Ghoul beyond enemies to be fought or avoided and exemplifies how to integrate them in a carácter backstory as guards,spies or cherished companions;, even if a few of the Ghouls presented in the book seem outlandish they are memorable enough that a Storyteller (or player) can adapt them for use in a Chronicle and the rest are great to use as presented or draw inspiration from.
The one thing we think this book could benefit from is a better layout.
Hammer and the Stake The Worker's Primer is the playtest rules for a new vampire hunting game. The mechanics on some level has similiarity to the World of Darkness using Attributes and Skills with a 1 to 5 rating, but this is really where the similarity ends. The mechanics are totally unique being based on a game of craps. This mechanic in itself got the players of our group invested in the resolution of our first dice roll. The setting is also very different from what one would expect from the typical vampire style game, which we found refreshing and interesting. The game seemed relativley easy to learn, and was enjoyable to play.
That being said, there was one minor issue that our play group seemed to encounter. The dice rolls seem to favor the npcs. As a Seven on the dice, is always a failure, and statistically a seven is the most common number rolled on two six-sided dice. The way the mechanics work, a roll of a two is always a success (one of the hardest numbers to roll statistically) and players can place bets on other numbers to increase there odds of success. The problem comes is that low level characters don't have a lot of dots in any one skill (unless they are min/maxed), and skill ranks are what open up options of other numbers to bet on. Therefore, a lot of our starting characters seemed to fail a lot.
Overall, The Tabletop Gaming Club really did enjoy this product, and we look forward to the finalized version from the kickstarter. Everyone should check this product out now, and visit their kickstarter page to help make this product even better.
The companion book the Bordeaux By Night Player's guide, the Storyteller's Guide is a can't miss book for storytellers. This revised edition of the book goes into details of the city and the kindred, the player's guide just hinted at. The kindred presented in this book are fully flushed out, with flaws and closet skeletons, which allows for a game filled with social intrigue and in some cases deep personal horror.
This is a must have book for any storyteller wanting to run a game in the Bordeaux area. The quality of this book exceeds many of the professionally done by Night books. The Tabletop Gaming Club loved this setting and strongly recommends it to Storytellers.
Creator Reply: |
Thanks a lot for the review! I'm glad you enjoyed the updates compared to the original.
Is there anything that would need an improvement to make it a five star review? |
Detroit by Night is a city book for Detroit that gives us detailed npcs of the Detroit area. The Tabletop Gaming club really liked this book, but the book is relatively short and is not as detailed as many of the other city books. Another thing that kind of through us, is that book out is layout out in backwards order of most city books. The typical city book introduces the history, followed by geography, then npcs and the storytelling. This book chooses to introduce the npcs first, which might bother some readers.
Overall, we still liked the book and recommend it for players and storytellers wanting to run a game in Detroit.
100 Books to Find on a Mage's Shelf is a short book that list 100 different book titles with short descriptions that could be places in a mage's library. The Tabletop Gaming Club loved this booklet, finding the titles useful for coming up with names for books for flavor text. We recommend this product, but we must comment on the layout... this book could have benefited by being a couple of pages larger. Each entry kind of runs into the next... no spacing between entries. This made it a little hard to skim quickly during a game.
The Tabletop Gaming Club got the opportunity to playtest the product a couple of months before its release. We can't say enough good things about this product. The author dug deep into myth and literature for many of the wonderful Flora and Fauna that appear within the tome's pages. We really loved the Hospitalitree which was enspired by L. Frank Baums work Ozma of Oz.
Everything in this book helps bring the magical world of Changeling to life. WE STRONGLY RECOMMEND THIS PRODUCT TO EVERYONE. Even game masters of other world of darkness lines or even other game systems can make use of materials presented in Encylopedica Magica chapter of this book.
A+ product.
Ladies of Darkness Ghouls & Vampires is accumalation of the author's Ladies in Darkness Series. This book takes the characters introduced as mortals in those other products and now presents them as ghouls and vampires. The product first represents these characters with roleplaying notes. In the second chapter this product ppresents these characters as ghouls with an updated background of how they they meet their dominator. (The author uses existing characters from other books as the various dominators). The third chapter of this product, presents these characters as vampires with updated backgrounds of how their sires chose them. One of the great things about this product is the different way the same base character is protrayed... for example the character of Axel Lamer is presented as both a Assamite Ghoul and a Ventrue Vampire. Aother great thing about this product is the variation they give to each character based on who is their dominator or sire, with each giving different bonuses to the base characters. This allows players or storytellers to take any character presented to be modifed differently based on who they want to be their sires or dominators.... which gives a ton of options.
The Tabletop Gaming Club loved this product. We strongly recommend this product to players and storytellers.
MODELS is a unique roleplaying game, where the players play well fashion models who are also spies working for The Agency. We played a session of this game and it felt like we were playing though an episode of Charlie's Angels, the tv show from the 70's. We loved it.
The Tabletop Gaming Club recommends these product to gamers that want to try something new and a little different.