The Watch Station model is absalutly Awsome. I had it printed at Office Works (due to the cost of ink on my home printer) on 250 gsm paper, at 88 cents per sheet (Australian)
I noticed after they were printed, that Dave recommends 199gsm max. Oops. I have made another one of his buildings some time back, and whilst the 250gsm certainly gives the watch station a bucket load of wheight and strength, it makes it really difficult to fold all the small tabs, even at 28mm scale, not to mention that the ink tends to crack on any of the folds. Recommendation: listen to Dave.
After I completed it, I then sprayed it with artists matt finishing sealer, to give it some protection from the (tabletop) ellements, and to matt of the slight gloss of the card paper that was used.
All in all, a fantastic paper building that will go well with my new Infinity game.
P.s. I just started making a 50% one I printed at home on matt photo paper. Wish me luck, the tabs are so tiny.