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Technocracy Assembled 2
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Technocracy Assembled 2
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Technocracy Assembled 2
Publisher: White Wolf
by Charles S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/13/2019 20:46:43

Syndicate 4/5

Though I haven't yet read the Technocracy: Void Engineers, this is my favorite of the first edition Convention Books. The Syndicate is presented clearly, with the reasoning behind what they do and why they can't push to do more (such as abolish money and make everything free). It does a far better job pushing the Syndicate as a "good" guy than Iteration X, Progenitors and NWO did, though a big part of that might be that all three of those books praise the Nazis in some way, while this one takes credit for the one thing that Hitler did right (rebuilding the German economy) and then tries to take credit for undermining him, rather than saying things like that the camps were a great success for medical research.

It's still a first edition Technocracy book, though clearly by this point, the 2nd edition view of the Technocracy had started to take over, though it was still two years before Guite to the Technocracy was published. So it has some issues, like making the Syndicate and New World Order have a bit too much overlap (this isn't quite solved in Revised, though giving the Syndicate Primal Utility and REALLY tying them to their paradigm of the Bottom Line helped a lot).

Oh, and of course, this is in small ways a crossover book with Werewolf: the Apocalypse.

Void Engineers 5/5

I honestly love this book. From the framing narrative of a Void Engineer giving their history to a bunch of Reality Deviants (one of each of the major types, in fact) including the reveal at the end bringing the whole thing into question and giving rise to a major chunk of the Nephandic Infiltration metaplot for the Technocracy. It's really a modern Convention Book with a nuanced view of the Technocracy and one that clearly internally, at least, has them as the heroes.

It contains decent mechanics for Voidships, and seems to be the place where the exploration of the galaxy is farthest along (at least, I don't believe later books suggest that they've gotten as far as this one claims they have.) In fact, if there's a flaw, it's because them having significant extrasolar exploration is a bit beyond belief, though they justify it by Kepler and Einstein having worked together to find a hole in Relativity (Newton, also a Void Engineer apparently, had been killed a few decades earlier).

Overall, it's a very good book, with lots of useful procedures and devices, a solid narrative, and it makes it clear that Void Engineers are more complex antagonists who are more tolerant of Earthly relatiy deviants, simply because out in teh void, anything vaguely human is more friend than the natives are.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Technocracy Assembled 2
Publisher: White Wolf
by Simon H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/04/2013 04:09:34

It would worth a better appearance and bookmarking. Please rescan and update!

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Technocracy Assembled 2
Publisher: White Wolf
by Shaun B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/02/2008 04:14:16

My only complaint with this title is that the bookmarks are all wrong. It looks like someone used a tool to autocreate bookmarks, and the fact that this book is actually a compilation of several smaller books confused the tool - but no-one bothered to check it. Half of the bookmarks are missing and the ones you do get are in the wrong order and apparently point to completely random pages. Other than that - the book appears to be fine, on a par with the other old World of Darkness PDFs and is a fairly good buy for $10.00. I would have scored it higher if the bookmarks were correct.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
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