An review
The final installment of the Legendary Planet AP clocks in at 172 pages, 1 page front cover, 1 page inside of front cover, 1 page editorial, 2 pages of introduction (which also contains notes on assumed power-level, etc.), 1 page ToC, 4 pages of SRD ,1 page back cover, leaving us with 161 pages of content, so let’s take a look!
As always, I was a backer of the kickstarter for Legendary Planet, but I was not involved in the creation of this book. This brings me to a big, important note: You see, the kickstarter back then barely made the funding required for this final module – and under that premise, it is exceedingly impressive to see that this not only is a full-blown module, it’s actually mega-adventure length all on its own, probably somewhere about twice to thrice the length of a regular installment. Making it thus right by the patient backers? That’s how you handle projects like this. Kudos for going all out regarding scope.
The book also comes with a ginormous Art and Map Folio. Ähem, for anyone in the industry reading this: “THE ART AND MAP FOLIO SHOULD BE INDUSTRY STANDARD.” Apologies for the allcaps, but this really needs to happen. I’m so sick and tired of extracting art from pdfs, and with these, I have essentially a massive handout booklet. They REALLY enhance the game, are super-convenient, and just fantastic. The art and map folio this time around, btw.? 60 pages. And the artworks are stunning. Less stunning: The player-friendly maps sans labels included in the 1st,2nd,3rd and 5th installment of the AP are unfortunately missing here as well. I really don’t get why installment 4, 6 and this book’s folios were missing those, and I seriously hope that they’ll be added.
Now, as always, we do get read-aloud text and quite a lot of supplemental material for the module; the adventure is designed for 4 characters of 19th level, with 5 mythic tiers, and the module gives guidance regarding milestone advancement and Slow advancement. With the finale assuming level 20 PCs with 7 mythic tiers. The module does include the by now classic prose chapter by Chris A. Jackson.
As always, let us start by taking a look at the chapter dealing with supplemental material, to be more precise, the chapter that sports the header “BOOM” (from the feather of Jason Nelson) – the module is supposed to end with a huge bang, so we get a section on demolition by explosives. My players would love this, as throwing ridiculous amounts of explosives at problems has been a strategy of theirs whenever they get stuck…but I digress. The bombardier ranger archetype replaces Handle Animal and Knowledge (geography) as well as Knowledge (nature) with Knowledge (arcana) and Knowledge (engineering) and UMD; they reduce their proficiency list to light armor, simple weapons and explosives, and get the alchemist bomb class feature instead of favored enemy and master hunter; they also get one-half their level as a bonus to make or identify alchemical weaponry, and the bonus also applies to siege weapon aiming. The archetype comes with a custom combat style. Instead of favored terrain, 3rd level and every 5 levels thereafter yield an alchemist discovery at level-2, replacing favored terrain. Also at this level, we have an increase of the save DC of alchemical weaponry and grenades, and this DC further increases over the levels, but does have a cap and explicitly states that it doesn’t apply to bombs granted by the class feature. 4th level nets extracts with a custom list, and instead of the whole hunter’s bond/tracking and hide in plain sight suite, we get a collection of bonus feats to choose from, which allow for some amateur gunslinging and better heavy weaponry/siege weapon usage. At 7th level, we get 8 benefits that apply to grenades and alchemical weapons, which include modifying missed throws, deadman switches, dual throws, add Intelligence modifier to hit point damage (RAW to regular and splash damage), etc. – and at 11th level and every 4 levels thereafter, we can use an additional one of these benefits each round. This archetype is a complex, potent engine-hack that plays radically different than both base class, alchemist, etc. – and it makes the respective weaponry valid.
The article is supplemented by the inclusion of 4 alchemist talents that focus on using bombs under water or further delay explosions of bombs. I don’t have all my tools from office and reference materials here, but unless I am sorely mistaken, these discoveries were originally featured in the Carrion Crown plug-in Beyond the Void. The pdf also reprints Grenade Expert and Distracting Explosions feats for your convenience (pretty sure that these two were introduced in Ironfang Incursion), and features two more that are somewhat familiar to me, but I can’t say for sure or place them: Deafening Blast adds a short-term deafen effect to bombs and grenades (no, it’s not like the Hobgoblin racial feat), and Demolitions Expert makes you deal full damage to objects etc. with bombs and alchemical items. These feats are welcome additions to the chapter, well-designed, and I liked seeing their inclusion here. Oh, and guess what: We get a whole page of incredibly densely-packed grenades, reprinting the Technology Guide’s material, but expanding it with e.g. radiation-causing grenades, dwarf star grenades, tear gas, etc. – in short, this is the grenade reference page now; construction requirements included, of course. Beyond that, we get stats for contact and remote mines, and the stats for plasma thrower and rocket launcher are included as well, so you don’t need to flip books. This also includes featuring the scatter weapon quality for your convenience.
Beyond these, we get 3 new technological items in the alien treasures section (penned by Jason Nelson and Steven T. Helt), and one new magical item. The former would be the klaven spacesuit, which features self-replicating polymer that can repair it, if provided a charge, and it does have some boosters as well as special slots that facilitate potion consumption. Nice one. The second new technological item would be the black ray pistol, which fires a ray of disruptive energy that is classified as a necromancy [death] effect that still inflicts half damage to corporeal undead. The classification here allows the pistol’s untyped damage to avoid my scorn, since [death] effects are very much something you can protect yourself from. The disintegration torc is a torus-shaped ring grenade that causes untyped damage in a very small radius burst, potentially disintegrate-ing those slain by it; it also is particularly efficient at destroying force effects. Nice. The new magic item, which is illustrated in a great full-color artwork, like the disintegration torc, fyi, would be The Unbroken Blade, which is a +4 adamantine mythic bane falchion with properly codified mythic abilities. It looks epic and is powerful indeed.
The massive adventure does contain more, though: What about, for example, the INCREDIBLY useful chapter “Adventuring in the Void” (penned by Jason Nelson, Robert Brookes and Steven T. Helt), which recaps rules for gravity, maneuvering and momentum in the void, zero-g combat (including reprints from the Aethera Campaign Setting), radiation (including a spell to ward against it), vacuum…magic in the void is properly codified…and so is surviving in the void, where we get concise rules for the devastating effects of deep space, perihelion, etc.; oh, and the supplement also provides rules for the incredibly lethal prospect of getting close to a star, which frankly only the best equipped, highest level and toughest PCs have a chance of surviving. This chapter is awesome, as it provides a handy one-stop reference for truly brutal and suitably challenging space exploration effects. Two thumbs up! GMs running this module: Study this chapter very well – it’s super useful.
The bestiary penned by Steven T. Helt and master of meticulous, marvelous monsters Mike Welham, if you were wondering, is super-sized as well: We are, for example, introduced to the naturally-psychic CR 7 Yllosans, allies of the elali, who get an aetheric variant of telekinesis and naturally light-bending bodies; the former servitor-race Kaulvrex (CR 6) with their third arm and chemical communication (and option to chemically brand targets with their tails) are also neat; the Cr ½ Erebus come with their own racial traits, which are +2 Intelligence and Charisma, low-light vision, +1 to saving throw DCs for enchantment spells and SPs, and 1/day hypnotism as a SP if their Charisma exceeds 15; they get +1 skill per level and their limited mental connection nets them a +8 racial bonus to pass secret messages via Bluff to other members of their race. They also get a +2 racial bonus to resist charms and compulsions, and get an additional save to shake these off if they failed the initial save. Though derived from human stock, they have their own humanoid subtype, as can be gleaned from their statblock, but not their racial traits. Not the biggest fan of them due to being somewhat lopsided, but I wouldn’t flat-out disallow them in my games. The deadly CR 17 griever from the Construct Codex is reprinted here as well.
The CR 11 explosive egg-throwing Pelkrev, eyeless and derived from draconic stock, are an interesting race that can draw power from spells failing to penetrate their SR. On the slimy side of things, we have the CR 11 living nebula, which is rules-wise super-interesting: It is gaseous, but not incorporeal, and has a unique twist that changes how its grapples operate. Combined with its alien mind and fiery aura, I really liked these alien things from a monster design perspective. Need a bit more? Well, what about a frickin’ CR 20 star blight ooze that distorts light and gravity and really wrecks the range of ranged weaponry in a rather large area? It can emit exotic ability score draining bursts of radiation and also have a stunning effect with their attacks, channeling the cold of space. Delightful! At CR 16, the earth/fire elemental Diamantem are pretty much what you’d expect: With super-sharp carbon slams, immunity to fusion, etc. and light, and prismatic spray-beams, they certainly are cool. The CR 13/MR 2 locusdaemon hits with the strength of falling stars and additional attacks in full attacks; they are surrounded by an aura of gravity that pushes targets to them, and has this cool unique property that makes it always face those observing it. A clever GM can use this latter ability to rather interesting and devious effect…just sayin’…
As always, it is highly recommended that the GM reads the Gazetteer section (penned by Darrin Drader, Jonathan H. Keith and Jason Nelson) before running the module; particularly this time around, since we’re dealing with the massive Great Sphere, the dyson sphere that represents the heart of the Ultari Hegemony. The write-up also features full settlement stats for capital Atlas Prime, as well as a law enforcement table and the stats to supplement them; beyond the stats featured in the main module, we get 4 extra statblocks, ranging from CR 6 to CR 20/MR 5 – the latter being btw. The supper deadly mythic myrmidon strike wing troop. Yep, not even super-high-level PCs are safe from the power of this empire! These constructs are BRUTAL. Atlas Prime is also unique, since the Ultari have managed to tap into mythic powers and utilize them, but also taint them for others; this is represented in the super-potent Mythic Ravage disease: This affliction is a risk whenever the PCs tap into the vast powers their mythic abilities grant them, and the affliction is nigh-impossible to get rid of, and the disease bypasses even condition immunities. It is also not a simple save or suck, instead coming with 5 progressions (KUDOS!), and the affliction does properly codify attempts to deal with it. It is a really cool affliction, and genuinely made me wish for a whole book of these complex, multi-stage effects at this quality.
Now, as far as the module is concerned, the PC’s unique Morphic Nature benefit does grant them a page of benefits when it comes to handling space, including means to use mythic power to temporarily gain some Zero-G expertise; the bottom line here is, that the PCs don’t have to start from scratch regarding functionality – but considering the totality of the adventuring beyond the void rules presented, as well as the threat of Mythic Ravage. The module does throw some serious problems at the PCs – and that is GOOD. The PCs at this level have vast resources, and they SHOULD need to think how to use these resources to survive what would be literally impossible for lesser heroes. Instead of taking away or limiting their powers, the module proposes a series of persistent challenges that the PCs need to work with. That is a very good basic premise even before the module kicks off, as far as I’m concerned. Optional random encounters are presented throughout the adventure; obscure feats are printed where required; in one instance, an ambiguous verbiage of an ability referenced is clearly defined (kudos); the module warns you when you need to be even more keenly-aware of the capabilities of the PCs; the book provides the effects of upgraded mythic spells (no book-flipping to LG’s super-useful mythic books); we also get advice for handling the more scifi aspects of the genre, tech, psychic magic, psionics – you get the idea; in short: The module is as convenient as a super high-level adventure can be.
Okay, I’ve danced around the topic for too long, let us take an in-depth look at the mega-adventure-sized conclusion to the Legendary Planet AP! Unsurprisingly, the following will contain a TON OF SPOILERS. Potential players should jump ahead to the conclusion.
All right, only GMs around? Great! So, in the last installment, the military counter-offense launched by the Ultari Hegemony was thwarted by the PCs; thus, this module begins in media res, with the PCs emerging from the Scarab Relay in hot pursuit of the Ultari, right in the middle of a cloud of blue and white gas; provided they can beat the welcome committee left. Aluum titan (CR 16/MR 1) – and that is one of the easiest encounters in the adventure. The location of the Hegemony’s home system was purged from all computers and minds, but, you know, there is the trail to the Latere Nebula, a cosmic graveyard of dead gods mined by immortal champions in a bid to end all existence. Suffice to say, that’s not just space, it’s space coterminous with the negative energy plane, aligning the nothingness of space with those of metaphysical oblivion, courtesy of the mighty Titan’s Maw wormhole.
Yep, that’s how this module begins. And in contrast to the defenses of the finale of the last adventure feeling a bit off for the heart of a military operations, the same can’t be said here, as the annihilator robot welcome committee adds further potential to add the ole’ “Dead” to “Dead Space. The PCs have to navigate life-consuming nebulae, survive the assault of the CR 22/MR 2 blackstar nightwave Broln. Did I mention the assault by no less than 8 (!!) of the new locusdaemons? The photo-negative appearance nebula’s black spaces slowly coalesce upon traversal into the colossal shapes of gods long slain, and before long, Arasaim, The Darkness, a nightwalker antipaladin (!!) and his undead mi-go (cosmetic niggle: B4 reference not in superscript), will attack. This THING is functionally impossible to finally destroy right now: It offers leading the PCs to their enemies, if they kill the one living this in the Latere Nebula…and considering that Arasaim respawns whenever something dies in the nebula…well…if the first combat doesn’t do it, the second, third, foruth…you get the idea. High-level haunts of dimensional instabilities tell the tale of the Maw, and Arasaim’s target? Well, that’d be Ingulnexia, advanced void creature old umbral dragon and her retinue of shadow storms, and while not mythic per se, her lair in the bones of a long-forgotten god do help even the playing field. Interesting: both vile entities provide the means to progress – dragon and nightwalker know that passage through the wormhole will lead the PCs where they need to thread, and if the PCs are VERY clever, they might even be able to avoid fighting either of the two super-powerful entities, though, per default, the module does seem to assume that the dragon will be the one slain.
Oh, and an event horizon? In case you were wondering: You better spend a mythic power right away, or it’ll destroy you irrevocably. That’s the start. The start. Know how, rather often, players and PCs tend to lose their awe before phenomena that should frighten them? “I fall off the cliff, so what?”; “Yeah, I’ll just walk into that burning house, no biggie.” – the PCs may be now be nigh immortal and super-potent legends. But guess what? If they think they can just take traversal of the wormhole, just because they’re high level…they’ll ALL DIE HORRIBLY. As they should! This is super-deadly, as it should be; even fully buffed high-level parties will suffer and potentially risk perishing. The module notes several means of increasing their survivability, but frankly, at these levels, the PCs need to be able to handle challenges of these proportions. This is as well a place as any to note: To Kill a Star pulls no punches. More so than even previous Legendary Planet installments, this module is clearly written with a look to the vast capabilities that the PCs and players by now have. The module warns in the beginning that it is “Incredibly Deadly” – I’d agree, but in a good way. Unlike quite a few comparable high-level adventures, the challenges posed here are seriously brutal; as brutal as they need to be to represent a proper challenge for characters of this excessive power.
Anyhow, so, the PCs are up to the Hegemony’s sphere – hopefully seriously-battered, but alive…but guess what: They’ll be catapulted into a potentially deadly debris field, and beyond, high-range railgun turrets have excellent sensors…and when their sensors are triggered, the PCs will be assaulted by Klaven Draconians and their sundragon steeds! Then, the PCs will have to still breach the sphere, which may or may not be done via the sentinel tower, from which the dragoons emerge; instead of wasting space on a dungeon through which the PCs would partially curbstomp, the tower is depicted in a highlight reel kind of way, from crucial place to crucial place – however, it should be noted that, while the PCs do get to best the regular teams, there are still plenty of dangerous high-level hazards here; just because this is no apex-tier set of encounters doesn’t mean that the Hegemony’s forces can be taken lightly! With the help of an Yllosan-possessed jagladine tech, the PCs will have a means to access the hypertube network that is used instead of the relatively dangerous teleportation as a means of propulsion in the sphere. As for teleportation: Orium-laced construction limits it, and same goes for the sphere itself – and yes, the PCs will probably know as much at this point. It should also be noted that the tower contains an encounter with aforementioned griever; one that has a pretty clever and potentially lethal set-up. But back to the tubes: Beyond potentially deadly scavengers, we have a routine inspection (that can result in a CR 18 encounter…), and the PCs will arrive at a ghost nexus tower, where their capsule will temporarily crash, requiring that the PCs hold off waves of undead as well as waves of negative energy. Provided they survive all of that (hopefully they get the capsule working before a routine inspection of more dragon-riding jagladine happens…), the PCs are off to Atlas Prime!
The capital city of the Ultari Hegemony is suffused by aforementioned Mythic Ravage disease, and if you ever dealt with the supremely weird and annoying customs clearance of an intercontinental flight, picture that, but for a super-powerful evil empire, and you’ll have the entry station for Atlas Prime! With psychoactive crystal that doesn’t block line of sight or mind-affectinf effects, as well as exceedingly potent adversaries, this is a thoroughly unique angle that I’ve never seen pulled off: The PCs may be able to break through, but if they’re smart, they’ll take the infiltration route and attempt to pass the interrogation by the inquisitors. If they make too much of a hassle, they’ll well meet Xaver Brun, the CR 24/MR 3 ultari techlord. Hint: This fellow is NOT playing around. It is here at the very latest that the GM should have read the gazetteer, for the PCs, by stealth or force, need to find the safe house and reconnaissance with the yllosans here, engaging in some serious high-level research, beyond basic research, that is anything but basic, the presence of the Opus Aeterna can unveil true secrets beyond – the reasons for the sphere; the meaning of the shaft of light seemingly piercing the sun called Axis Major…
And indeed, here things become interesting: The Axis Major is not a permanent fixture, and is indeed controlled by a pair of golden crystals dubbed Egg of the Phoenix by the Opus Aeterna – a singular device, split in twain. If this artifact were removed, it would disrupt the Axis Major and render the star unstable…oh, and guess what: Near the Axis, one could theoretically even enter the star!
But this alone? Well, it would be brutal now, would it? Few would be cold enough to doom millions – and the module knows this; instead, we get the chance for the PCs to e.g. visit the onaryx and engage in their deadly, militaristic trials (culminating in a battle against mirror of opposition-like doubles; provided the PCs play their cards right, the savage onaryx agree to rise once the Last Daughter falls. The second trip to destabilize the ultari deals with the jagladine – once more, the PCs will need to prove themselves worthy – but do share the fact that the Bountiful Bowl of the Sun may well contain the Last Daughter’s essence – the jagladine can help them retrieve the item, but it will teleport back to parliament within 24 hours: The PCs need to be ready!
They will need to get to the Daughetr’s Fane and deal with the deadly adversaries and mythic immortal ichor guarding the fragment of the egg there – CR 21/MR 8, btw.! And that’s before the deadly golems and the advanced juju zombie ultari medium! Beyond those challenges, the demiplane of the creche awaits alongside the CR 18/MR 1 Seven Sons, amniotic elementals and dangerous hazards, there is Invidia Ultimi (nice nomenclature there), Last Daughter of the Ancients. CR 26/MR 10. Of course, even if the PCs triumph, the aftershocks and the arrival of a frickin’ hekatonkheires titan…
But, well, chaos wracks the sphere. If the PCs did not want to deal with the evil onaryx and jagladine, some basic troubleshooting help is provided; if the PCs did ally with them, the chaos will be pronounced – city on lockdown, etc. Factions will war – but there is more: It turns out that the sphere, the star Faa Dlan, is actually a kind of living thing; akin to a gigantic biomechanical matrix, its tubes and everything alive, it is essentially a gigantic, cosmic honey trap left by the mysterious Patrons. Retrieving the second part of the Egg of the Phoenix will require a risky gambit: While the party can attempt to enter the Axis from outside; doing so is dangerous, deadly, but the module actually does cover it.
Speaking of coverage: The module actually provides very plausible set-ups and justifications for the operation of the magical special forces task ahead, but explaining them in the review would take a page or so; suffice to say, you know how much of a stickler for internal logic I am, and I certainly was satisfied, so kudos! The operation’s default strategy will require that the PCs enter the Ultari Parliament; the PCs need to enter the parliament, find a safe haven, and trigger a spirit-conduit with their allied yllosan, launching their spirits to the far side of the dyson sphere, to the dark duplicate of the parliament, where the other half of the sun-core system is found; The system needs to be destabilized and super-powerful enemies, including Brun and an advanced thanatotic titan. Ultimately, the PCs will have the Phoenix Egg – perhaps the most powerful destructive force ever statted for PFRPG; its power scale improves in increments of 10 mythic power: Even at 0, we have 1000 force damage in a 100-mile radius; at level 11, the highest storage capacity, we have 10,000,000,000,000 force damage in a distance equating approximately 2 light years. Yes, that suffices to destroy planets by the rules. The item can absorb energy – but its true purpose? Convert mythic power into full-blown destructive potential. It takes 10 points of mythic essence to activate it; after that, it can store mythic power; its destructive potential can be unleashed by a final donation by 3+ individuals with 6+ mythic tiers at the very place where it was created – the heart of Faa Dlan.
The sun shuttle to Faa Dlan will not provide a safe journey – a sudden impact will pit the PCs against star blight and diamantem alike in a complex encounter that threatens to derail their descent; and upon arrival, more danger lurks – including the chance of getting a taste of the things to come with a CR 18/MR 2 advanced variant giant invincible feral adult solar dragon – the “LARVAL” Hydragon. Yep, “hydra-” as in many-headed, as in multiple breath weapons per round. And the foolish players thought that this was hard so far! On the way to the singularity star’s heart, the PCs have to contend with sun worms and super-potent shining children, savage inhabitants of the sun. In the sun’s heart, the PCs can see them; dark shapes, imprisoned, with power beyond measure, just short of being freed and unleashed upon a universe incapable of stopping them; the Principalities are on the verge of victory…and only the PCs can stop them. Provided they live long enough, for a creature birthed by mere influence of these things, which may even be beyond deities, is approaching. The Maws of Faa Dlan, CR 21/MR 6, a stellar 6-headed hydragon – the quantum-tunneling entity is the star’s last line of defense, and no, the good ole’ vorpal trick won’t suffice; worse, the dragon’s actions will expose the PCs to stellar plasma, radiation, and gravity – but thankfully, the PCs won’t have top beat the nigh-unstoppable killing machine, just delay it long enough to activate the phoenix egg. Depending on how well it was charged prior to detonation (PCs dying get a chance to add their mythic power to it as a last ditch effort), the PCs may actually manage to well and truly beat the Principalities and the Hegemony – but in doing so, they obviously are annihilated as well – and reborn as gods, with each getting their own…Legendary Planet! (What an amazing end!)
Editing and formatting are very good on a rules language and formal level – apart from a few cosmetic superscripts, there isn’t anything to complain about. Layout adheres to the series’ two-column full-color standard, and the book sports a ton of full-color artwork, much of which is brand new. The module comes with bookmarks for your convenience, and the art and map folio is a big plus. The absence of player-friendly maps is the main thing that hurts the module on a formal scale, but on the other side, the adventure is not really constructed in a manner that requires excessive cartography: With the vast mobility at the beck and call of the super-high-level PCs, this factor is less important. Unlike in the previous module, we have a less traditional structure that, in both the areas portrayed, and in the challenges posed, embraces less traditional dungeoneering approaches. Everything is presented less as a traditional dungeon, and more like the (more) free structure that high-level gameplay operates better with.
Jason Nelson, with the help of Darrin Drader, Steven T. Helt, Chris A. Jackson, Jonathan H. Keith, Mike Welham and Robert Brookes, seriously delivers. A name like “To Kill a Star” requires an epic scope; the target levels require a pitch-perfect understanding of what characters of this level can actually withstand. To give you a comparison: The final battle in my last campaign required that the PCs would be capable of dishing out damage while recovering from approximately 1,000 damage per round; that was non-mythic, mind you, and the only encounter; the PCs had time to prep, but you get my drift. PFRPG’s high-level gameplay, in the hands of veteran PCs and GMs, can be an incredibly challenging and rewarding experience, and I never expected to see a super high-level module that genuinely manages to pull off a super-deadly module, sport more than just war of attrition combats, and even push optimized mythic PCs to the breaking point. Granted it is not as deadly as I’m in the habit of scaling up, but it is the first time in a long, long time that I’ve seen an adventure get what makes high-level gameplay so rewarding in such a frankly beautiful manner.
To Kill a Star is EPIC in all-caps, with each letter the size of a skyscraper; it is indeed good enough to imho warrant running the AP all on its own. The only end-game adventure I’d put on the same level, would be the finale of the Zeitgeist AP, though the challenges posed by that AP are radically different, making a comparison between the two moot. Have your PCs curbstomped some Paizo AP finales? Did you throw optional superbosses at them before? Structurally and thematically, this is a proper and epic culmination of the AP, one supplemented by excellent material. We were patient, and the patience paid off. This is a finale worthy of an epic saga indeed.
So, are we done with Legendary Planet? No, for I’m still waiting for the big compilation books; once those show up, I’ll get back to the AP, and provide a more general “plus/minus” breakdown that focuses on what to be aware of when running it, and on the strengths and weaknesses of the individual adventures and AP as a whole.
Until then, I am left with only the task of providing my final verdict. Unsurprisingly, this gets 5 stars + seal of approval, and the book is nominated as a candidate for my Top Ten of 2019. If you are on the fence regarding the AP, getting the first module and this may well provide a great way to judge it. Oh, and even if you don’t want to run it – with some narrative work and set-up, this module will make for a phenomenal capstone for your super high-level party.
Endzeitgeist out.