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Old-School Essentials Advanced Fantasy: Magic

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Old-School Essentials Advanced Fantasy: Magic
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Old-School Essentials Advanced Fantasy: Magic
Publisher: Necrotic Gnome
by Timothy B. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 02/25/2020 13:07:10

PDF and Hardcover, 48 pages

Much like the Cleric and Magic-User Spells book this one covers Druids and Illusionist spells. Again the modularity of the game pays off here. You can play Advanced Genre Druids and Illusionists OR you can just use the Cleric and Magic-User classes respectively and this book to play a Basic Druid and Basic Illusionist and not even buy the Advanced Fantasy Genre Rules book. It would be better to pick up that book, but the way everything is written you do not have too.

This covers the usual suspects of spells again. The Basic style presentation is fun and it is like seeing these classes and spells through new eyes. It really is a testament to the system and the authorship.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Old-School Essentials Advanced Fantasy: Magic
Publisher: Necrotic Gnome
by K H A. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/23/2019 09:17:01

This is a great addition to the OSE ruleset. While it includes Druid and Illusionist spells, these spells are also used by the Bard, Ranger, and Gnome classes. For those classes this book is all you need for spells (in other words: theres no "see the Cleric and Magic User spell book" text). Also, each spell is presented in a bullet point format that is easy to use at the table. The art is B&W, but use is made of green as an accent color that is especially handy in charts (familiar to OSE and BXE readers).

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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