A silly adventure need not be a poorly made one, as evidenced by The Barber of Silverymoon. Sure, it involves medieval barbers and Barber of Seville/Sweeney Todd nods and random haircuts and living hair, but it's also a super fun, super well done adventure with a ton of cool NPCs, investigative elements, and action. I loved it!
The basic premise is that people are disappearing or becoming mysteriously altered in the town of Silverymoon. Behind it is an annis hag named Errevastica, who has laid her hands on a barber named Jooge and a korred named Bezoar to create living hair creatures and run this whole, super impressive criminal underground type thing. The adventurers are tasked with uncovering the mysterious disappearances in town, but in doing so, they'll find that they've bit off a more than they can chew and might just be permanently altered themselves!
As this brief summary can attest, this is a pretty complicated plot. You've got a bunch of backstory with Jooge and Bezoar, and you have Errevastica, who is herself disguised as a xvart (as well as a subplot with some darklings), and, at first glance, it can seem a bit confusing. However, the backstory is so well-written that it makes a lot of sense, and the adventure is also incredibly well-written, transforming complicated into smooth and linear. It is incredibly easy to run this adventure.
And, although a large chunk of this adventure could be reduced down to a simple dungeon crawl, it's much more interactive than a lot are. The subterranean layer has fun and helpful NPCs like Two Llamas Running, cool environments like the oil and pomade room, and, of course, the colorful yet devilish Prismatic Coloring Machine. My players were constantly surprised and delighted by what they found, and it was a truly memorable experience.
Honestly, it's difficult to find anything to criticize this adventure about. It was so well-written, interesting, well edited, well laid out, and fun. The maps (especially the extra top down one) were simple and easy to read. Perhaps the one thing to be aware of is that, if you're hoping for a gritty and grimdark adventure, this really won't fit. You also have to be prepared for the potentially permanent effects of the Prismatic Coloring Machine. But if you're looking for something whimsical yet fraught with consequences, this is a great adventure for you!