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Grandmother Crookbesom's Book of Hags $6.95
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Grandmother Crookbesom\'s Book of Hags
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Grandmother Crookbesom's Book of Hags
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Cameron D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/04/2019 14:11:03

Very often I am stumped on how to add hags to my games as it's hard to find just the right amount of healthy balance to alter their lore or just accept it as it is and toss them into the game. However, what the team behind Grandmother Crookbesom's Book of Hags did was create a concise and lightweight collection of hags - all inspired by true legends and stories which makes them even cooler - to help folks out.

Playing in a small sleepy town? - toss in Aunty Bumble. Venturing out into the deep forests? - add Granny Grusha. Really want to go for a true horror aesthetic? - lock your players in an old moldering hospital with Nanny Knitweather. The hags are diverse, interesting, extremely creepy and deadly, and perfect for anyone looking to expand their games or prep for some Halloween themed shenangagins.

The only things I feel are missing or were missed opportunities is maybe providing some new class options or maybe a hag race, but these are just little things compared to the amazing product that is Grandmother Crookbesom's Book of Hags.

Comics, Clerics, & Controllers d20 Roll: 18

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Grandmother Crookbesom's Book of Hags
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Gregory D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/02/2019 22:16:11

A well-written product that details a variety of interesting and useful hag characters and story hooks that may involve them, as well as statblocks for three new types of hags: the Hearth Hag, the extremely creepy Thimble Hag, and a CR 16 extremely powerful hag named Empress Eshe. The individual named hags are all interesting, well-written, and have a lot of potential, and the same goes for the new statblocks and hag types.

My one gripe is that there isn't much description of the personality of the hearth or thimble hags or what a hearth hag's modus operandi would be. It says that thimble hags generally kill and inhabit the corpses of young attractive humanoids and that hearth hags are obsessive and eccentric, but it doesn't say much else. It would be nice if it had just a bit more detail on these new hags.

Besides that admittedly minor nitpick, this product is absolutely fantastic and I wholeheartedly recommend it.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Grandmother Crookbesom's Book of Hags
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Christopher C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/30/2019 11:10:50

Hags are among my favorite D&D creatures, and this tome provides so many interesting twists and augmentations for them! The backstories and lore for the named hags are truly compelling and fun. I definitely see myself using this supplement regularly as a DM for adding encounters and side-quests to ongoing campaigns, and it also provides a plethora of plot hooks that could be the jumping off point for entire self-contained adventures. I particularly like the addition of Hearth Hags and Thimble Hags as new hag types, and the Morkothlet is a clever concept that would work as an aberrant pet for any powerful magic-using NPC!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Grandmother Crookbesom's Book of Hags
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Rick U. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/26/2019 20:51:41

I had high hopes for this product and was not disappointed. It is imaginative, provides a varied selection of hags perfect for DMs to place in their games, and for each includes their legend (how the local community views them), appearance both illusory and real, traits and personality, their long term goals, lair details, and how the party might interact with the hag. There's a couple of new hags including a unique CR16 hag. It's easy to read, consistent, and attention has been paid to spelling and grammar. I probably would have liked an image of the hags involved but it would be my only suggestion and I know that would add to the price and production time of the product. Even without images it's an all round great product.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Grandmother Crookbesom's Book of Hags
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Jason M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/20/2019 08:31:28

Fiendishly delightful and magically delicious. This is an absolute must buy.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Grandmother Crookbesom's Book of Hags
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Adam T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/19/2019 09:45:10

Hag-nificent! Exactly the attention these villains need, well-written and reasonably-priced. A tour-de-force effort by some substantial talents. Keep up the sterling work!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Grandmother Crookbesom's Book of Hags
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Alicia F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/19/2019 08:07:44

I will say upfront that I was beyond excited for this product. Hags are my favourite creature in all of D&D, and this book does them justice. Each hag feels flaourful, distinct, and unique. The information and ways to use each hag is presented in such a way to allow them to be dropped into nearly any campaign/game. I also loved the addition of the Thimble Hag, who is entirely in keeping with the terrifying and creepy nature of hags. I would have loved to see some more mechanical flavour given for some of the lairs, but the narrative descriptions are strong enough that its easy to come up with mechanical aspects for the lairs if you want that in your game.
I would rate this higher than 5 stars if I could, but the rest of my coven says that would betray our secret and anger grandmother.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Grandmother Crookbesom's Book of Hags
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Sarah H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/18/2019 20:23:41

I spent this afternoon reading through this and it does not dissappoint. I immediately adored Nanny Knitwerter, Granny Grusha, and the Little Women. Overall, there is much to love in this book! The hags are engaging and have unique motivations. The horror is present in each hag and/or hag coven. From sweet, seemingly harmless old women to octopus wearing coven leaders to theater owning sisters, this book blends the charming and whimsical with the horrific an terrifying beautifully. I would love to run a campaign with every single hag contained, but, due to the diversity and wealth of characters here, may have to split them into a variety of different campaigns.

As for the structure of the book, I appreciate the color (and shape) coding of the entries. For example, Green Hags have green and tree accents on the page so it is easy to discern what variant of hag each entry is, even before getting to the end. However, while these accents are pretty and useful for someone prone to losing their place such as myself, on some pages these graphics overlap with text which can make visibility a problem.

This is well worth the price and I highly recommend it to anyone thinking about having hags in their campaign as the authors really understand the delightfully twisted motivations that hags have that make them so enjoyable.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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