I spent this afternoon reading through this and it does not dissappoint. I immediately adored Nanny Knitwerter, Granny Grusha, and the Little Women. Overall, there is much to love in this book! The hags are engaging and have unique motivations. The horror is present in each hag and/or hag coven. From sweet, seemingly harmless old women to octopus wearing coven leaders to theater owning sisters, this book blends the charming and whimsical with the horrific an terrifying beautifully. I would love to run a campaign with every single hag contained, but, due to the diversity and wealth of characters here, may have to split them into a variety of different campaigns.
As for the structure of the book, I appreciate the color (and shape) coding of the entries. For example, Green Hags have green and tree accents on the page so it is easy to discern what variant of hag each entry is, even before getting to the end. However, while these accents are pretty and useful for someone prone to losing their place such as myself, on some pages these graphics overlap with text which can make visibility a problem.
This is well worth the price and I highly recommend it to anyone thinking about having hags in their campaign as the authors really understand the delightfully twisted motivations that hags have that make them so enjoyable.