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Quirin Maps #15: Saint Isabelle
Publisher: GMC
by Dale M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/25/2011 11:50:06

I don't give low reviews lightly, but this one does earn it. You can see from the preview that 80% of the image is useless water, despite it suppose to be a ship. What is not easy to tell from the preview is that the "bird's eye view" that is seen in the preview is the best part of the pack. It lacks all the oversized font of telling us everything that is there and the arrows of which way the stairs go. However the sails take up a sizable portion of the deck. There's an upper deck and lower deck images but you must have the arrows or writing or other pieces. Plus these are in shadow making them DARK. The upper deck has shadows where the sails are and the lower deck is completely in shadow. Plus they both have arrows there showing which way the stairs go. So I can't call them something else. I MUST make them stair cases. If I really wanted to the arrows there, I could put them in myself.

Then there is the grid. It is at 100% opacity so it obtrusive. Mind you, these are jpgs so there is no file with a grid layer that can be turned off and alter it to your needs. What you see is what you get.

The only thing keeping this from being a 1 star review is the high dpi count. I cropped the boat down to 2000 x almost 600 pixels. There is some nice detail there, but I still have to deal those arrows right in the middle of the decks or I have to have the sails block most of the image.

As a publisher, I cannot recommend this image.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Quirin Maps #15: Saint Isabelle
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I need your Feedback - Stock Art Pack :)
Publisher: Sade
by Dale M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/13/2011 09:24:51

In evaluating the 4 2d images included in this product, I would have to say they're really good. I prefer these to 3d any day. The black and white image of the fighter girl is the best of the group. Her style is closest to how I prefer my artwork. After her are the two 2d color images of women. I can make them b/w with no problem. I guy would easily be a good usable image as well if he had a shirt on, but I can probably find a use for him as well. I would have preferred to have these images cropped so the image are centered on the people and a solid white background, but as is is very workable.

The 4 3d images are just "eh" to me. I'm not going to be using them. 3d art of people just doesn't do it for me.

Also 4 usable images for 50 cents is a damn good deal.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
I need your Feedback - Stock Art Pack :)
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Nmpsa Mm007 Village
Publisher: Nevermet Press
by Dale M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/28/2011 10:36:09

I've bought NMP stockart before and have been happy with them. So this one was an easy purchase. What I downloaded was a 400 x 208 pixel image. I contacted NMP and very quickly they replied back with a copy of the correct image and license. If I could give NMP a 5 stars for the image quality and another 5 stars for their customer service I would do so.

The image is excellent and the license is very publisher friendly. Recommended.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Nmpsa Mm007 Village
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Ancient buildings 1
Publisher: Black Hand Source
by Dale M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/22/2011 09:36:42

This is another great product from Black Hand. This product contains a highly detailed image of a tower with background and sky plus a map. The preview shows the included images except a few levels of the map, but you can get an idea of the quality from the preview of the other map levels. The images are scaled for A4 paper, requiring some shrinking to get it to fit 8-1/2 x 11 paper. But that's not a big deal.

The items on the map are kept to a minimum, allowing a GM or publisher to customize the map with little difficulty.

This location would be great for an adventure. My only complaint (and there is only 1) is that this is in a PDF instead of Black Hand's normal TIF files. But that is not enough of a complaint for it to loose a star.

All in all, a good product.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Ancient buildings 1
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Fantasy illustrations pack
Publisher: Black Hand Source
by Dale M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/22/2011 09:29:00

Lately I've been feeling that Black Hand can do little wrong. While their modern artwork and their erotic are of little use to me, their scifi and their fantasy artwork has been really useful. Take this fantasy stockart pack for example.

The preview shows all 6 images. All six are A4 size images with a reasonable size white border around the outside, allowing no problem for them to be full size 8-1/2 x 11", 300dpi images. All images have their own TIF file. The only image that I consider to be substantially smaller than A4 paper is the guy smoking a pipe. That image has a full background that ends at a distinct location, giving it a "this is the size of the image" appearance, making the white space around it that much more noticeable. It could just be an optical illusion, but it does appear smaller than the rest. But that is 1 image out of 6. And at 6 dollars for 6 images at this quality, they're a good value.


[5 of 5 Stars!]
Fantasy illustrations pack
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Nathan Winburn Illustration: Dark Fantasy Vol. One Stock Art
Publisher: Skortched Urf' Studios
by Dale M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/22/2011 09:17:19

I love this artwork.

The preview shows all artwork and if you've seen any other of Skortched Urf's Stockart (or any of LPJ's stockart), you have seen the license.

The images are exactly as they appear in the preview and appear to be in a good resolution (I haven't checked out the resolution yet to be sure, but they do look good).

My only complain (and it is only 1 complaint) is that the images are in PDF instead of in JPG, TIFF or some other image format. But that's not a huge complaint.

All in all, good artwork.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Nathan Winburn Illustration: Dark Fantasy Vol. One Stock Art
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APE 10 : Warmachines & Champions
Publisher: V Shane
by Dale M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/22/2011 08:45:27

On the whole, I like V Shane's artwork, but traditionally it hasn't always been the greatest. But the price per picture has always made it worth the purchase. So I was skeptical when this one didn't have any preview. I've been wondering whether I should buy it or not for over 2 years.

I bought it today On the whole I am pleased with the purchase, but its not a 5 star product. All 20 images are full color and at first glance look like they'd make suitable covers. However they're all around 1800 x 2100 pixels translating to a 6" x 7" image at 300 dpi or a 9.5 x 11" at 190 dpi. While some nicely will work as covers to lower res PDF products, some will not unless I want to put words through the champion's head. Those will still see use as interior images.

Inside there are 10 "warmachines" images and 10 "champions" images. The war machines are just that, images of fantasy war that feature some siege engine or . Fortunately other machine of war. This works good for me since I happen to have a line of products that feature fantasy war between nations. Those less interested in war images will see much less use out of these. None of these are fantasy mechs (like I was hoping). They're more your standard catapult, explosion, barricade, siege tower kind of war machines.

The champions section is going to see broader appeal. While many of these images are still of war, they can easily be painting depicting a long dead hero in a castle or a mural telling the tale of a green skinned spellcaster working his dark arts. The cover image is one of the champions images.

As I said, on the whole I am pleased with this. But had I not had a line of war products, I would have been much more disappointed. The lower res than I would like, lack of space at the top of some images for cover wording and the lack of a preview keep it from being a 5 star product. Otherwise, the images are good.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
APE 10 : Warmachines & Champions
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Mysterious Places: Overgrown Obelisk
Publisher: Raging Swan Press
by Dale M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/04/2010 09:48:36

A quality piece of artwork and a very easy to work with license to back it up. I'll be sure to buy more artwork from RSP.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Mysterious Places: Overgrown Obelisk
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US Letter Size Templates #1
Publisher: Sade
by Dale M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/27/2010 08:53:53

I love Sade's templates, but I haven't bought to many of them. Until now, they have all been for A4 size paper. As a US publisher moving towards print, all my books use US paper sizes and converting the templates have generally required more time than I would have preferred.

Enter Sade's US Letter Size Template #1. These templates are Sade's usual high quality templates while requiring no adjustment time for my standard paper size. To support this new product line, I bought it as soon as I saw it. I hope that Sade produces more of these in the future.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
US Letter Size Templates #1
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Shaman's Stockart Mechs 'n Suits
Publisher: Shaman's Stock Art
by Dale M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/02/2010 11:06:47

High quality artwork. I used several in a recently published book. I love having the PSD file. Makes life SO much easier. Wish more artists would do that.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Shaman's Stockart Mechs 'n Suits
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Standard Stock Art: Fantasy Mega Pack #1
Publisher: Adamant Entertainment
by Dale M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/05/2010 09:27:12

Good: The artwork is solid. All are 300 dpi. The majority are 1/4 page or 1/2 page in size while a few are 1 page illustrations. They are all well drawn. The license is quality, stating specifically "Client may correct adapt, crop, or change the finished artwork without the illustrators permission."

Bad: This artwork focuses heavily on dwarf, minotaur and some centaur images. While there are some other images present, if you are looking for artwork with elves, dwarves, or gnomes, you will be sorely disappointed.

Bottom Line: I'd recommend this pack. The images are different enough from standard fare that these could be very useful. It is not every day you see stockart of a minotaur over a cauldron, a minotaur pirate, dwarves riding beetles or a centaur in spiked battle armor.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Standard Stock Art: Fantasy Mega Pack #1
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Battle axe collection
Publisher: Black Hand Source
by Dale M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/05/2010 09:06:41

Good: The artwork is solid. You get 11 b/w, 300dpi, ranging in length from 5-10 inches axe images in tif format that are mostly suitable for mundane axes. A few have "runes" or other indications that these could be magical axes. The images are well drawn.

Bad: The downside to this collection is the license. All alterations require "written permission" and it explicitly states that coloring "count as changing." I should state that the artist has his email address listed in the license, presumably for ease of asking to make changes.

Bottom Line: For the price, it is worth buying if you are doing a (section of a) book that details different kinds of axes. For that, this product is ideal.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Battle axe collection
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Creator Reply:
Dear Dale, thank you for the review. I'd like to mention about the license, that I think this condition about changing artwork is necessary to avoid publishing of badly colored versions of my drawings running under my name. I hope you find my answer reasonable. But I will include the license in the product description to avoid surprises. Thank you again! Best regards, Tamás
Mecha Stock Pack
Publisher: Sade
by Dale M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/05/2010 10:47:17

The Short: The artwork is well worth the price.

The images are in 72 dpi but rather large so changing them to 300 dpi and using them in a product is no problem. Some of the images have a white line around the outside but that is easy enough to hide with a layer mask. For the price, you get a substantial number of poses of the same mech, which can easily be from the same military outfit. Additionally there is a fully armored female. I haven't worked with those images much yet, but (if they are as easy to work with as the mech was) will easily find their way into a future product of mine.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Mecha Stock Pack
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Art by Richard Spake - Scifi 2
Publisher: UKG Publishing
by Dale M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/02/2009 13:09:52

I did not find this artwork useable. Every piece walks the line of softcore porn. The image on the cover has the most clothes and you can still see her bra and underwear. The rest wear even less. The other color picture and its b/w counterpart has 4 females in the picture and all of them have nipple bumps under their clothes. I cannot seriously consider these pieces for any projects of mine.

This art is well drawn and had these females been drawn in more sensible clothing, I would happily use these.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Art by Richard Spake - Scifi 2
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Scifi Stock Pack #1
Publisher: Sade
by Dale M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/24/2009 15:17:19

I'm not a fan of the female/mountain range, but the ship is exceptionally well done. Price is well worth those images.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Scifi Stock Pack #1
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Creator Reply:
thank you. i hope you will find my other products useful as well
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