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Brinkwood - (Forged in the Dark) - Playtest Kit $5.00
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Brinkwood - (Forged in the Dark) - Playtest Kit
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Brinkwood - (Forged in the Dark) - Playtest Kit
Publisher: Crone RPG
by Elizabeth R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/10/2021 15:09:47

Fae vs. Vampires? Heck yeah, sign me up! I love the Forged in the Dark games, and when this expansion was announced, I was so excited! I know some bits and pieces seem to be missing, like crew sheets, but the basis for a game is there. As a matter of fact, I've run two sessions for a few friends IRL and it's been met with some positive feedback!

I can't wait for the final product, especially since I missed the kickstarter because I had been moving :(

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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