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Simply Thieves $2.49
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Simply Thieves
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Simply Thieves
Publisher: Mad Scotsman Games
by Matthew R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/09/2023 19:50:04

Was't what I was looking for. Was expecting this to be generically useful information about thieving as a profession, perhaps something along the lines of the very excellect 2e "Complete Book of Thieves" published by TSR. Instead, this is a campaign lore book or setting guide publishing notes specific to a homebrew setting. If that is what you are looking for, tack on a star or two for originality. The lore is pretty decent and original, albeit not necessary things you'll find easy to just introduce into a generic setting. Mechanically, the book varies from somewhat interesting but not that original, to just typical unbalanced 3rd party material.

Overall, don't recommend purchasing unless you are wanting to run an original setting complete with original races, deities, cultures, and so forth and don't want to make that up yourself. If you general inspiration or depth in things beyond setting lore, go elsewhere.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Simply Thieves
Publisher: Mad Scotsman Games
by Malc W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/19/2014 14:50:26

I found this a really useful supplement for my campaign world. Loads of inspirational advice and ideas

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Simply Thieves
Publisher: Mad Scotsman Games
by Forrest A. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/09/2011 23:05:52

It's been some time now since I've been "wowed" by an RPG supplement. I've been gaming since the late '70s, so I've had plenty of opportunity. Simply Thieves is simply amazing. Now I'm an old school gamer experimenting with a class-less, XP-less system that uses Labyrinth Lord as a skeleton, so adapting this supplement to my upcoming campaign will take a little technical work on my part. But so far as content is concerned, Simply Thieves is stellar. The sections on Adventuring Thieves, Equipment, Magic, and Monsters are particularly well-done. There's a sinister ouvre to the spells and creatures herein that can heighten atmospheric tension (and player's hypertension if they aren't very careful). Since I run darker campaigns (think LOTFP "mood"), this merges well with my needs. Another thing that really sticks out is the sheer diversity of thief "types" that the book highlights, from Catburglars to Dagger Masters to Contortionist. The different subclasses (I'll call them this because I don't frankly know what a prestige class is - excuse me for being behind the times) highlight the fact that one thief is not built the same as another. In fact, I could see an entire party of "thieves" made up of the different types outlined here. Such a party would still be composed of wildly different character skills that would complement each other and serve well in adventuring, especially in the kind of adventuring outlined throughout the book.

All-in-all, I think the last time I was this impressed with a supplement was . . . let's see . . . Lost Cavern's of Tsojcanth, maybe? Arduin Grimoire, perhaps? It's been a long time.

I hope that Mad Scotsman does a spellbook and/or a creature compendium at some point in the not-too-distant future. My players would love the spellbook and hate the creature compendium. So here's to hoping . . . in the meantime, beware the Shadeslime and the Clockwork Lich!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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