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Finding Home Below The World: An Undercity Cookbook
Publisher: Fragging Unicorns Games
by Robert H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/17/2022 10:17:17

This is one doozy of an odd choice for flavor (heh) text. A cookbook for a cyberpunk fantasy game. Doesn't sound like a terrible idea, and infinitely more immersive than the pop culture books for Cyberpunk or Shadowrun in that you don't need to use your imagination to sort out how something is supposed to look or sound. Cook something up from this, and you know what the people in Neo-Babylon eat, and you know a little teensy bit about the world they inhabit. The recipes look good, and I'm ooking forward to making some of this!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Finding Home Below The World: An Undercity Cookbook
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Creator Reply:
Oh my, you are correct! The table of contents had pages out of order and mislabled! We're updating the PDF now to fix that! Thank you and apologies. We haven't sniffed out the typos yet, but if you send an email to, we will fix those, too and update the PDF.
A Witcher's Journal
Publisher: R. Talsorian Games Inc.
by Robert H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/19/2020 22:29:35

This is a good supplement for a promising system from a trustworthy publisher, which makes the numerous spelling errors kind of baffling.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
A Witcher's Journal
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Shadowrun: The Neo-Anarchist Streetpedia
Publisher: Catalyst Game Labs
by Robert H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/20/2019 17:34:05

This supplement has no sensible reason to exist while a wikia exists for Shadowrun.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Shadowrun: The Neo-Anarchist Streetpedia
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The Magical Land of Yeld: 1st Edition
Publisher: Atarashi Games
by Robert H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/25/2018 19:33:23

The good: Excellent artwork and interesting character concepts. The gameplay is fairly simple, as well, and I can think of few RPGs where a party of dogs is viable.

The bad: At present, very few win conditions beyond beating the Prince and leaving Yeld, the dog characters have few obvious lose conditions the way the human characters do, and the PDF lacks bookmarks at time of writing.

Additional thoughts: Playing as monsters and trying to save the world would be worth exploring, as well as some more written bits to help one get a feel for the tone and action a group can expect a la Shadowrun.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Magical Land of Yeld: 1st Edition
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