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Steel and Glory, Magica, Mini-Game #48 $2.24
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Steel and Glory, Magica, Mini-Game #48
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Steel and Glory, Magica, Mini-Game #48
Publisher: Avalon Game Company
by Brian R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/26/2011 11:22:11

Review: Steel & Glory Set 4, Magica, Mini-Game #48

Magica is, as could be expected, the expansion that adds mages, spells, summoned creatures and more to Steel & Glory. Quite a bit is added, without the burden of pages and pages of rules addenda. The system is pretty sleek, and fits in well to the system.

Rules take up all of four pages. Mages get a set number of spells from among 2-5 'schools' of magic. The thing is, each spell is rolled randomly. You can choose which school to roll for each time, but the particular spell is chosen by die roll. This can make for some interesting combinations, requiring a little creative tactical thinking. Spells are cast by simply rolling 1D6 and adding the mage's Magic Skill. If the total is equal to or greater than the spell's Difficulty, the spell goes off. Either way, one point is deducted from the mage's magic pont pool. This can be replenished a little during play, but is still a limited resource similar to character's Adrenal score.

The units provided are quite varied. There are two magic-using characters for each of the six factions, as well as three Solos and several summoned creatures. As with all the S&G sets, counters for keeping track of units' special effects are provided on each page, as well as tokens for the units. Some of the summoned creatures are huge, taking up four spaces on the board. The Scorpion has a vicious Poison ability, and the Wood Spirit can be an absolute beast in the thick of battle.

Spell cards for each of the schools of magic are clearly written, and each page has counters at the bottom to keep track of any ongoing effects, like poison or fire. The selection of schools and spells is respectable, and each has it's own flavor. The standard Earth, Air, Fire, and Water disciplines are present, each with an associated summoned Elemental. Priestly characters have the Faith school, as well as a separate Elven school. Nature and Darkness are next, for the Druids and evil types. Primal is last, accessible by some greenskins and others. The spells are varied, and each school is themed well by the chosen spells.

I was very impressed with how much stuff is provided in this expansion. I wasn't expecting twelve new mages, plus Solos and all the summoned creatures, and as wide a selection of spells as I found. The ever-present typos creep in here and there, but I barely noticed as I went through the files. I was also glad that the required rules addition was so short. I haven't had a chance to get this expansion on the table, but there's a certain Ogre Magi in there that I'm itching to let loose on those Barony scum!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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