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Old-School Essentials Advanced Fantasy (for Foundry VTT)
Publisher: Necrotic Gnome
by Ken [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/12/2024 16:47:34

Ignore the guy who has been posting on every OSE Foundry module. This works in the newest Foundry, so it's obviously being maintained and not abandonware.

Price is a little high for what you get, but not going to lie, it saved me a lot of work getting all the spells and such into Foundry. Occasional typo here and there, but it's fine.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Old-School Essentials Advanced Fantasy (for Foundry VTT)
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The Winter Witch for Swords & Wizardry
Publisher: The Other Side Publishing
by Ken A. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/10/2022 05:04:32

There is a lot of content in this. Not just a single class, but multiple classes and class variants, spells, and creatures, so you do get a fair bit for your money.

However, this does feel incomplete. No where in this describes the process for ritual magic, which is one of the Winter Witch's features. I had to look up the description in the Green Witch for it. Also, a lot of the spells feel like they are repeats of each other.

That said, I've bought all the witch content by Timothy Brannan, and I do very much enjoy and appreciate how much work he has put into this.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
The Winter Witch for Swords & Wizardry
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Black Dragon #1
Publisher: Cunning Plan
by Ken A. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/04/2022 00:20:58

The tavern generator alone is worth the price of admission. The rest is icing.

I read that there is a 4th issue in the works. I will be eagerly looking forward to this, as this is a criminally unknown zine.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Black Dragon #1
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