If you're looking for a great tier 1 AL legal adventure for your convention, game store, or home game... this is it! Curtis Glenn tells a fascinating story based in the southern region of the Moonsea (Elua's Lighthouse). He does a masterful job setting the scene of a quiet, mysterious town—episode 2 introduces you to some of the key locations and NPCs. I also like how appendix 1 "Locations & NPCs" features original illustrations of each NPC. A lot of hard work went into this module and it shows. Well worth downloading and enjoying!
Perhaps my favorite thing about this adventure is how it feels challenging without overwhelming a low-level party. It balances pillars of play in a way that feels natural. It's a good introduction to D&D and tabletop RPGs. Combine this with the other Lighthouse adventures that are coming out, and you have a nice mini-campaign!