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CCC-MMT 01-01: Secrets of Imaginary Friends $4.00
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CCC-MMT 01-01: Secrets of Imaginary Friends
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CCC-MMT 01-01: Secrets of Imaginary Friends
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Calvin B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/08/2020 11:34:27

This module is an excellent follow-up to Bedlam at the Benefit, the players I ran this for enjoyed the chance to re-visit the site of one of their previous adventures and see how the community had grown and developed. It is very role play heavy which my group likes but the combats are easy to scale, and there is an optional objective for players who want more engagement with that pillar of play. Also the creature at the end was a tricky opponent even for a strong group because of it's unique form of stealth. The continued theme of the sleeping evil trying to break free helped the players understand the nature of the actual BBEG. The onle story point I had a hard time folding in was the story of Elua's Ride. I understand it is a major passion of one of the NPCs but the players and I were left confused about how the story of the Ride was relevant to the events of the module.

Overall I enjoyed the mod and look forward to running it again.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-MMT 01-01: Secrets of Imaginary Friends
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Steven D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/13/2019 16:43:33

This was quite a fun module to run for new players. It starts off very light hearted but also poses some serious challenges to the players. All the combats seemed like something that a tier 1 character should be able to handle without being overly heavy-handed. There are a few things that seem to be leading towards a plot point but don't seem to go anywhere that's my only issue with it. Like acquiring the meteorite, once you have it that seems to be the end of its involvement with the module. Some of the clues from the investigation dont seem necessary or were so vague that they dont help to narrow down anything of importance, especially since the module is going to send you to forest anyways.
At the end of the day though all my players had a great time being in the adventure and I'd run it again. It was fun describing how they succeeded or failed at the tasks they were asked to perform.

Edit Reply - I'm not sure if adding the additional notes to the DM will make much of a difference. It is such a quick transition from getting the clues to going into the forest. There really doesnt seem to be time to digest the clues persay. My favorite part of running this module though was the tasks they were given to do. Describing how well they succeeded or spectacularly they failed at a task.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thanks for the feedback. This is my (Curtis) first adventure to write, so your insights are very helpful. You are correct that the meteorite is just kinda left hanging there...but there is a method to my madness...but you will just have to wait for the next installment of the adventure. The comment about the clues from the investigations...I am assuming that you are referring to the clues giving by the business owners. They are meant to be a bit vague...but they all lead to traits of the "you know what". Maybe if I left a note for the DM that indicates that these are all things or behaviours that point to identifying the "you know what". Do you think that would have helped? If you don't mind me asking...what was your FAVORITE part of the module?
CCC-MMT 01-01: Secrets of Imaginary Friends
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Larry T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/27/2019 13:06:08

A thuroughly enjoyable romp which includes all the best things about DND – fun combat, relevant role play and interestin charecters. I love an adventure which I know I can play again sometime later with a different charecter and not have the exact same story.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-MMT 01-01: Secrets of Imaginary Friends
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by John H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/27/2019 12:53:54
The Secrets of Imaginary Friends is an extremely well-made adventure, particularly for a con-created module. You can tell that a lot of care and thought went into the design of the story and NPCs. I love that each major NPC has his or her own portrait to help players better get an idea of who they are and what they look like when they are speaking with them. The fact that the story of this 2-hour tier 1 adventure centers on the fate of a young child immediately evokes a sense of pathos in those fortunate enough to play it and will make them want to get more involved in doing everything they can to save him. I immediately felt at home in the unique setting of the town of Lighthouse and felt emotionally attached to the NPCs that players have the opportunity to interact with there. The adventure is great overall, but the crown jewel of the module is easily episode 2, wherein players get to help the citizens of Lighthouse with their own personal problems. This in turn allows them to earn investigation points, a unique and enjoyable mechanic that I can easily see other authors stealing in the future in their own modules. Add in some unique creatures to battle that one does not see in many modules and a clever twist of an ending, and you have a must purchase module here!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-MMT 01-01: Secrets of Imaginary Friends
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by David H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/07/2019 11:52:53

If you're looking for a great tier 1 AL legal adventure for your convention, game store, or home game... this is it! Curtis Glenn tells a fascinating story based in the southern region of the Moonsea (Elua's Lighthouse). He does a masterful job setting the scene of a quiet, mysterious town—episode 2 introduces you to some of the key locations and NPCs. I also like how appendix 1 "Locations & NPCs" features original illustrations of each NPC. A lot of hard work went into this module and it shows. Well worth downloading and enjoying!

Perhaps my favorite thing about this adventure is how it feels challenging without overwhelming a low-level party. It balances pillars of play in a way that feels natural. It's a good introduction to D&D and tabletop RPGs. Combine this with the other Lighthouse adventures that are coming out, and you have a nice mini-campaign!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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