This is a truly clever subclass that makes grapples and shoves a far more exciting and dynamic part of the game. Without seeming overpowered or unbalanced, a Way of Control monk could easily make a dramatic difference in a combat situation by sidelining one or more enemy combatants. The 11th-level Ki-siphon and 17th-level spirtual doubles really up the ante by adding some uniquely effective mystical features that arise organically from the central premise of the subclass. This is definitely a distinctive sort of monk I'd be eager to play!
This is a solid, flavorful subclass that really turns the barbarian into a highly mobile melee menace. Think the Tasmanian Devil of Looney Tunes fame, but with a decidedly deadlier twist!
Once again, Rajan Khanna has put together a mindblowing 5E supplement. With new feats, new spells, and nearly 40 new subclasses, each one more thematically rich and mechanically unique than the last, this is a steal at the listed price! It's hard to pick a favorite from among all these new player options, but I think for me it might be the Ooze Lord patron subclass for warlocks, which among other things, at 14th level allows you to split in response to taking damage, creating a duplicate of yourself that literally lets you be in two places at once for the next minute! And that's just one feature from one subclass from among all these many, many amazing subclasses. Highly recommended!
A really insightful take on Curse of Strahd. Well worth reading before DMing this adventure--you're guaranteed to find an interesting new approach to add more depth and excitement to your campaign!
This is an amazing product with interesting and highly detailed lore about the shadow fey that is both readily usable in a Ravenloft campaign and easily adaptable to any campaign setting. It's presented in a well-organized logical format with great layout and amazing original artwork. Plenty of the material here could inspire entire campaigns focused on the fey of the Dread Domains. Highly recommended!
Creator Reply: |
Thank you so much for your kind words! It's very gratifying to hear that our work has been so useful to you, and I hope to continue that trend!
In fact, with the Ravenloft setting having been out for a year now, I actually have a few ideas of how I might revamp this product to make it even more open ended and to create a wider variety of both fey and fey themed Domains of Dread, not to mention including ways to incorporate these fey into all the extant Domains of Dread. No word on exactly when that will happen as of yet, but I hope to do so sometime within the next year or two. And, of course, it will be a free update, so everyone who has already purchased this supplement will get all the new content at no extra cost! |
If you love Journeys Through the Radiant Citadel as much as I do, then you'll love this too! A deeper dive into the geography, lore, culture, magic, and possible adventure hooks of seven of the fifteen founding civilizations presented in the official guide; written by the original authors from Journeys Through. Some of the highlights include two new backgrounds, new factions, magical boons, short profiles of deities, a cool new construct called a nightmare vehicle that modifies the behir stat block, and a template for creating NPC luchadores—humanoid wrestlers who compete in San Citlán's rings and moonlight as zombie-hunters! What's not to love? Great layout and original artwork too.
This is 100% the best product I've ordered through DMsGuild. Also the first DMsGuild product I ordered as a printed hardcover, and it was worth every cent to do so; this volume fits right in alongside all my other official D&D hardcovers. Judging from how well this book is selling, I don't need to convince anybody, but if you're at all interested in finding out more about the Eberron setting and expanding your 5E options for Eberron gameplay, start with the official Eberron: Rising from the Last War guide, and then don't hesitate for a moment before buying this book!
Creator Reply: |
Yet another great product from this creator! Beautifully designed as always, and it packs so much content, lore, and fun, well-balanced game mechanics in a small space. Even as someone who isn't familiar with the Marvel show that inspired this supplement, I love these two new classes and new race. The Chaos Lord warlock patron paradigm alone is worth the price of admission--I can't believe it's not already an official 5E patron type, as it allows for all sorts of exciting chaos-themed patrons and fits right into existing 5E lore. Add to that the Phase Knight fighter and the synthetic Vatborn race, and this is well worth the shockingly low selling price!
A fantastic supplement. Quite simply, this is something every DM should get their hands on--certainly if planning to run Descent into Avernus, but really for any campaign in which devils will make an appearance. The whole conecept of devil contracts--while incredibly exciting--can seem daunting to a DM from a mechanical perspective; how exactly should I work them into a game without bogging things down or letting details slip through the cracks? The Devil's Advocate guide eliminates these concerns and provides a richly detailed yet simple framework that should make for some highly memorable in-game moments!
This is a beautifully designed product! The author has done an outstanding job presenting a compelling adventure in a way that should make DMing it a piece of cake, with everything you need at your fingertips, logically and aesthetically organized. So many little hidden gems, creative flourishes, memorable NPCs, and fun encounters. I'm eager to try this out on my players... :)
What a great concept! In a single page, the author manages to give this subclass a rich thematic focus centered on mourning and death. There are some really clever features and mechanics in here that in some ways feel more unified and organic to the class than many of the official bard subclasses. I've personally always been somewhat lukewarm to the idea of playing a Bard character; maybe it's my inner goth, but as soon as I read this supplement I immediately found myself eager to try it out by rolling up a PC. As a DM, I might be inclined to limit the level-14 ability to a single target in range, but apart from that minor tweak, the subclass feels very balanced to me. Nice work!
Creator Reply: |
Thank you so much for the awesome review! :) The 14th level ability, Keening Wail, being an area effect is a double edged sword because if you're not careful it can hit your allies as well. Though that may be a sacrifice you're willing to make if your Swan Song is shielding those allies from death! |
This (and its earlier main volume) is such a great idea, brilliantly executed and easy to use. I foresee this becoming a regular part of my DMing to help make every session a little more unique and unexpected for my players. In the past, I've sometimes just tried to beef up a "boss" among a group of lower CR monsters or NPCs, but the mechanics and features presented here are far more dynamic and exciting and are simple to throw in on the fly. Highly recommended!
This is such a great idea, brilliantly executed and easy to use. I foresee this becoming a regular part of my DMing to help make every session a little more unique and unexpected for my players. In the past, I've sometimes just tried to beef up a "boss" among a group of lower CR monsters or NPCs, but the mechanics and features presented here are far more dynamic and exciting and are simple to throw in on the fly. Highly recommended!
Wow! This is easily one of the best products I've ever downloaded from the DMsGuild. Beautifully designed and so much amazing detail... I will definitely be incorporating a bunch of it into my DiA campaign when I DM it for my regular group later this year. The beautiful map and richly desribed location descriptions! All the detailed history and lore! Monster stat blocks! Magic items and spells! So many tidbits that could work as adventure seeds or sidequests in a campaign. And that's just for the DM's to enjoy, but for PCs there are also intriguingly unique character subclasses with thematic links to the library! I really can't say enough good things about this guide. Consider me a 100% entirely satisfied customer. This gets my highest recommendation.
What a clever supplement, beautifully designed and chock full of dastardly and uniquely interesting villains easily inserted into any adventure. I definitely plan to use one or more of these "Wanted" villains in an upcoming campaign to add an extra twist in the road for the PCs, and every one of them would be easy to integrate with a wider plot--a prompt for getting characters to explore a particular location, a reason for forming alliances or rivalries with NPCs, etc. Equally important, the rich details provided by the authors along with the great printable or digital wanted posters help flesh out the world to make it feel real and lived-in. Even if the PCs decide not to pursue collecting one of the posted rewards, the fact that they saw the poster and know it's an option helps give the world depth and verisimilitude beyond the linear confines of the campaign's primary quest. Highly recommended!