A great, short, atmospheric campaign with a setting that promises future adventures. Our regular DM had to cancel our weekly game at the last minute, and with only an hour or so of prep time, I was able to step in and DM "Red Jack" with ease; the supplement provided all the backstory and mechanics I needed in an easily accessible format. Players all seemed to enjoy it quite a bit--the puzzle solving, the gothic feel, interacting with Holmes and other denizens of London/Whitechapel (urchins, shopkeepers, the old Spirit Lady, the doctor, etc), and the teasers about the wider menace of the Red Death. Just for fun, I threw in one or two additional encounters (a rot grub swarm in one of the filthier yards, and an abyssal malkin [poison-spewing black cat from Fellozial's Ultimate Guide to Poison]), and we still managed to complete the whole adventure in just under three hours. Highly recommended.