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CCC-TRI-31 Out of Time $4.99
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CCC-TRI-31 Out of Time
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CCC-TRI-31 Out of Time
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Jonathan K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/04/2019 17:10:28

Excellent adventure. The opening scene gives the players plenty of reason to care about the adventure, and drive the narrative forwards. One of the few adventures that I will run more than once.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-TRI-31 Out of Time
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Jaime H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/29/2019 04:20:10

So last Friday afternoon I was thinking, "What if a mod started from the middle of the epic combat and then the rest of the story is just 'How the hell did we get here?'" Then I got a message to run for my group the following day. That night I was playing an Efreeti mod with another one of my groups, and I find this mod here. Seredipity!

The clues and deja vu moments have to be laid out nicely for more cohesive play. Having to make insight checks every now and then breaks the momentum of the storytelling and RP. Imagine, just as the moment when the players have a flashback, the DM releases the tension because everyone has to roll. On my next run, I'm planning passive insights as the chance for a player to experience deja vu.


What sold me really was when the villain, in a moment of stupid vanity, accidentally makes a wish. Awesome way to start a mod.

There has to be some Story Award to counter the Enmity of the Stouthammers. So you save the clan and Grif just does not give you anyting except for Season 8 coin (and the mandatory unlock)?

It was engaging for both my players and me. Someone (a kensei monk) was late to the game, so I dropped him in the middle of the town exploration. His not being there on the first scene was perfect. He became the clincher that made things work for the adventurers the second time around. Because you have to give that to the players. Especially if no one buys equipment from the crook Tabaxi.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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