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Metahumans Rising $35.00 $15.00
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Metahumans Rising
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Metahumans Rising
Publisher: House Dok Productions
by Bob [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/26/2023 04:36:44

Please check out the discussion/review. Burning the Midnight Oil is an eight page adventure which is included in Metahumans Rising (Superhero RPG, 198 pages). I used three PC characters that are included in the document. I did change the third one to be the same level as the other two (lowest level). To solo this, I used Mythic Game Master Emulator (with a twist). The adventure started when Smokin’ Mirrors (Michal) was eating Pink Peppercorn and Saki Ice Cream, for the first time, at his girlfri

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Metahumans Rising
Publisher: House Dok Productions
by Asen G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/29/2020 16:00:07

Nice game about superpowered beings! I like how it's not trying to force the morality of the Silver Age/Bronze Age/whatever on the reader. Instead, it gives you options to create your own setting.

And, as I said in the review about Fractured Kingdom, it's nice that the system is that versatile. It's also nice that you can actually stat up an unpowered human (Batman, anyone?) and have him/her compete with the powered beings as an equal. Batman, for example, would simply have a powerful fighting style and maybe some additional points for his Batarangs.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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