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PG2 A Players' Guide to Caldwen $2.99 $2.50
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PG2 A Players\' Guide to Caldwen
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PG2 A Players' Guide to Caldwen
Publisher: Calidar Publishing
by Timothy B. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 04/09/2020 14:35:43

Original posted here:

20 pages. PDF and Softcover format. Full-color covers, color, and black & white interior. $2.99

This covers the basics of the Magiocracy of Caldwen. The various Provinces are covered briefly and other aspects of the land. We get the calendar with months and some astrology. There is a new race, the Shatim, which are like Tieflings, humans with demonic heritage. These have their own Caldwenian spin on them.
We also get a Mage Knight class. They are an armored knight that can cast spells. Using the Game Mechanics for the World of Calidar book you can convert them to your game system of choice. We get overviews on the various cults in Caldwen and their locations, or at least where the majority are located. Appropriate for a land where magic is the real religion. Currency, tourism and a brief map are all included. A good resource for players and a needed one for the Game Masters. It really sets the flavor of what you can expect in the Caldwen mini-setting. "Mini setting" is actually underselling it a bit to be honest. There is so much in the Caldwen books that you forget it was just a piece of the entire Calidar world setting.

I have the softcover books, but these really benefit from being printed out (bad on the color ink though) so I can put them in a binder to lay flat. Especially when it comes to referencing the maps, which are a highlight of these books.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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