(Spoiler Review)
We do what we must is the last 'episode' of Season 2 , THe Coming of the Destroyer.
Battle Interactives or (BI) are a constant in Living Arcanis. Consisting of generally 7 or so battles of increasing difficulty, this scenario is no different.
In the case of We do what we must, the party seek to stop a coup by an npc the party may of encountered in an earlier scenario.
The first battle to me is one of the most interesting of perhaps the entire scenarios not so much in terms of the enemy combatants but how it goes about introducing the players to the story and then how they are equipped
The players are at a social function sans Weapons or Armor. For many characters this is an alarming moment. The start of the coup begins here by some decorative boxed text (which Battle interactives have a fair bit of). Players are in a social situation and suddenly attacked by people with ranged weapons while they are below them around a table and as I stated earlier minus their equipment. Players here will need to improvise, rely on magic or other. While not an incredibly difficult encounter for some players it will be most alarming as their gear is often very important to them.
The characters then proceed through more combat encounters against soldiers pursuing the coup. Each combat is generally harder than the last and there are set points to rest for the heroes (even though this scenario would be seen to be going over perhaps half a day or a few hours ).
The variation of challenges in this battle interactive are mostly related to human challenges. The Tiger themed arena encounter does stand out.
The final encounter is versus a Dragon. Dragon encounters can be a little hit and miss ... in fact any singular opponent can be a little hit and miss depending on party synergies.
All in all a very decent scenario. Expect a series of linked encounters from this scenario, not a chance for the characters to interact with npcs or engage in social situations.
Worth a purchase.