The strips are now bigger! All the better to see KMOs artwork, and easier to read text. Love it!
Another strip with some more development of the aliens' operation. I enjoy that new characters and explanation of the setting happen through an organic conversation. Even getting a lot of new info, I don't feel like we're just getting buried in exposition - great job!
I really enjoyed this particular strip - we get a little more information as to how the aliens' operation is working (or not, as the case may be!) including a fun and terrifying glimpse of Mama Shug!
This one cracks me up - anyone who's ever worked with bureaucracy can relate. The characters' attitudes are portrayed really well in the drawing here, too!
KMO shows off some drawing chops in this one! I love the shot of the exterior of their secret base. The juxtaposition of the epic build-up and the more down-to-earth punchline was pretty great in this strip, too!
I love the variety in the character designs and how well their personalities not only come through, but stand out from each other. That can be tricky in an ensemble cast, and KMO pulls it off well. There's also plenty of fun references and in-jokes for us nerds to enjoy as well, as this particular strip is a good example of :)
A lot of really neat ideas for monsters in here, and a bunch of Andy Hopp's awesomely bizarre artwok!
This is a great way to learn more about Ragnarok: Age of Wolves before buying the whole book. Since it's a free preview, it doesn't have any of the rules for the game but it DOES include the introduction, table of contents, things you will need to play the game, and other basics about the philosophy behind the rules and gameplay. It's also taken straight from the first few pages of the rulebook, so you have a representative sample of the quality of production. If you're on the fence about jumping into the full version of this game, then you absolutely want to download this free preview to decide if it's for you.
The Bag of Beans has a ton of really great, creative magical effects. These are things totally outside of the mundane that will keep your players guessing. This publication also features really fun and evocative illustrations.
These are some great utilitarian (with the potential for creative use in combat) spells with a lizardfolk flair. I can't wait to summon a brontosaurus :D
This is a really fun miniatures skirmish game - the rules are simple enough to pick up quickly, but robust enough that you can play them again and again. You can use whatever kick-ass Viking miniatures you have (or Viking-ish...I know what I'll be doing with some Space Wolf minis I have kicking around.) Also, this book is just plain gorgeous; it is beautfiully laid out and full of informative full-color photographs to illustrate various rules. As more of a visual than text-based learner, I found the photograph examples especially helpful. Can't recommend this enough for any wargamer!
Another great installment in the Oddities series! Excellent for either livening up your party's crawl through the sewer or even spinning off into entire adventures. Will Thrasher's artwork is awesome, as always.
These characters are hilarious and bizarre. Perfect for a wild and memorable Mutant Future game!