Before i kick in with the cons, let me say that this is AWESOME! I love Kobolds ... always hare ... always will ... so when I saw this I thought great, and wasnt disappointed (see cons below). Professionally put together and look, this is one purchase you wont be disappointed with if you are looking for that special Kobold for a game. Can not wait for more in the series.
Now ... the cons ...
Editing ... get someone to proff check this for you (other than yourself)
Page 3, paragraph 2, line 3: should lose the 'and' before "etc" to read "... too much about rules, etc. ..."
Page 3, paragraph 3, line 1: should read "Much to our surprise, ..."
Page 4, paragraph 1, line 3: "... enormouse ..." should be 'enormous'
Dragon Pistols:
Forgoing the use of melee weapons in favour of the pistol is great but if they get into melee, they face disadvantage when using a ranged weapon. If they have expertise in the weapon, maybe adding an exception to this, allowing them to shoot in melee without the disadvantage would be better.
As the pistols are considered magic items, DM's will be limited in how many of these Kobolds they can have in an adventure ... the thought of having a party of pistol wielding murder hobo's with +1 magic weapons at 1st lvl is not a good thought. Is there a way to link the weapon to the Kobold (draconic blood and life draining / -1 hp to charge the pistol for 2 shots) or add some disadvantage to non-kobolds using them (unfamiliar design and energy flux so -2 to hit until 3rd lvl?) ... just a thought.