OMG! This is excellent!
Full of roleplay opportunities and a fantastic way to conduct the final battle involving a deadly adversary and low lvl PC's.
The editing is spot on, as anyone who knows me knows what a picky so and so I can be. I could not find a single fault in editing, storyline and / or plot.
This adventure is a credit to both writers, and anyone writing for the DMGuild (or other sites) would do themselves a flavour and give this one a look over.
Being the only hard cover I dont have in the 4e Encounter series, having started just after this one was released, I was pleased to see this one released in PDF form. Loved reading it and looking forward to running it in a modified 5e version in the future.
Looking for a good form fillable sheet then look no further ... well done on all levels!
Another well written and highly usable publication by this writer! Just love his work and this did even more to add to his already great reputation. There is something in here for anyone looking to add to the somewhat but not totally lack luster Ranger presented in the Players Handbook.
Well Done!
I love Warlocks, and am always looking for more to add flavour to what I consider the best role playable class in the game. This publication didnt disappoint. Well written and includes many elements to add to this already popular class. Slightly more than what I normally spent but well worth the cost for something I constantly use in one form or another.
Well Done!
I bought this when the price was higher but dont begrudge paying that much for a well written and thought out publication. Usable by any player wishing to play another version of this older popular race that that which is found in the Dungeon Masters Guide.
Well Done!
I love Kobolds so my review may appear somewhat biased ... well written and excellent for DM's looking to add more flavour to this partucular critter in his or her game.
At under my usual $1 price range minimum I usually pay if this was a PWYW, this is definitely worth more than the listed price. Thanks for the discount :)
To be honest, I can't fault this. The writer has gone to great lengths to ensure the contents are workable to all tastes and that there is something for everyone within.
Well worth the money spent and looking forward to seeing more :)
I just love cantrips and what they have done to add so much more flavour to a game I already love. This publication just adds move love to the system. Well written and usable in all games. Some may need DM approval as they may be considered 'over powered' but for my tastes and game play, these work very well.
Thanks for the add and well worth the money paid. Looking forward to seeing a Part 2 to this (hint hint).
What is there not to like about this publication ... well written ... usable within any game on many levels ... it's Kobolds!!! KOBOLDS!!!
Worth every penny spent (and more if I was able).
Short and sweet ... I just love this system ... easy and simple to pick up and play, and introduce non-roleplayers too for the first time ...
A great addition to the "Tiny ..." series and looking forward to seeing more in this line!!!
Dont see too much in the way of 5e sci-fi material atm, so the release of this 'teaser' from the publisher is a welcome change to that status. This is very well written, with enough rule changes to allow the mini-adventure in the back (yes ... a mini-adventure) to be effectively run. The back story behind the timeline jump is convincing enough to see where many of the existing D&D line can fit in, including monsters such a Illithids, Beholders and on a more mundane level, Dragons.
This style of setting is definitely reminisent of a Shadowrun setting and I'd be very interested to see where further the 5e version could go.
Well worth a look at, and looking forward to seeting more!!!
Regards ...
Ken Carcas
(Name manuallly added as it wont list my name other that anon ...)
What is there to complain about! Well worth the $$$ spent (and in fact I would have paid more). Thank and and will be looking to your next installment!
The content is well worth the cost! The is plenty in here that will fill MANY hours of your players pulling their hair out in frustration! God help my players if that Grim Reaper ever hits the combat field (evil grin!)
What follows is a personal nit-pic and didn't deteriorate from the rating given ...
If there is anything that I could critique on is the fact that the creatures spread out over pages and often mesh into anothers area. If I was to print this in book form, moving the Credits at the end to page 3 and then placing each creature over 2 pages would allow for me to open the book to the creature and have all the information there, instead of having to flip over to the next page to get creature info. Long and short creature entries could be filled by expanding or retracting the size of the art used within. I hope that makes sense ... if you require more clarification, please email or message me on FB.
What is there to complain about! Well worth the $$$ spent. Thank and and will be looking to your next installment!
There is a lot of work in this item!!! Some are, yes, quite OP, but over all it's fairly well balanced considering that there is plenty in this deck to screw the player / party over serverly!
Well done :)
What is there to complain about! Well worth the $$$ spent. Thank and and will be looking to your next installment!
Very glad that you included a fillable version of the sheet ... something many authors never consider ... got you the extra 2 stars :)