This is a great addition to the Dragon Heist book. The included content (no spoilers) is easy to read and adapts well to the setting. I love the included B&W art which lends well to an already well written adventure.
The included color maps will work well on any VTT but would do well downloaded as a separte file. Well worth the investment if you plan on running Dragon Heist more than once or you're looking for something other than that provided by WotC. Well worth the 5-star rating.
Creator Reply: |
Thanks for the great feedback, Ken! Following your wise advice, I've updated the project with a ZIP file, containing player handouts, copies of many of the illustrations and the largest resolution versions of the maps I have. Hopefully this will help out anyone using this with VTT. |
This is exactly what is claims to be ... maps. These are hand drawn but still highly functional for what they are ... which is maps. They are also PWYW so they are functional, hand drawn maps that can be FREE.
So, to that 2 star reviewer, stop being a gutless picky shit and post a comment as to what you didn't like about the product because, for what it is and the price i got it for, it's quite deserving of the 5 stars I gave it.
To the publisher, unless you're going to put a hard $$$ value to this, change nothing. It does what it does well enough for the $$$ value you set :) (sorry I couldn't give it more stars to try and wipe out the damage that 2 star crap rating is causing).
Creator Reply: |
Ken C. Thank you for your response. It is very much appreciated. |
AWESOME in every way!!! If you considering this and are still thinking 'maybe' then look at the ratings and other comments and press buy. You won't regret it!
When I originally saw this I thought how much use will this be for succh a short page count. As it stands out, heaps. When it all comes down to it, how much do you really need to simulate a zombie apocolypse, where the dead bite you and the living die, only to rise again? Not much as this little piece packs enough punch to get you out of most situations.
Well done, and for what it is, it deserves the 5 stars.
Great effort fellas! Layout is great. Content to top notch!
Awesome product that's well worth the price paid! Look forward to seeing more from this author in the future :)
a good intro into what was later to come in this series. It is good to hea.the author does plan to expand this to make it suit the rest of the series. Well worth a look!
Awesome product that's well worth the price paid! Look forward to seeing more from this author in the future :)
Awesome product that's well worth the price paid! Look forward to seeing more from this author in the future :)
OMG ... makes me wonder why it took so long for someone to bring this into 5E ... and that 'someone' is a Legend!
Robert nails the technique of 4E back to 5E where it belongs. I can see this being one of those mechanics now being used at the table and in future written adventures!
Well Done ... 5 Stars is not enough!
Creator Reply: |
$AUD28.00 for 170 maps ... that's .16cents a map ... I can't even draw this quick to mape it viable to attempt it. Besides, the maps included within this Map Pack are far more impressive than I could ever hope to do myself. An impressive variety that any creator would be foolish not to consider buying this themselves. Well worth more than a 5-Star rating (2 thumbs up)
It does what it said it will do... give you quirks... short, sweet and to the point... what’s not to love about that.
Fantastic piece of work here! Will be a HUGE help at the table. Must have if you are running Waterdeep: Dragon Heist!
With the soon-to-be-release of Guidemasters Guide to Ravnica (D&D 5e's version of M:tg), this publication goes a long way to possibly filling in gaps that many of us see the 5e version not going far enough to fill.
The one area of concern is that WotC writers have stated that the spell system will continue to be the same, even through M:tg relies on a 5 colour magic system centered around Mana. The system within goes part of the way to dealing with that (Variant Rule: Color Focus). I applaude the writer for thinking outside the box and offering what many will see as lacking from the standard magic rule of D&D.
I would like to jump the gun here and suggest to the writer to go that step further and, if she chooses to do a Part 2 to this publication (PLEASE), release an additional variant rule covering a Magic and Mana System using the D&D spells but more along the lines of the M:tg CCG Mana System .... something to think about.
The writer has presented a great section within dealing with creatures and their affiliation with the 5 color elements recognised within the CCG game. Her breakdown of what creatures belong where, as well as a sample of new creatures is very well done. Seeing as she is also the famed author of the Critter Compendium, including those creatures in with a Part 2 would provide a HUGE additional amount of creatures to rely upon when Ravnica is released.
All-in-all; a fantastic piece of writing, and an author I'll be following more closely once Ravnica is released!!!
I know this is free so I won't hammer it too much. 10 pages could come down to 6. Although the story is ok (nothing original with a predictable ending), your spelling and grammer is letting you down. I'd also go back over your creatures and pick something more appropriate ... blink dogs will not work for hags or redcaps.
Good effort ... a lot of minor things let you down.