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The King of Dungeons $10.00
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The King of Dungeons
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The King of Dungeons
Publisher: Grand Scheme Publishing
by Colm M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/26/2021 18:15:57

I can't say enough good things about King of Dungeons. We've been running old Basic D&D modules using its ruleset, and its an absolute joy. Built mostly on 13th Age's Archmage system, but also drawing inspiration from the likes of Blades in the Dark, and Over the Edge, it's really built for fast, fun, heavily-narrative play - which is exactly what my group enjoys. The whole guilds and charters concept is great, and the PCs world just naturally evolves quite quickly around them. The character classes kick ass right out of the gate. No need to level up before you get the cool stuff, as you begin with it. Written in a conversational tone, the book is great fun to read. Sometimes I wish it wasn't so conversational, and we found the odd thing here and there that could have been explained more clearly (levelling up caused a bit of confusion for us). But these are minor gripes for an otherwise clearly-written, well laid out book, that presents an excellent, easy, fast, fun system that you can pretty much drop any fantasy scenario into with minimal prep and tweaks, and run. King of Dungeons is a big winner with my group. And it's cheap. Do yourself a service.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The King of Dungeons
Publisher: Grand Scheme Publishing
by Ruben R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/20/2020 20:35:37

This is a nifty little book that really makes me want to get my group to start their own for-profit adventuring guild. As the author states, it clearly harvests inspiration from some of the best indie stuff around, as well as the more old school games, and comes out with something completely its own: abilities trimmed down to their core, classes made for fast play, and an expertise/background/culture system that doesn't hold your hand but really hits the spot. Very nice!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The King of Dungeons
Publisher: Grand Scheme Publishing
by Mr S. L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/28/2019 06:22:20

Great game,

Take 13th age and import it in to a much more narrative age with simpler rules but still tons of character options.

The guild rules, where the organisation you belong to is almost a character in its own rights is well crafted.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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