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Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Fourth Edition Rough Nights and Hard Days
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Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Fourth Edition Rough Nights and Hard Days
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Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Fourth Edition Rough Nights and Hard Days
Publisher: Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd.
by Gideon T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/18/2022 07:04:06

The first of the five adventures in this book, 'A Rough Night at the Three Feathers' is a true classic, which pioneered its multi-threaded format. The remainder repeat the same formula with varying results, from the excellent 'Nastassia's Wedding' to the mediocre 'Day at the Trials'. Overall, Rough Nights & Hard Days conains plenty of very good material, but GMs might wish to adapt some of it to make it less repetitive.

For a more thorough review, see:

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Fourth Edition Rough Nights and Hard Days
Publisher: Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd.
by Kailan M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/24/2022 08:08:14

So, in my year or so of own the book, I managed to run one adventure, I'll get to why by the end. The adventure in question is the ever classic "A Rough Night at the Three Feathers". So, I'll be focusing on that adventure for the review.

The adventure has the group, world-weary and travel-weary, staying the night at the inconspicious Three Feathers. However, this might be the most disruptive night a fantasy pub may ever see. It has multiple conspiracies brewing that go off at specific times in the night, and it's up to the adventuring group if, well, if they even want to engage with it. This serves as one of the main hurdles of the adventure: The plot just happens at the adventurers and around them, and it is demanding the players to want to engage with it in some way. If they don't, if they want to mind their own business, the adventure makes a last-ditch attempt to rope the group in by framing one of the characters for murder, with the rest of the group as potential accomplicies, thus turning a plot that don't want to ask the adventurers to take part into a railroad off a cliff. It's as though the plot is aware they are struggling to involve the group, so they just force the group in.

These series of events happening around the players is delivered via a time-specific plot sheet where you tick the clock along by 15 minute increments and deliver and update to the pub. If anything, it actually bogs the game down and requires the GM to be very sharp and natural at delivering a plot that is, again, happening around the adventurers but never involving them until the last moment. It is a very demanding style, and honestly the most ardious example I've found of a timeline of events that happen as a group goes through-out an adventure depending how long they take and the like.

These flaws serve as a crippling shame because the presentation style is top-notch with a lot of artwork, and the NPCs that litter the adventure are a colourful cast varying wildly and able to draw any style of player into a variety of nonsense. It's also a deeper shame as I do really like the Warhammer Fantasy 4th ed rules and wanted to run it more, but this adventure actually put my group off wanting to play the game at all. They just found it immensely boring to wade through, and I'm genuinely not sure if any part of my GM style or delivery had much to do with it (as my players usually can tell if it's me or the adventure, and they definitely attacked the adventure ruthlessly). It made visiting the other possible adventures in the book impossible sadly, but I can comment based on a glance they all look supurbly presented.

Overall, I really really really wanted to like Rough Nights & Hard Days, especially as a fan of the core rule book, but, A Rough Night at the Three Feathers was personally a stodgy and awkward enough adventure to put my group off. I gave it a 3/5, with the assumption that my GMing style and ability (despite 10 years under my belt) might have had a hand in proceedings, but with the warning of my generally negative experience.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Fourth Edition Rough Nights and Hard Days
Publisher: Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd.
by Will G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/11/2021 18:30:25

By far my favorite pregen adventures I've ever run. Every scenario takes place over the course of a singular day/event. A night at an inn where your characters don't get to sleep! A day at a courthouse and an epic trial by combat! An evening at the Opera that your characters won't enjoy watching because they're solving the political intrigues! A fourth one is a wedding that could end in four different murders and destabilise the nearby town's hierarchy. A lavish dinner party filled with skaven mercenaries, scheming politicians all trying to poison each other, madcap plots and rambling speeches and dastardly liasons in the night!

There is no sweeter sound to the GM than an exasperated player saying "I JUST WANT TO SLEEP" in character as a disgruntled nobleman breaks down every door of the inn trying to find the bastard "Who's fuckin' my wife!?"

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Fourth Edition Rough Nights and Hard Days
Publisher: Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd.
by Andrew B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/20/2021 15:09:02

A compilation of five "multiple event driven" scenarios - beinging with the classic Rough Night at the Three Feathers first published in White Dwarf and adding four more follow on situations with broadly the same cast of repeating characters. They can be used as a mini-campaign or played as free standing adventures - though that requires a bit more GM prep and means characters may miss on some in jokes.

Without including any spoilers the adventures are each set in a different fixed location (a castle, an inn, a court house, an opera house, and a town house) and the party get to react (or not to) multiple different plot threads going on around them. This is great for an experienced GM with an engaged party, as it can involve keeping a lot of plates in the air as you track the actions of multiple NPCs and the results of PCs actions on developments - hopefully resulting in free wheeling chaotic goings on and dramatic interactions. Preparation as always helps, especailly when you are trying to organise chaos, similarly detailing in a couple of "faceless crowd" NPCs like guards or lady´s in waiting easily makes its look like everything in the game world is ploted out.

A group determined to be grim and dark at all times might not appreciate some of the lighter elements that need to be played for laughs. Also a GM who needs a more controlled setting to avoid getting flustered, or players who want clear objectives set up for every situation might not enjoy this format so much. Trying the similar single adventure "Its Your Funeral" might be a good way to try out this style of adventure.

The Two Appendixes introduce Gnomes to the Warhammer world - an interesting diversion, and way to shake up Warhammer veterans who think they know everything coming; but not supported elsewhere so GM will have to do almost all the integration themselves. And also rule s for Pub games to gamble away time as a game within the game - useful for background flavour and if a GM needs to pad out a session where they´ve had limited preparation (TIP - use as padding nearer to start than end of session).

Couple of issues to mention: first, whilst the action outlines are great for understanding details of what going on and how fits the differnt plots they are quite in depth. A GMs cheat sheet of bullet piont actions or a flow chart might help keep track of what happens when - easily done yourself though. Second, whilst the maps are good and worth reusing (and like rest of Cubicle 7´s internal art, beautiful) not sure they embrace the free wheeling lunacy these adventures might rapidly become - a little prep time adding details around the locations if villans are chased out into streets etc would pay off. For example - remember to tell your players the opera house has central aisle as it matters to at least one sub-plot; and whilst you´re at it at least one grand chandlier must be added...

Following up on all the potential plot threads and implications of these scenarios´ events can fill a lot of playtime. Just don´t expect it to be predictable - the wheels started to come of one subplot early in the first game when one of my PCs with Attractive talent "accidentally" seduced one of the supposed badass threat NPCs...

The key to getting the most out of these adventures is "Yes, and ..." its an improve exercise and don´t be afraid to keep tossing in complications at your players until things match the cover art. Or drop excess plot lines if things in danger of getting confused. Enjoy.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Fourth Edition Rough Nights and Hard Days
Publisher: Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd.
by Ryan T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/27/2019 18:35:30

This would have been worth the price for just the storyline, but the inclusion of a whole playable species and a section on some fun and interestingly designed pub games makes it practically indispensible.

The actual storyline is, in a lot of ways, a welcome change of pace from chaos cults and the supernatural as the central focus, as has perhaps been overdone in WFRP over the editions. Having a sort of constantly escalating frenetic energy to the plots more at home in old British comedy series feels like it should keep things moving and interesting, and the layout of events happening on an ordered timetable is extremely welcome for running the campaign, as well as the quality and utility of the maps.

There's a sense of well thought out worlbuilding and flavour to the pub games that oddly led to me enjoying reading that section the most, plus it's nice to have a variety of skills utillized in mini games of that nature rather than just relegating it all to a simple Gambling test.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Fourth Edition Rough Nights and Hard Days
Publisher: Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd.
by Paid a b. y. d. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/27/2019 09:11:54

Wow! I'm SO impressed with Rough Nights & Hard Days.

We're seeing the bigger picture for the new addition of WFRP4 with the release of Rough Nights & Hard Days. This is classic WFRP (Rough Night in The three Feathers), expanded and extended with additional adventures to form a mini campaign. Though they can also be easily played separately.

The production values are superb, with fantastic artwork. I advise anyone to view the PDF full screen, double page spread to truly appreciate the layout and panoramic art pieces.

The adventures are pure quality from the hand of WFRP legend Graeme Davis. Using innovative simultaneous multi-plot hooks to create potential for true farce. Appropriately one of the scenarios is set in a Grand Opera House. They're a challenge and a joy for the GM to run. Whilst having a clear structure to the Multi-plot hooks, there’s plenty of room for improvisation, and its expected. This is farce after all.

I think Rough Nights & Hard Days really helps to show what makes WFRP unique in the pantheon of Fantasy RPG's. It presents an opportunity for characters to explore the Empires high society and the cultured elite, whilst getting into all sorts of trouble. The multi-plot hooks are a genius way to explore this farce.

Finally we have the Gnome renaissance! Gnomes are back as a playable character species. To my delight they've been brilliantly reworked to fit the WFRP world in a much more compelling way. Significantly they are no longer the poorer cousins of dwarfs, they are their own thing. They have more in common with the darker tales of gnomes and small folk from European folk lore. Inherently magical, they have an affinity to the dark colour of magic, and a new talent "Suffuse with Ulgu". These Gnomes are natural illusionists, and very hard to find if they dont want to be found. Three new Gnome gods are presented. The old Gnome god Ringil is there but is now the god of Merriment, Entertainment, and Trickery - The previous smithing aspect has been dropped in the reworking - These are very much WFRP Gnomes, suitably dark, mysterious and magical.

And the final curtain call is "Pub Games". A selection of pub games is provided along with fun rules for each of them. Clearly a lot of work has gone into crafting this section of the book. The Old World is a rich world and these games as well as being fun, really help to bring the Old World alive. I can see a game of "Dwile Flonking" quickly getting out of hand.

This is an exceptional release from Cubicle7. I highly recommend it.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Fourth Edition Rough Nights and Hard Days
Publisher: Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd.
by Stuart K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/26/2019 15:04:23

Rough Nights at the Three Feathers was a seminal WFRP 1st Edition one-shot adventure published by Games Workshop in the 80s. This latest reprinting links it to 4 other adventures, by original author Graeme Davis, making a complete set of adventures that can form a mini-campaign (though I'd recommend you space them out with some other adventures and once C7 reprint The Enemy Within that'll be a cinch).

Rough Nights is reprinted here in full colour with glorious artwork making this its prettiest edition. Its sequel Natassia's Wedding is fully expanded out. Lords of Ubersreik is a reprint of the main chapter from 3e's Edge of Night. The rest of Edge of Night you're not missing much - just some very sketchy 3e component wrangling. This time the Lords of Ubersreik/Edge of Night is more integrated into the overall narrative. Two original scenarios - one set in a court and the other at the opera - work on a pretty similar theme.

Essentially each of the scenarios involves a whole host of things happening around the PCs that they must react to. This can be a real challenge to GM but if you like multi-threading subplots this is the collection for you.

There is also an appendix for a new playable race, and for pub games that you can use in any pub-based adventure, or even play for real if you're ambitious.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Fourth Edition Rough Nights and Hard Days
Publisher: Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd.
by Ashley R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/26/2019 08:26:19

A complete mini-campaign, full of classic adventures and with some brand new ones updated by the original author to continue the classic story. Throw in a lot of gorgeous art and beautiful maps and what's not to love?

You also get Gnomes which some people (humans) say are actually just skinny halflings in disguise. But halflings can't do magic r-right?

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Fourth Edition Rough Nights and Hard Days
Publisher: Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd.
by james c. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/26/2019 03:04:36

The inclusion of Gnomes as a playable race would get this 4 stars on its own, the addition of Pub Games would probably get it another start, but then that would leave me no stars to give to the actual sceanarios. Oh, the perils of min-maxing! This is a great book that revitalises many classic sceanrios for 4e, bringing them right up to date and knocking out a few small issues along the way. There are a few wee errors which are being polished out as we read this and will not be resent in the print form. More great work by Andy and Co.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Fourth Edition Rough Nights and Hard Days
Publisher: Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd.
by Russell T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/26/2019 03:01:48

A great product full of genuine love for the setting and system, you can tell the authors had a blast writing this.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Fourth Edition Rough Nights and Hard Days
Publisher: Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd.
by Mark W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/25/2019 12:34:23

WFRP 4e is my first involvement with the franchaise. I'd really enjoyed going through the main rule book, and the subsequent adventures and starter guide had me loving this game. We've been running several separate campaings at my office, and I was really hoping that this book would be as amazing as I had hoped. It has lived up to what I was hoping for, and more. The attention to detail in the book is incredible. The artwork is sublime. I'm still part way through reading the PDF, and cannot wait to start this campaign. Its going to be tonnes of fun.

I really like the addition of the Gnome race. I know that a few people at work are already excited to re-roll their characters as Gnomes.

This is a great book. It has set the bar very high for other source material to match. Can't wait to see what else comes out for WFRP. Great work C7 team!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Fourth Edition Rough Nights and Hard Days
Publisher: Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd.
by Joseph R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/25/2019 11:27:37

As a GM unaccustomed to some of the grime associated with the Old World, I'm always on the lookout for information to help me understand the basic structure of a WFRP 4th game. If you're like me and somewhat lost in new waters then this book in combination with the Starter Set is a godsend.

What strikes me about this book is the intricacy with which the adventures are woven. Anything and everything a practical GM could need or even want is detailed in blatantly noted Plots accompanied by timelines composed of scenes. These help the GM construct a coherent narrative out of tonal shifts that if mishandled could be strange without being fun. I can't wait to run scenarios like these:

The usual easy night of drinking and gambling at a tavern that most of us are familiar with quickly devolves into a black comedy farce that inspired me to run the first part the instant I read it. A wedding with touches of romanticism, courtly intrigue spanning multiple regions, and even gothic horror can easily derail itself into an Abbott and Costello romp if one plot point is of player interest.

This is wonderful and my patience will surely be tested waiting for the physical release!

P.S. dwile flonking is the best pub game imaginable.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Fourth Edition Rough Nights and Hard Days
Publisher: Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd.
by Darren K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/25/2019 11:26:49

The first adventure in this collection, A Rough Night at the Three Feathers, is one of the old classics of WFRP. I have it in two versions from different editions, and it's always been an enjoyable scenario to run through. Its innovative format was to have a single location where multiple plotlines all ran into each other in confined spaces with the PCs sitting right in the middle at ground zero. It's complicated to keep track of but very rewarding for both GM and players when played out. The best part from the GM's point of view is genuinely not knowing what will happen at any point- the unwitting involvement of the PCs could send the action spinning off in a completely different direction at any point.

Probably my only complaint with A Rough Night at the Three Feathers is that it can only be run once per campaign, because knowing what the plots are spoils it and coming up with one for myself would be a lot of work for a GM. It seems that the folks at Cubicle 7 have heard me on this point- because the other four adventures deliver just that.

In each scenario the same formula is repeated, to the same great effect. A fixed location full of distinctive NPCs who all have conflicting agendas and plotlines that slowly build up speed until everything is rushing toward a train wreck with the brakes sabotaged. I feel that this might get somewhat repetitive if all five were run back-to-back as a mini-campaign (one suggestion in the book), but as occasional interludes in a larger campaign (like The Enemy Within) they'd be golden.

Of the four, two are completely original and two are based on previous adventures. In both those cases they're re-written and expanded to the point that it's definitely worth getting them even if you had the earlier version. One is Nastassia's Wedding, and another- Lord of Ubersreik- is clearly a (much improved) re-write of Edge of Night for 3e. And two are brand new.

And lest we forget the appendices...

The section on Pub Games is a fun read, and as most people point out the typical WFRP Adventurer spends enough time in taverns and inns that these will see plenty of use in most campaigns.

Then, we have the Gnomes. I'll admit I was abivalent about these when I heard about them. Gnomes haven't been seen since 1e- they were an afterthought, a race that wasn't needed because you could use Dwarves or Halflings for anything they did. Later editions just removed them from the setting and nobody really missed them. So what benefit could possibly be gained by their re-introduction?

Reading the actual background on Gnomes answered all these questions for me. I don't want to spoil anything- but Gnomes now have a distinct role and culture compared to other PC races. More importantly, an actual in-character reason for their disappearance since 1e and why they aren't mentioned in anything since is given, one that fits the background of the Warhammer world enough to satisfy a stickler like me.

I can't see any WFRP GM regretting the purchase of this book, and the adventures are solid enough that I'd even recommend this to anyone who doesn't want to switch to 4e and prefers a previous edition.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Fourth Edition Rough Nights and Hard Days
Publisher: Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd.
by Colin F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/25/2019 10:59:42

A great mix of revised old adventures -bringing them up to date superbly, and some new adventures right up to the same standard. Amazing art throughout, and a great bit of bonus content in the appendices.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Fourth Edition Rough Nights and Hard Days
Publisher: Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd.
by Lance A. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/25/2019 09:42:29

I am very pleased with the way this turned out. I'm a huge WFRP fan, so there was no doubt I was ever going to get this, but the end product really blew me away. The 5 adventures are all fun reads and have a great underlying story. They just look fun to play!

The book also includes amazing art and maps! Oh the building maps! Including an opera house and a castle! They will be heavily used!

In addition, the book includes notes on how to fit these adventures into the upcoming Enemy Within campaign as well as how to use it as a mini-campaign or just simple one-shots.

Lastly, Gnome rules and a history that MAKES SENSE in the Warhammer world. And over a dozen pub games that look like lots of fun to have in your taverns while you are also making your players do Consume Alcohol tests!

This is well worth the cost even if you don't plan to run all of the Adventures!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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