This is a neat little game system that can be played anywhere anytime. Easy enough for kids and non-gamers, but still fun for experienced gamers. I like it!
An enjoyable one-sheet adventure suitable not only for Halloween night. I recommend it. Also, the pregens in the bundled product are neat.
This is an awesome book. The combination of a full Vegas mafia setting and a toolkit, that can be of use in any SW game that has at least some unsavory characters, be it fantasy, sci-fi or modern. Also the various Extras and Wild Cards will be handy in any modern setting.
The author obviously knows a great deal about the topic, so it doubles as a (lite) handbook on organized crime :-)
The art is just perfect and layout is cool!
While I am strongly against magic item creation being included in the Core book (and Companions), I do like to have an option to create them in some settings. This one is well thought-out, balanced and clearly written. So it might come in handy :-)
I picked this up earlier today. So far it seems great! All the important stuff is explained and if one wants to keep the "official" SWAG trade dress, all the hard work is done.
It is like taking a time machine back to the 80s! A cool and a bit sand-boxy adventure in a small town. While it can probably be played in one session, it shouldn't be too hard to upgrade to a longer campaign. The pregens are evocative and varied. The art style is pleasant and fits the theme. The overall layout feels very consistent and professional.
Great bundle that contains many useful and varied products and a lot of creativity. As I already owned several products, it was cool that those were subtracted from the averall cost of the bundle (yeah, I know this is how bundles work, but it is nice ;-) )
It is certainly worth checking out!
Awesome deck for a western game. It can be used as an action deck, chase deck or to flash out a city layout or come up with interludes using the symbols at the bottom of the cards. For those of us who have a hard time remembering the order of the suits, card numbers are included (hence the Countdown desck name :-D). And it has 4 jokers!!!
It is a great addition to my Countdown (in particular and SW in general) deck collection.
This one brings magic to the table. Extremely powerful magic at that. It is inventive and comprehensive. The sheer number of combinations of powers for artifact weapons is staggering. I like that the items come at a cost (if a GM chooses so), which may be a great opportunity for roleplaying. I will use it whenever I need an extremely powerful but dangerous artifact.
This is an enjoyable short adventure for any modern era setting (easily adapted to a different era) especially if you like investigation-heavy game with an explosive end (and I do). The archetypes offer ready made non-action hero characters and the Essense is worth grabbing for those alone if you need such pregens fast.
This is an awesome resource. Seventy eight original, interesting, often funny, but always usefull ideas to spice up an adventure in a town, city or even a large village. The default use is with Tarot cards, but there is an alternative dice mechanic suggested as well. Many GMs will probably use it to come up with cool ideas during prep anyway.
Note: If you reach the last entry and wonder about the number, you will probably feel like a 0 when you find out... I did. :-)
Nice layout, awesome functionality and beautiful artwork. The statistics blocks are well thought out and perfectly executed. The default race is human, but there is a very simple guide to change it to the six most common fantasy races. These archetypes not only give option to choose any rank from Novice to Legendary and print the desired variant with short backstory and interludes write-ups. They also offer both male and female artwork for each one of them. And the last page offers 16 figure flats.
Next time I need fast characters (of any rank) for a fantasy game, this will prove invaluable :-)
Awesome graphics and hilarious texts - one of the best JumpStarts. I am looking forward to the full setting.
A meaty product full of interesting dinosaurs that can be used in any game or with the included fun adventure in the same vein as many famous present-day dino movies and books.
Nice one-shot adventure with very interesting NPC and pregenerated player characters. Each pregen has an interesting backstory tied with the main antagonist. A special mechanic of random (but reasonable) events using cards (or a die roll if one doesn't want to cut them) is introduced and makes each play a unique experience. Quotes help flash out both the pregens and the random events.